Mitchell High School Class Of 1984 - 30 Year Reunion
June 27th, 2014 6:00pm - 11:00pm
The Pinery at the Hill
775 West Bijou Street
, Colorado Springs
, Colorado
, 80905
ticket prices
Main Event - Reception Buffet - $84.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Reserve online at ReunionsWithClass.com. Early bird price: $84 per person by 5/19/14. Full reunion details can be found at http://reunionswithclass.com/ReunionInfo.asp?RID=1547.
School Tour and Potluck BBQ Picnic
June 28th, 2014 11:00am - 2:00pm
Mitchell High School
1205 Potter Drive
, Colorado Springs
, Colorado
, 80909
Invited Classes
About Event
Full reunion event details can be found at http://reunionswithclass.com/ReunionInfo.asp?RID=1547.
Come for more fun visiting and reminiscing as we tour the school, enjoy a pep rally and share a potluck picnic lunch. As details firm up, we’ll post them on our homepage at reunionswithclass.com. In the meantime, please indicate if you can attend when you make your reservation.