Class of 1969 50th class reunion
Maize Community Building
A flyer has also been sent to all classmates we have current addresses for. If any class member has not received the flyer, please contact me so I can get your contact info and let me know if you plan to come. We hope to see many of you and welcome you even if you find out at the last minute you can come. We are also planning to get together Saturday, 6/1, @ 12pm at the Pizza Hut @ 37th/Maize Rd for anyone who can’t make it Friday or anyone wanting to hang out. Please call if questions!
Kathy Millspaugh Lindahl
Friday, May 31st, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1971 MHS Class Reunion
We are in the planning stages for a 45th Class Reunion for the Class of 1971. No date set yet. Please see us on Facebook: Class of 1971, Maize High School, Maize, Kansas.
Hope you are interested in getting together. Please let me know. Thanks, Nancy (Kelley) Claassen
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Maize High class of 1969 45th reunion
Maize community building
We are having a 45th reunion for the Maize High class if 1969. We have reserved the small Maize community building for August 30th from approximately 2pm-6pm or whenever we leave. We are asking for a $15 donation if possible to cover the cost of the food, building rental, and stamps/paper. Regardless, we would like for as any of our classmates to come as possible. I have contacted nearly all of our graduating class and some others by email or phone. I have not been able to contact Larry Gabbert, Andy O'Neal, Margie Heard, Howard Phillips, Don Finley. If anyone knows how to reach any of these classmates, please notify me. Thanks!
Kathy Millspaugh Lindahl
316-734-1284 (call or text)
Saturday, August 30th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
41st Reunion for the class of '71
Sedgwick County Park - Sunflower Bldg. Wichita, KS.
We'll be sending out the invitations the first week of March. If you don't think we have your mailing address -- send it to me!
Saturday, June 30th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20th Class Reunion
Maize High football game on Friday, the 9th. Family day at Sedgwick County Park and Emerson Biggin's West, both on Saturday, the 10th.
If you are not on facebook, please send me your current address or e-mail so I can send you an invite!
Friday, September 9th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 2002 Reunion
We are in the initial planning stages for our 2002 Class Reunion! Please contact Michelle (Ross) McBroom if you're interested in helping plan the event! Thanks!
Invited Classes:
Event Details
10-Year Reunion
Please go to our official website for all information, ticket sales, RSVPing, and sharing!
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40 Year
Ann and Dan have contacted me about having a reunion in beautiful downtown Maize in the Summer of 2011. NO plans have been finalized, including the date. Contact one of us if you have any ideas or want to be on the committee. I would also like to have any contact information you might have about anyone in our class. If you have an address or email for anyone please send it.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
MHS 1970 40-year reunion
Maize City Hall, east of Maize Rd., south of Woodard Mercantile, behind Taco Bell and Pizza Hut
Members of other classes are welcome also! Reunion attendees are invited to join the Maize Congregational Church on Sunday, 6/27, at 10:30 a.m. to continue our fellowship together. Special music during the service provided by 1970 class alumni.
Saturday, June 26th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
10-year Reunion
Sedgwick County Zoo - The Pump House in Old Town
The weekend of our reunion is quickly approaching. We have some more details for you that we wanted to share. First of all, there will be no formal invitation in the mail. We are trying to reach as many people as possible through Facebook, email, and the phone so that we can keep the cost of the reunion down. There are still classmates that we are looking for, so if you can be our liaison with information, we’d appreciate it. Please send us a message through Facebook or to and let us know who you can talk to for us. We will have two events which you and your families are free to attend as you can. To keep costs down and allow everyone who wants to attend the opportunity, there will not be an MHS Class of 2000 reunion fee. However, you are responsible for your and your family's admission, food, and drink costs as applicable. In the afternoon of Saturday, June 19th, you and your family are invited to meet with fellow alumni and their families at Sedgwick County Zoo. You are welcome to come to the zoo and tour as you like. We will have an informal (picnic) lunch together from 11:30-1:00. We will all meet at the Plaza Beastro which as indoor and outdoor seating. Feel free to bring your own picnic lunch, or you may purchase food at the zoo if you prefer. The time is open, and we want everyone to come and go as they please. We hope that you will use this time during the day to reconnect with former classmates and meet your classmates’ families. You will be responsible for your own (and your family’s) admission to the zoo. As of today, an adult admission price is $11.50 and a child’s admission is $7. Children 2 and younger are free. Also, if you decide to bring your picnic lunch, please be aware that the zoo does allow you to bring in outside food and beverages, but no alcohol is permitted. Please check if you have any questions about your day at the zoo. In the evening of June 19th, all graduates and their significant others are invited to the Pump House in Old Town for an informal social event. There will not be a door charge for this event, as there will not be food provided and you are responsible for the costs your own beverages and/ or food. We will meet from 8:00 pm on and you may stay as long as you would like. We are asking everyone to RSVP (with the number attending each event) through e-mail ( This will allow us to approximate the number of individuals who plan to come. Please RSVP as soon as you can. If you have questions, please contact us. We are looking forward to seeing everyone! Jacob Reeves, Laura Rowley, and Brianne (Johnson) Roig
Saturday, June 19th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Maize High Class of 2000 10-Year Reunion
Sedgwick County Zoo - The Pump House in Old Town
The weekend of our reunion is quickly approaching. We have some more details for you that we wanted to share. First of all, there will be no formal invitation in the mail. We are trying to reach as many people as possible through Facebook, email, and the phone so that we can keep the cost of the reunion down. There are still classmates that we are looking for, so if you can be our liaison with information, we’d appreciate it. Please send us a message through Facebook or to and let us know who you can talk to for us. We will have two events which you and your families are free to attend as you can. To keep costs down and allow everyone who wants to attend the opportunity, there will not be an MHS Class of 2000 reunion fee. However, you are responsible for your and your family's admission, food, and drink costs as applicable. In the afternoon of Saturday, June 19th, you and your family are invited to meet with fellow alumni and their families at Sedgwick County Zoo. You are welcome to come to the zoo and tour as you like. We will have an informal (picnic) lunch together from 11:30-1:00. We will all meet at the Plaza Beastro which as indoor and outdoor seating. Feel free to bring your own picnic lunch, or you may purchase food at the zoo if you prefer. The time is open, and we want everyone to come and go as they please. We hope that you will use this time during the day to reconnect with former classmates and meet your classmates’ families. You will be responsible for your own (and your family’s) admission to the zoo. As of today, an adult admission price is $11.50 and a child’s admission is $7. Children 2 and younger are free. Also, if you decide to bring your picnic lunch, please be aware that the zoo does allow you to bring in outside food and beverages, but no alcohol is permitted. Please check if you have any questions about your day at the zoo. In the evening of June 19th, all graduates and their significant others are invited to the Pump House in Old Town for an informal social event. There will not be a door charge for this event, as there will not be food provided and you are responsible for the costs your own beverages and/ or food. We will meet from 8:00 pm on and you may stay as long as you would like. We are asking everyone to RSVP (with the number attending each event) through e-mail ( This will allow us to approximate the number of individuals who plan to come. Please RSVP as soon as you can. If you have questions, please contact us. We are looking forward to seeing everyone! Jacob Reeves, Laura Rowley, and Brianne (Johnson) Roig
Saturday, June 19th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '69 40th class reunion
Maize Recreation Commission
No charge if you do not plan on eating. Please stop by and visit regardless of what class you are from, or if you are a parent or teacher-the more the merrier!
Saturday, August 29th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details