Linden High School Alumni

Linden, New Jersey (NJ)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Alan Geller
Alan Geller
Class of 1959
Air Force, 4 Years

Four years of various assignments at one station, a missile test range, Range Safety Officer, Recovery diver etc.
alan hansen
alan hansen
Class of 1964
Army, 2 Years

vietnam 1966
Anthony Minio
Anthony Minio
Class of 1964
Air Force, 4 Years

Radio repairman for c-130's
Belita R. T. Franklin nee Tucker
Belita R. T. Franklin nee Tucker
Class of 1973
Air Force, 8 Years

My duties and responsibilities as a Telecommunications Operations Specialist (TS and above clearances on a need to know basis)included: Telecommunications Operations Trainer, Cryptographic Technician and Trainer. I trained direct duty assigned personnel E 1 thru E 3. Additionally, I was a USAF Unit Recruiter (special assignment); Unit Historian; Acting NCOIC Telecommunications Operations (last assigned station).
Bill Trembulak
Bill Trembulak
Class of 1983
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired Air Force
Bruce L Resnik
Bruce L Resnik
Class of 1964
Navy, 3 Years

Shipboard Officer (OCS) in North Atlantic and Mediterranean.
Bruce T. Chodosh,MD
Bruce T. Chodosh,MD
Class of 1958
Army, 2 Years

Major, Medical Corps. Spent one year at Ft. Meade, then one year at 3rd Field Hospital, Saigon('70-'71.) Internist/hematologist, classified as 3139.
Bruce Taylor
Bruce Taylor
Class of 1966
Navy, 4 Years

Served 1966 - 1970. AMH-2 (Aviation Structural Mechanic 2nd Class Petty Officer). Stationed at Traron 5, Pensacola, FL. and Heavy Photographic Reconnaisance Squadron 61 (VAP-61) in Agana, Guam
Carl Jackson
Carl Jackson
Class of 1972
Army, 20+ Years

22 years in U.S. Army Health Services and Information Management Systems Commands
Carl Jackson
Carl Jackson
Class of 1972
Army, 20+ Years

Rutgers Army ROTC, retired U.S. Army in1996
Christopher M. Coglianese
Christopher M. Coglianese
Class of 1988
Army, 20+ Years

Infantry officer
XO of 1st Cavalry Division Special Troops Battalion
Selected for Lieutenant Colonel
17 months Service in OIF 06-08 with 1-8 CAV as Battalion S3 in east Baghdad

Combat Infantryman's Badge
Bronze Star

Olmsted Scholar in Mumbai, India 2003-2005
Clarence Hurling, Jr.
Clarence Hurling, Jr.
Class of 1981
Army, 19 Years

Avenger/Stinger crew member & currently a Food Service Specialist. Currently stationed at Fort. Lee, VA with my wife and two children.
I have one Iraq tour.
Clifford Thebodeau
Clifford Thebodeau
Class of 1998
Air Force, 10 Years

Technical Sergent of the United States Air Force.
Class of 1978
Army, 11 Years

Donald Long
Donald Long
Class of 1989
Air Force, 19 Years

Civil Engineer Unit
Bare Base Construction
Electrical Systems Supervisor
Duane Palmore
Duane Palmore
Class of 1982
Air Force, 10 Years

Airborne Communication Specialist. Conventional Avionics (Comm/Nav) Specialist.
Ed Peterson
Ed Peterson
Class of 1958
Air Force, 15 Years

Pilot: F-101, F-102, F-106, T-33,
edward valentine
edward valentine
Class of 1949
Air Force, 20+ Years

enlisted in AF 1953. commissioned 1955, was a navigator stationed at Palm Beach AFB, Mobile Ala,Went to Elect.Warfare School in 1959;
sent to Blytheville AFB, Ark. Transferred to Glasgow AFB in 1965. Flew 133 missions over Viet Nam in b-52's. Transferred to Castle AFB, Ca in 1968, and sent to Saigon VN in 1972. Returned next year and stationed at Castle AFB Ca were I flew 25 more misssions when we were sent on temp. duty to Guam. Retired as a LT Col inn 1977.
erard Noble
erard Noble
Class of 1970
Navy, 6 Years

After attending various Navy / Air Force schools I served aboard USS Fulton, Naval Cmmunication Station Washingtom, DC - Pentagon, Naval Communications Stati9on - Iceland.
Frank Warchol
Frank Warchol
Class of 1970
Army, 2 Years

Served in Vietnam 71-72
Gene Liotta
Gene Liotta
Class of 1972
Coast Guard, 18 Years

5 active 13 reserves Buoy tender and small boats and administrative.
Herb Worthington
Herb Worthington
Class of 1964
Army, 2 Years

2nd of the 60th Recon, 9th ID, Mekong Delta Vietnam 1970, then Combat Illustrator, 25th ID Military History Detachment, Cu Chi RVN 1970.
CIB, Bronze Star, Air Metal, Army Comendation Medal then NJ Naval Militia 2001
Jack Costa
Jack Costa
Class of 1964
Air Force, 4 Years

Viet Nam Veteran
Air Policeman
James E. Germek
James E. Germek
Class of 1971
Army, 20+ Years

Entered the army in oct 71 and served on active duty until oct 91. served 9 years as an enlisted soldier before receiving my commission via OCS in aug 1980. Retired as a Captain on Oct 31, 1991
James Germek
James Germek
Class of 1971
Army, 20+ Years

Enlisted in the army in October 71. Received my commission in August 80 via OCS . Retired as an army captain in October 91
John A. Jakub
John A. Jakub
Class of 1981
Army, 6 Years

Upon graduating from West Point, was commissioned in the Field Artillery - Army and Commanded a Field Artillery Battery during Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
Class of 1959
Army, 3 Years

John E Sousa
John E Sousa
Class of 2002
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Dedicated four years of active duty service including a one-year deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
john j bargel
john j bargel
Class of 1966
Army, 20+ Years

1st Sgt DC analog computer repairman Nike Hercles msl system
john j. bargel
john j. bargel
Class of 1966
Army, 20+ Years

Retired 1SG 08/86 MOS ADA
John Romanoski
John Romanoski
Class of 1958
Air Force, 4 Years

USAF Security Service. Majority of enlistment spent in Far East.
Joseph Zyla
Joseph Zyla
Class of 1988
Army, 12 Years

Combat Engineer/ Sapper Team Leader during Desert Storm, as part of Regular Army. Subsequent Army National Guard service as an Infantry Squad Leader. Final six years as member of 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne), includes service in Afghanistan and surrounding countries.
Kimberly Sadoski
Kimberly Sadoski
Class of 2001
Navy, 4 Years

Aircraft Machinist Mate from 09/2001 - 09/2005
Martin Yacker
Martin Yacker
Class of 1964
Army, 3 Years

Headquarters Commandant, Ft. Lewis, WA
1st Lt. (OCS) Transportation Corps
Nasir Hassan
Nasir Hassan
Class of 1997
Army, 6 Years

Bradley Linebacker Crewmember & Aviation Operations Specialist
Pat Wood Falvey
Pat Wood Falvey
Class of 1968
Air Force, 20+ Years

Lieutenant Colonel. Air Force Office of Special Investigation.
Paul Ligas
Paul Ligas
Class of 1975
Navy, 4 Years

Served on the USS Ponce LPD-15
Peter D Hammer Sr
Peter D Hammer Sr
Class of 1968
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Peter Hammer
Peter Hammer
Class of 1968
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Class of 1968
Marine Corps, 4 Years


Classmates Spotlight

Linden High School Classmates

William Trembulak
Class of '83

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To Mrs.Pantini-Reiger Thank you..... for posting about Aunt Fran

Thank you, for posting such kind and wonderful words about my Aunt Fran Sinisi-Kielb. She was like another Mother to ...
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Our Linden High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Linden High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Linden are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!