35th Reunion of Mt View Class of '83
The Monastery
Please RSVP by SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30th. In the meantime, the committee requests your help with the following:
1. Classmates who served in the military: Please forward any info regarding classmates who served in the military and their branch (Navy, Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, National Guard) to Randy Stapley (whiz65kid@yahoo.com)
2. If you (or your business) are interested in donating/sponsoring any portion of upcoming reunion(s), please contact Anne Bennett McCawley (anne@bennett2rentit.com)
3. We currently have the following classmates listed as deceased: Dean Adraktas, Bobbi Bruce, Wayne Griggeory, Michael Hoyt, Christina Kempf, Michael Mancini, Gregory Miles, Patrick Nicastro, Todd Porter, Debora Tatum, and Ron Wyatt. If you know of any others, please forward the information to Kara Fankhauser McLaughlin (kara.mv83@gmail.com)
4. We want to make sure any Toro from class of '83 who is interested in reunions gets the information. If you know classmates who are not receiving info, please encourage them to contact us. We put out info via email, Facebook, Classmates.com, and AlumniClass.com. Details will also be posted on Mt View's alumni page (accessed through mpsaz.org). Anyone who wants to receive information directly via email, please send email address to Kara (kara.mv83@gmail.com).
Finally, if anyone would like to help the committee with any portion of the reunion (planning other activities, decorating, locating "missing" classmates, etc.) please let us know.
See you in October!
Your 35th Reunion Committee: Kara Fankhauser McLaughlin, Marsha Leonard Davis, Mary Cosgrove Flatt, Randy Stapley, Robyn Gililland Wellcome, Sherri Serrano, and Tamara Benka Rinck
Friday, October 12th, 2018
Invited Classes:
Event Details