Mckay High School Alumni

Salem, Oregon (OR)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

Have you lost your Mckay High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Scots lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.

Honored Military Alumni

Becki (Peters) Jackson
Becki (Peters) Jackson
Class of 1992
Navy, 2 Years

I got stationed in the middle of the sea on a ship....paradise-which was Guam!
Class of 1990
Marine Corps, 8 Years

Donald Porter
Donald Porter
Class of 1984
Army, 20+ Years

I have been serving since 1987 proudly for the freedoms of our great country.
james rader
james rader
Class of 1982
Army, 18 Years

2 years active army 16 years Oregon army national guard. deployed to Iraq 2003-2004, deployed to new Orleans 2005, deployed to Afghanistan 2006-2007
Jason McClellan
Jason McClellan
Class of 1989
Army, 20+ Years

Four years active duty as a combat engineer (12B) 89-93, 4 years Army Gaurd,9 years firefighter in Air National Guard, 3 years Army Reserve.
Jay Wylie
Jay Wylie
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 25 Years

Combat engineer and logistician
Mark G Pakulak
Mark G Pakulak
Class of 1983
Air Force, 4 Years

Radio Communications Intelligence Analyst - RAF Chicksands, UK
Michael Scott
Michael Scott
Class of 1983
Army, 29 Years

31K, 31U, 31V, 25U, 25B, 63B, 63V, 91B, 91V, MAIT Team COMET Team
Russell Workman
Russell Workman
Class of 1981
Air Force, 6 Years

Ssgt Security Police
Sean Sherwood
Sean Sherwood
Class of 1985
Army, 20+ Years

active army 1985-1992,gulf war vet, Army guard to present. Deployed to Afghanistan 2006-2007. Currently NCOES senior infantry instructor.
SFC Karl Lehnhardt
SFC Karl Lehnhardt
Class of 1985
Army, 20+ Years

Platoon Sergeant in a Combat Engineer Company currently deployed to Iraq
timothy roy
timothy roy
Class of 1984
Army, 8 Years

Activated in 2003 for OIF. Kicked as@ took names

Classmates Spotlight

Mckay High School Classmates

Tawnie Maddux
Class of '96

Alumni Stories

High School Alumni Stores

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School News

Yearbook Sale!!

We have copies of yearbooks for each year from 1980 to 2012 and we want to clear them out. They are on sale for only $10...
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Our Mckay High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Mckay High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Salem are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!