Mannford High Class of 1984 - "30" REUNION
Winn's Sport Cafe & Grill
Mannford High Class of 1984 - Saturday, August 9, 2014, 5 pm until 10:30 pm. Come Celebrate with Old Friends. Rock Out to Music from the 80's. Attire is casual. You will be able to order off the Menu. They have really good food. You can order the beverage of your choice. And beer is their only alcoholic beverage. We will meet upstairs at Winn's Sports Cafe & Grill. It is the old O.J.'s restaurant, but has been recently remodeled. The DESSERT will be provided. All we ask is that you let us know you are coming, so we can make sure we have enough chairs and tables. We ask that you RSVP by August 2nd. But as long as you get a hold of one of us by the 9th, we should be able to make it happen. Contacts are Kim & Derek Boone, 918-639-0193 and Jodi McIntire Pryor, 918-698-8274. Our hopes is that this will be a fun and relaxing time to be with dear and precious friends. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Much love to each one of you!
Saturday, August 9th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Mannford Class of 84 25 Year Reunion
Jene lives right next to Ugly John's which is on the other side of the lake from Mannford. Motels/hotels are located in Cleveland, Mannford, Sand Springs or Tulsa. Directions to Jene's home. Hwy 64 W., Keystone Expy, Rt. 1 Box 59-5, Cleveland, Ok 74020, j
Greetings Classmates! It is time for our 25th High School Reunion! Time to gather and catch up with old friends and have a great time! Here is what has been planned: There is a Home Football Game on Friday, October 2. We don't have any organized plans for this night, but you could come and meet up with old friends and plan something before or after the game. Then, on Saturday, October 3, at Jene Harmon's home, we will have a barbeque cook-out, with music and a bon-fire set for evening time. There will be a $5 charge per person to cover for the meat and paper good products. The ladies can bring the trimmings like - potato salad, baked beans, deviled eggs, pasta salads, relish trays, chip and dip etc. The men can bring the drinks, like ice-chests full of canned pop and bottle water. It will BYOB for those who want to drink. We will need an RSVP for Jene's, so we can get an accurate count on how much meat to purchase. It's only two months away! You can RSVP by replying to this email. Please give total number in your party. The Saturday event is without children. Please respond as soon as you can! Also, we will continue to contact all of you via email or internet, as this is the most convenient and cost effective method. Please mark your calendars for the weekend of October 2-4, 2009. Here is a list of people we have no information on at this time. If you know their whereabouts, please have them contact me with their current information. John Bennett, Julie Bennett, Becky Davis, Kellie Davis, Lydia Elliott Lane,James Ferrand, \Rebecca Levins, Leslie Long, Lori Pitts,Mike Standridge, Mike Stewart, Vicki Tittle, Gordon Webb, Adam Wheeler (Johnny Still) Please send any contact information on yourself or classmates listed above to anyone listed below. Thanks in advance! Hope to see everyone in October!
Saturday, October 3rd, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details