Multi Grade Longwood Reunion 1964 - 1969
East Wind Caterind Hall
If you are planning on attending we need to know NOW. Send in your deposit and the forms for the booklet. We will have a get together on the Friday at a venue to be decided when we know how many will attend, then on to Saturday at East Wind (need $50 deposit for Sat) and the Sunday a Brunch (again we will know the venue once we know how many. Please send me your e-mail address so I can mail you the information. Thank you Nancy Nowaski Roesler jroesler1@optonline.net
Friday, September 16th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Longwood Reunion Classes from 64 to 69
East Wind Catering Hall
Alumni Longwood High School 1964 to 1969
I am planning on a fabulous multi grade reunion in 2016. It would incorporate all the grades that were in Longwood High from 64 to 69. I need alumni from each grade to work on this with me. I also have a few other people who are willing to help. I am hoping lots of alumni who attended the last reunion would want to help with this one. Just let me know as soon as possible as it will take quite a bit of research to find more people and alumni for the other grades. Also let me know if you are interested in this new reunion.
I already have a venue, which is East Wind in Wading River and it can accommodate 600 or more persons. My thoughts are that not even 100 will attend from each class so this should work out fine. It is a catering hall and hotel so if anyone wanted to stay there for the night they could make arrangements. The month I would be looking at is September of 2016. I am looking for lots of input on this venture. I have a address and phone sight that I pay for to find missing alumni. if we know which town they were originally from. It was very helpful when I did the 50th reunion last year. The reason I would like to do this at this time is because at my age who knows which assisted living facility I’ll be in by the time I am 70. LOL
Really I would love to see this happen and need to know who and how many people would be interested in helping with this.
I am sending this out to all the e-mail addresses I got from the reunion of 2013 as you may have younger siblings or cousins or had friends from other years at Longwood. Hoping to hear from some of you.
My e-mail is jroesler1@optonline.net and I am on Facebook as Nancy Nowaski Roesler.
Saturday, September 17th, 2016
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Longwood High School 50th Class Reunion
Spring Lake Country Club
I, Nancy Nowaski-Roesler didn’t want to let this go by without a reunion to see how much we have enjoyed our lives, grown (both mature wise and otherwise), lost our hair, lost our spouses, become educators, mechanics, secretaries, hair dressers and anything in between. It will be fifty years this year that the first graduation class of Longwood stepped up to receive their diplomas. It was brought to my attention that other classes such as 65 and 66 would like to also be involved in this reunion. The gathering will be held in a catering hall, Spring Lake Country Club in Middle Island. Helen Beldt/Schiller is coordinating the class of 1965 and Helen Wittshack/Rector the class of 1966.
The dates for these events will be Friday, August 22nd at 7:30 PM, Saturday August 23rd at 7:00 PM and Sunday August 24th at 11:00 AM. I will make name tags so we don’t have to guess who is who. On the Friday evening of the weekend we would meet at Johnny O’s in Coram, a local bar/restaurant just to have a time to talk and get to know each other again. The reunion would take place on Saturday evening with a daytime visit to the old High School and a planting of a tree in honor of Dr. Foster Hoff our Principal of the Year. On Sunday we will have a brunch to end a very special weekend.
I will need a deposit check of $40 per person and will let you know what additional monies are needed to pay for the dinner, DJ, booklet, tree, etc. Please mail checks to me at 12 Medford Road, Ridge, NY 11961. The hall is booked and monies are needed to pay the deposit and other incidentals as soon as possible. Please get back to me or one of the Helen’s by April 15th so I can finalize arrangements. Also include your e-mail address so we can e-mail you a questionnaire for the Alumni booklet. Alumni can go to Classmates.com website or Longwood Alumni website and add their names to see who are planning to attend.
Hope to see many of you this August.
Nancy Nowaski Roesler
Friday, August 22nd, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1965, 1966
Event Details
50th Reunion of the Class of 1964
Several Locations
I, Nancy Nowaski-Roesler didn’t want to let this go by without a reunion
to see how much we have enjoyed our lives, grown (both mature wise and
otherwise), lost our hair, lost our spouses, become educators,
mechanics, secretaries, hair dressers and anything in between. It will
be fifty years this year that the first graduation class of Longwood
stepped up to receive their diplomas. It was brought to my attention
that other classes such as 65 and 66 would like to also be involved in a
reunion and if we get 100 or more people it would be held in a catering
hall. Helen Beldt/Schiller is coordinating the class of 1965 and Helen
Wittshack/Rector the class of 1966.
My plan at this moment is to host the reunion at my home in Ridge, with
a rental of a tent, catered food, a bartender and low music so we can
all get acquainted again. The dates for these events will be Friday
August 22nd at 7:30 PM, Saturday August 23rd at 8:00 PM and Sunday
August 24th at 11:30 AM. I will make name tags so we don’t have to
guess who is who. On the Friday evening of the weekend we would meet at
Johnny O’s in Coram, a local bar/restaurant and just to have a time to
talk or look each other over. The reunion would take place on Saturday
evening with a daytime visit to the old High School and a planting of a
tree in honor of Dr. Foster Hoff our Principal of the Year. On Sunday
we could all go to the beach or most likely have a brunch to end a very
special weekend.
I will need a deposit check of $40 a person and if it is held in a
catering hall it will be based on price. Please mail checks to 12 Medford Road, Ridge, NY 11961. I will only know whether to book a hall after I have definite commitments from at least 100 people.
Please get back to me or one of the Helen’s by April 15th so I can make
arrangements. Alumni can go to Classmates Website and add their names
to see who are planning to attend.
Friday, August 22nd, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1965, 1966
Event Details
LHS 93 20th Reunion!
The Hamlet at Willow Creek
Tickets can be purchased using Paypal by visiting http://lhs93reunion.blogspot.com/
You can also join our group on Facebook or contact me, Rebecca Einbinder Kelley at kelley.rebecca@gmail.com.
Saturday, July 20th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25th Reunion
I need contact info to get rolling on this. If you have not done so, please email contact info to me and that of anyone you are in touch with. The Reunion Companies want data sheets before they secure a facility.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
LHS Class of 1982 30 Year Reunion
Sunset Harbour, East Patchogue - http://www.sunset-harbour.com
Dear Classmates of Longwood High School's Class of 1982, We thank you ALL for the overwhelming positive responses these past 2 months for the "Longwood Class of 1982, 30-Year Reunion," scheduled for October 27, 2012, at Sunset Harbour, in East Patchogue. To make this event a more personal, rewarding and cost effective experience, a "Longwood High School Class of 1982 Reunion Committee" was created. The committee consists of: S. Derek Carroll, Lisa Di Santo Grossman, Melinda DiFabio Link, Jill Goldstein and Josephine Libassi. We've been working behind the scenes for the last 2 months to plan our Reunion with three important criteria : 1) an event that you'll look forward to attending and you'll encourage other classmates to attend 2) create a cost efficient/delicious event 3) and provide an event that will create fond memories for years to come! Our reunion will take place from 7pm - 12 midnight, with a 5-hour top-shelf open bar, cocktail hour with hors d’oeuvres, buffet dinner/dessert, prizes, dancing, and plenty of time for mingling, networking and good old catching up. In the coming weeks/months, you'll hear much more via Facebook (LongwoodHS 82~October 27, 2012~ Reunion Weekend) and email (LongwoodHS82@yahoo.com) about weekend events that will be available surrounding Saturday's main event at the Sunset Harbour (http://www.sunset-harbour.com/). We've created a PayPal account https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XT8T2E8FH2MV6 which will accept your $88.00 credit card payment. This information is never shared; in fact, it's securely protected by data encryption technology, reducing the risk of online fraud and identity theft. Payment in full is due no later than July 27, 2012. A successful reunion requires not just a planning committee, but your attendance, word of mouth to get others to attend, and detective work to find and connect with those classmates and teachers who are not on Facebook or email. We've been encouraging those who are not on Facebook, and who are only on email, to email their First, Maiden, Last Name to our secure email address: LongwoodHS82@yahoo.com in order to receive regular updates on upcoming reunion events. You have our word; this email list will NEVER be shared. Also, please use this email address to contact the Reunion Committee and someone will get back to you. On a final note, we are counting on each of you to spread the word of the reunion and look forward to seeing all of you on October 27, 2012! Cheers! S. Derek Carroll, Lisa Di Santo Grossman, Melinda DiFabio Link, Jill Goldstein and Josephine Libassi Pay Pal Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XT8T2E8FH2MV6
Saturday, October 27th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 79 turning 50 birthday bash!
Danfords On friday night 8:00 pm - Saturday night on the LAUREN KRISTY - Sunday - BEACH
Friday night is a pay your own way night, casual drinks, food, A special birthday cake will be supplied! Saturday Night - 3 hour cruise to include buffet, open bar and DJ,. $85 per person Checks to be sent to Ralph Giaquinto 1720 sw cocoa street port saint lucie florida 34953 or go to paypal.com and use the send money tab, use my email of elwoodbdr@att.net to send the money.
Friday, July 15th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
LHS Class of 1999 Ten year Reunion
Danfords Hotel and Marina - The Brookhaven Room - 25 E Broadway - Port Jefferson, NY 11777
Full Buffet Dinner * 4 Hour Top Shelf Open Bar * DJ * Cost - $85 per person Payment must be submitted by Dec 1st!
Friday, December 18th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details