Mount Dora High School Alumni

Mount Dora, Florida (FL)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Amber Rosemari Pitt
Amber Rosemari Pitt
Class of 2009
Navy, 8 Years

USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (2010-2015)
CPRW-2 (2015-2018)
Bryan Hylton
Bryan Hylton
Class of 2001
Air Force, 4 Years

Stationed at Charleston Air Force Base for 4 years as a firefighter
Charles Stephenson
Charles Stephenson
Class of 1996
Marine Corps, 5 Years

Helicopter mechanic
David McNealy
David McNealy
Class of 1986
Army, 8 Years

SFC(Sargent First-Class), Drill Sargent in Ft. Sill, OK. Tour in Europe(Germany), Assigned to the Combat Task Force/Supported 82nd Airborne and Gulf War Veteran(Dessert Storm in 1990-1991) and continued service as Civil Service Employee with DOD(Dept of Defense) with M.I.(Military Intelligent Unit) and Senior Software Engineer for the DOD. Total time 15 years plus 8 years Army = 23 years of total service. Recently Retire with Dept of Defense
Denton Hines
Denton Hines
Class of 1993
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Marine Security Force/ Anti terrorism unit
Greg Wilson
Greg Wilson
Class of 1989
Air Force, 4 Years

Gulf War Veteran, Served at Eglin AFB FL and Kunsan AFB ROK
Hal Penley
Hal Penley
Class of 1974
Navy, 6 Years

Aviation Fire Control Tech. Flight deck ops and intermediate maintenance on A-7E Corsair II weapons and nav computer, Heads up display. 2 Meditteranean cruises on the USS Independance and carrier quals and 1 Med cruise on USS Eisenhower. VA-66 light attack squadron based out of Cecil Field, Fl.
James Chandler
James Chandler
Class of 2007
Army, 5 Years

Medically Retired
Jason Miller
Jason Miller
Class of 2004
Navy, 5 Years

Served in the Seabees as a Construction Mechanic in and around Norfolk, VA.
Jeff Dextraze
Jeff Dextraze
Class of 1978
Air Force, 20+ Years

Jonathon Black
Jonathon Black
Class of 1998
Navy, 5 Years

Served in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Saw many things that I love to remember and alot that I cannot forget!
Jonathon Black
Jonathon Black
Class of 1998
Navy, 5 Years

Honorably Dischrged in 2004 after service on two different floating commands that deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq, USS HAYLER DD-997 and USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT CVN-71, after 9/11. Loved every minute of it!
Mark Vaughn
Mark Vaughn
Class of 1987
Army, 12 Years

Ft. Bliss, TX 1987-1988
Ft. Sam Houston, TX 1988-1989
Ft. Bragg, NC 1989-1991
Ft. Lee, VA 1995-1996
Camp Casey, Korea 1996-1997
Ft. Drum, NY 1997-1999
Michele Ruppert
Michele Ruppert
Class of 1984
Navy, 20+ Years

Joined the Delayed Entry Program in Oct 1983. Went active duty in Aug 1984, enlisted as a Data Processor. Commisioned and officer in Dec 1991 and served in the Informaton Professional community (networks and communications). Retired Nov 2005.
Patrick Rolle
Patrick Rolle
Class of 1988
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Overseas Service Marine Corp Air Station Iwakuni, Japan.
Paul Harris
Paul Harris
Class of 1995
Air Force, 7 Years

Aircraft Mechanic
Ray Kinsey
Ray Kinsey
Class of 1970
Air Force, 20+ Years

Cryptographic Equipment Repair Technician.
Avionics and Auto Pilot Flight Control systems Technician.
Rebeka Bell
Rebeka Bell
Class of 2008
Army, 3 Years

Air Defense
robert barchi
robert barchi
Class of 1956
Air Force, 4 Years

served as air police sentry dog handler.
Rodney S Hooks
Rodney S Hooks
Class of 1998
Army, 10 Years

Tanya Nelson
Tanya Nelson
Class of 1989
Army, 5 Years

EMT for military personnel. Served in Ft. Benning Ga

Classmates Spotlight

Mount Dora High School Classmates

Charles Stephenson
Class of '96

Alumni Stories

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School News

TC Hargroves

I have all yearbooks except for 1941-1950, 1972, 1977 and 1993. But I have the others available to purchase. Please cont...
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Our Mount Dora High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Mount Dora High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Mount Dora are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!