Moon High Class of '72 50th
Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport
$60 per person, cash bar, casual dress.
RSVP by sending your check no later than May 13th
Rosanna Silvestri Coccoli
111 Wyngate Road
Moon Township, PA 15108
Please make check payable to Rosanna Coccoli
Hotel Accommodations ~ The Sheraton will have rooms blocked off and is offering a discount if booked by June 4th. The rate is $129/night, plus tax and that includes breakfast buffet for 2 guests in the room.
Please forward invite to classmates you are in contact with.
Any ??? feel free to contact Rosanna via email (rosannacoccoli@tprsold.com) or cell (412-651-1160)
Saturday, June 18th, 2022
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Moon Class of 1968 50th Reunion
Hyeholde Restaurant
Friday - Aug 24th -- 7:30 pm - Kickoff at the DoubleTree - Cash Bar & Grill
Sunday - Aug 26th -- 9:00 am -- Brunch at the DoubleTree
Moon High School Class of 1968 – The countdown has begun!
Four (4) months from today we will gather at the Hyeholde Restaurant in Moon Township to celebrate our 50th (!!!!) Reunion.
If you haven’t already reserved your spot, now would be a great time to do so.
IF you have not received a mailing from us, please contact one of us immediately so we can send you all the information. Reservations with payment are due no later than May 25th – just one (1) month from today!
See you August 25th!
Michael Pahel Wayne (Message me here at alumniclass)
Sandra Fischione Donovan
Janet Barlett
Saturday, August 25th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Moon High Class of 72
Paradise Island Bowl & Beach
45 YEARS!! Come on classmates, let's have a great turn out!! Class of 72 would also like to extend an invitation to classes above and below our class. We're having a PARTY!!! You can contact me on Facebook if you have any questions. Rosanna
Reunion organizer: Rosanna Silvestri | Contact
$ 35.00
06 / 01 / 2017
Checks & money orders
Please make checks payable to Moon Class of 72 and send to: Rosanna Silvestri Coccoli 111 Wyngate Road Moon Township, PA 15108
Friday, July 14th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1971, 1972, 1973
Event Details
Moon Class of 1984 30th reunion
Downey's House
Join us for a casual event on the covered patio of a totally cool place, Downey's House! There will be 3 drink tickets, an appetizer buffet, a pool table and live music provided. Additional info can be found on our Facebook page Moon Class of 1984 or by emailing Marci Banks Schurr at 4schurr@verizon.net RSVP and Pre-paying will be necessary to enjoy the drink tickets and buffet, otherwise, a cash bar and menu is available at your own expense. Looking forward to hearing from you all! Please contact me if you have any contact info for our other classmates!
Saturday, August 2nd, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Moon Class of 1974 - 40th Reunion
Robin Hill Park
Moon High School – Class of 1974
40th Reunion - Weekend Events
Friday, August 1, 2014
What: Golf Outing
Where: Moon Golf Club (http://www.moongolfclub.com/-home)
505 McCormick Road Moon Township, PA 15108
Time: 10:00 a.m. until - it depends on how you hit’em!
Cost: $33.00 for 18 holes (depending on your age and residency http://www.moongolfclub.com/-summer-rates )
Detail: We have eight foursome tee times reserved.
What: Dinner River Cruise
Where: Gateway Clipper Fleet (http://www.gatewayclipper.com/res/searchdetail.php?id=DN+TGI+FRIDAY++&date=8/1/2014)
Time: 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Cost: To be determined, based the number of participants (approximately $50 to $55).
Detail: We need at least 50 people to commit to attending to make this happen. This event will depend on how many interested parties we have.
What: Night Before the Reunion – Get Together
Where: Paradise Beach – (http://www.paradiseislandbowl.com/pages/paradise-beach/beach.php) - 7601 Grand Avenue, Neville Island, PA 15225
Time: 7:00 p.m. until Close
Cost: Pay as you go, depends on what you order.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
What: Moon Class of 1974 - 40th Class Reunion
Where: Robin Hill Park (http://www.moonparks.org/moonparks/robinhill.html)
Time: 2:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.
Cost: $65.00 per person
• Music with sound system.
• Soft drinks, beer and snacks (Bring your own wine and liquor).
• Photo Booth (unlimited strips of photos of your favorite classmates and you).
• Group, Class of 1974 photo.
• “It’s a Luau” dinner catered by Mitch’s Mobile BBQ. Includes a roasted pig, boneless chicken, bbq steak, salad, corn on the cob, side vegetable and ice cream sundae bar.
4:30 p.m. - Group Photo of the Moon Class of 1974 by Blink Ink Pittsburgh, order an 8" x 10" for $18.00.
What: After Reunion Gathering
Where: Hampton Inn Pittsburgh Airport – Diamond Room
Time: 11:00 p.m. until ???
Cost: Pay as you go, it depends on what you order from the bar. We’ll bring soft drinks, beer and snacks from Robin Hill Park.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
What: Morning After the Reunion Brunch
Where: Jackson Restaurant
Double Tree – Pittsburgh Airport
Time: 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.
Cost: Pay as you go, depends on what you order.
Friday, August 1st, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1998 Reunion
Somewhere in Robinson or Station Square?
We never had a 10yr reunion, so lets try an get something together for. 15!! Even if it isn't a reserved place, maybe we can plan something at a local or downtown bar/club to get everyone together. If anyone wants to help me organize this, I'm all for it.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Moon Class of 1977 - 35 Years Later
We will be meeting initially at the Moon Football Stadium. We are planning the reunion to coincide with Homecoming 2012. We will meet up at the game and afterwards head out to a local pub. Additional activities planed or Saturday evening. More details to
Friday, September 28th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25th +1 Class Reunion
Montour Heights Country Club
Date - Friday, May 25th 2012 5 pm - Registration begins at MHCC 6 to 7 pm - Open Bar / DJ 7 pm - Dinner Buffet (Cash Bar available during dinner) 8 to 10 pm - Open Bar, DJ, Dancing, Fun! 10 pm - ?? The bar at Jackson's restaurant inside the Doubletree Hotel will be open if there is a crowd. Price - $60 per person / $110 per couple Please send checks made payable to Cash to: Kelly Macek, 1015 Fairfield Lane, McDonald, PA 15057. Please include with your response your full name (maiden name) and the name of your guest. A block of rooms is available at the Doubletree Hotel on University Blvd. for $99 (Fri / Sat / Sun). Please call 412-329-1400 and reference "Moon High School Class of 1986 Reunion" for reservations at the discounted rate. Please reserve by 4/25/12 to get the discounted rate. A shuttle bus will be available between the hotel and MHCC from 5 to 11 pm - we encourage you to take advantage of this so everyone can party safely! Please invite other classmates that are not on the MHS '86 page, and share this info with any and all classmates that you have contact with! We have a list of some email addresses that we will also send the info to (sorry if you receive twice), but we know we do not have info on all of our classmates. Let's make this reunion a huge success!! Looking forward to seeing everyone! You can message me (Sue Pogozelski) on FB with questions.
Friday, May 25th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1972 "40" year re union
Clark's Restaurant - 333 Rouser Road - Bldg #4 - Moon Tonwhsip, PA 15108
This will be a casual reunion. Cash Bar with heavy hors d'oeurves if you plan on attending please r.s,v.p. by July 1st If you RSVP to this website I will make sure Rosanna gets the info. You can email Rosanna directly. A heavy hors d'oeuvres buffet will be provided. Please send check for $15 cover the buffet to Rosanna S. Cocolli 111 Wyngage Rd
Saturday, July 14th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Summer 2011 Get Together
Moon Park - Rotary Shelter - Ewing Road - Moon Township, PA 15108
We are in the planning stage, but wanted to give everyone a heads up to save the date. More information to follow as it becomes available.
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Reunion
Airport Marriott
Please make checks payable to Moon Class of 1971 and mail to Jean DeSabato 475 Sun Valley Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15239
Saturday, August 27th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
10 year class reunion canceled
Our 10 year class reunion scheduled for Saturday, November 27th from 7-10 pm has been canceled due to a lack of positive responses. However, there will be an informal gathering at the Montour Hotel on Christmas Eve starting around 10 pmIf you have any questions about this, please contact Mike Salvitti at mike.salvitti@gmail.com. Sorry for any inconvience.
Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
10 year class reunion - rescheduled
Mario's Event Center - 935 Beaver Grade Road - Moon Township, PA 15108
Dinner will be buffet style and include: -Cup Chicken Pastina Soup -Mario's Salad -Entrees * Roasted Beef Sirloin * Boston Baked Scrod * Chicken Romano -Sides * Ziti with Tomato Basil sauce * Greens/Beans Mix -Coffee/Hot Tea/Iced Tea -Dessert: Cake Other details: -Date: Saturday, November 27 (Thanksgiving weekend) -Timing: 7-10p -Dinner will be included in the ticket price -Cash bar -We'll set-up a casual, post-event gathering at a local bar following, for those who would like to continue the night (Not included in the ticket price) Tickets are $30 per person.
Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
We need emails!
In order to send out effective communication, we need to obtain a valid email address for everyone. If you could please email me your preferred email as soon as possible so that we can put together an email chain for any and all information related to our reunion plans. You can email Katelyn at stroupy17@hotmail.com or Dana at dana_vojtko@hotmail.com .
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Moon High School Class of 2000
Tickets can be purchased at this website: http://fullhouseconcerts.musictoday.com/FullHouseConcerts/moreInfo.aspx?event=133526&outlet=9 $2.50- surcharge for website purchase.
Saturday, September 4th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Get Together
Kathi Donahue Tennant's House
Instead of stating a set cost per person, we will appeal to each alumni and their guest to give a Free Will Donation to the cause. This way everybody can contribute as they are able. Please forward your Free Will Donation payment to: Paul Mitsch P.O. Box 111581 Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Saturday, July 10th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 Year Class Reunion
The Hangar, Moon Township Pa - From 7 p.m. to 2 A.M.
25.00 per peron in advance/ $30.00 at the door. The price includes, beer and bar drinks, full buffet, and entertainment.
Saturday, July 10th, 2010
Invited Classes:
1980, 1981, 1979
Event Details
Moon class of 2000 Reunion
BuckHead Saloon - 225 Station Square - Pittsburgh PA 15219 - (412) 232-3101
Admission cost includes appetizer foods (chicken fingers, fried perogies, cheese/vegetabletray, and bruschetta) and 2 drink tickets. Cash Bar once tickets are used.
Saturday, September 4th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '74 - Summer Get Together
Kathi (Donahue) Tennant has generously offered to host this event at her home in Center Township, PA. - - This Get Together will be a lower key event than our 35th Reunion last year, in order to keep the cost as low (and reasonable) as possible. We have
Saturday, July 10th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1974 - 35th Anniversary Gathering
Robin Hill Park - 949 Thorn Run Rd - Coraopolis, PA 15108 - - - Directions: http://www.moonparks.org/robinhilldirections.pdf
Included: Soft drinks, beer, wine & snacks - BYOB Music Luau dinner: Roasted pig (on-site) Boneless Chicken Breast Marinated Steak Ice Cream Dessert Bar (Please note any special dietary requests when sending in your RSVP, we will try to accommodate them) RSVP: July 15, 2009 Payment: Check payable to: Paul Mitsch P.O. Box 111581 Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Note: Early commitment helps with the event cash flow. Why not send your check today? Hotel: Group rate is available: $69.00 per night plus tax, mention Moon Class of 1974, rooms must be booked August 1, 2009, when group rate offer ends. Courtyard by Marriott - Pittsburgh Airport 450 Cherrington Parkway Moon Township, PA 15108 Reservations: 1-800-321-2211 Shuttle bus to and from Robin Hill is available.
Saturday, August 22nd, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details