Los Alamitos High School Alumni

Los Alamitos, California (CA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

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Honored Military Alumni

Alex D Gallegos
Alex D Gallegos
Class of 2005
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Currently stationed in Virginia, Re-enlisted for another 4 years.
Andrew Dalton Harvey
Andrew Dalton Harvey
Class of 1990
Army, 15 Years

Stationed in Struttgart Germany
Anthony Rogers
Anthony Rogers
Class of 1982
Navy, 20+ Years

USS Peliliu(LHA-5), USS Tarawa(LHA-1), USS Ogden(LPD-5), USS Mobile(LKA-115), USS Holland(AS-32), USS Inchon(MCS-12)
Channing Grillo
Channing Grillo
Class of 2006
Coast Guard, 2 Years

Dominick Murphy
Dominick Murphy
Class of 1990
Marine Corps, 5 Years

MOS: 0861, Artillery Scout Observer
Donald Knowles
Donald Knowles
Class of 1972
Army, 5 Years

Airborne, Ranger, Armor Officer. Ft Hood, FRG, Ft Knox. Highest rank - CPT. I was the Company Commander HHC, US Army Reception Station when they filled the movie Stripes. Half the buidlings in the movie were in my command.
Donrena Minor-Fisher
Donrena Minor-Fisher
Class of 1987
Marine Corps, 5 Years

Served during Operation Desert Storm. Stationed in California, North Carolina, Okinawa...
Edward "Ed" Lyon
Edward "Ed" Lyon
Class of 1985
Navy, 20+ Years

87-97 USN
97-2001 USNR
01-Pres USN

Married to Mrs. Jennifer L. Rodman-Lyon LAHS '85, SDSU '12. Son - Payton J. Lyon CKHS '08, LMU '12, Loyola Law School '15 (Future President of the U.S.), Daughter - Emily A. Lyon CKHS '13, OC - Pres (Future Recording Artist).
Gerry Hoskins
Gerry Hoskins
Class of 1980
Marine Corps, 19 Years

0861 Scout Observer, Provides accurate and timely artillery,naval gunfire and mortar support for infantry/ manuver elements. At times, may also call in close air support.
Greg Cavert
Greg Cavert
Class of 1991
Army, 2 Years

As an Infantryman stationed in Korea, I patroled the demilitarized zone (DMZ).
Heather Proctor
Heather Proctor
Class of 1994
Navy, 4 Years

I was a navigator on the USS Gunston Hall LSD 44 in Virgina Beach
Heather Proctor
Heather Proctor
Class of 1994
Navy, 4 Years

I was a Navigator on the USS Gunston Hall LSD 44
Jeremy Johnson
Jeremy Johnson
Class of 2000
Army, 8 Years

Currently serve as a Medical Platoon Sergeant
John Cappawana
John Cappawana
Class of 1987
Air Force, 7 Years

Served in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
John Neubecker
John Neubecker
Class of 1990
Air Force, 17 Years

1990-1994 Langley AFB, VA Crew, Crew Chief
1994-1998 March AFB, CA Hydraulic Specialist
2000-2002 March ARB, CA Hydraulic Specialist/ Flying Crew Chief
2002-2007 March, ARB, CA Maintenance Officer
2007-present Lackland AFB, TX Operations Officer
Joseph Lucero
Joseph Lucero
Class of 1980
Navy, 4 Years

MM3 worked in the engine room 1200 psi steam plant
Karen E. Anderson
Karen E. Anderson
Class of 1977
Air Force, 18 Years

Aircraft Electronics maintenance
stationed at Chanute AFB IL, Pope AFB NC,
RAF Bentwaters UK, England AFB LA,
Keesler AFB MS, Castle AFB CA.
Mark H. Gutzman
Mark H. Gutzman
Class of 1972
Army, 20+ Years

US Navy photographer, June 1972 - December 1974.
Transfered to the US Army in 1976 and retired 1996.
Nicole (Heideman) Smith
Nicole (Heideman) Smith
Class of 1988
Navy, 18 Years

I am an AZ (aviation maintenance administrationman) Have been in Squadrons for 15 yrs, currently serving in an AIMD billett (shore) CAN"T WAIT TO RETIRE!!!!!
Robert W Ross
Robert W Ross
Class of 1973
Air Force, 2 Years

56th Military Police Squadron
Killed in Action, May 13, 1975. Mayaguez Incident.
The Wall, Panel 01W, Row 129.
Steven Lechlitner
Steven Lechlitner
Class of 2000
Navy, 3 Years

John C. Stennis CVN-74
Steven Lee
Steven Lee
Class of 1977
Air Force, 4 Years

Air Force Security Service
tim gonzalez
tim gonzalez
Class of 1990
Army, 2 Years

Vikki (Atlas) Hanley
Vikki (Atlas) Hanley
Class of 1978
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

Retired - Mustang. Served in San Diego, CA, LA/LB, CA, Chesapeake , VA, Washington, DC.

Classmates Spotlight

Los Alamitos High School Classmates

Barry Chew
Class of '73

Alumni Stories

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School News

Two New "Griffin" Businesses in the Area

Michael M. Obradovitch II, Esq -- Class of '01 -- has opened two businesses in Seal Beach: Obradovitch Law and Obradovit...
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Our Los Alamitos High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Los Alamitos High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Los Alamitos are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!