Class of 1979 40th Reunion
Las Lomas Class of 1979 - 40 Year Reunion
Reserve the Knight to Re-You-Knight with your friends from "We're Still So Fine, Class of 1979" at our 40th Reunion!
Date: Saturday, September 7, 2019
Time: 6:00 p.m. until 11:30 p.m.
Place: Walnut Creek Elks Lodge
1475 Creekside Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
We've designed a fun, fluid menu for our special Knight to help give you the chance to re-you-knight, mingle and reminisce with as many classmates and guests as you'd like. We'll keep the food moving to help make your mingling more memorable!
Relish Starters all Knight - a bountiful assortment of both passed and stationary hors d' oeuvres. The abundant variety of savory, flavor filled creations are sure to tantalize taste buds and satisfy any appetite.
Rehydrate with your choice of the following Complimentary Beverages - two per registered guest:
- Knight Starter - Signature Cocktail
- We're Still So Fine - Glass of Wine
- Two Knights - Beers on Tap
"No Host Bar" will be available and will also include non-alcoholic beverages.
Take time to: Reconvene Rekindle Revisit (Try to) Remember!
Early Registration$95/person
Register early for the best price and help us create a memorable knight!
Now - Jul 31
General Registration$125/person
Aug 01 - Aug 31
Full Price$150/person
Don't wait and pay Full Price! Get in on the Early Registration Discount!
Sep 01 - Sep 07
Registration/Payment Options:
PayPal: PayPal.me/Knights79
Checks payable to Carolyn Whene, add "Las Lomas Class Reunion" in the Memo section
Mail checks to:
Carolyn Whene
6180 Colt Drive
West Des Moines, IA 50266
(515) 710-2755
"No Host" informal gathering at the new Pinky's Pizza & Pub location on Friday, Sept. 6, 6:00 p.m.
2085 North Broadway, Walnut Creek
No organized events on Sunday (but if you organize something we better be invited!) Carolyn, Kris & Bob
Go to our Facebook page, Las lomas class of 79 administered by Sharon Healey and become a member. Thank you! Carolyn Krapa Whene, Kris Ledson and Bob Owen.
Saturday, September 7th, 2019
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '68 50th Reunion
Candy Odell and Michele Malato (Parker) are in the beginning stages of planning this GREAT EVENT!!! Please contact us with your thought, we are tentatively looking at September 2018. We have a new email : candyodell1968@yahoo.com. Love to hear from one and all :)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
REUNION CLASSES OF 1955 1956 1957 1958
Walnut Creek Elks Lodge
Cost per person $50.00 Cover costs of rental of Elks Lodge dining room, parking lot, bar tender (no host bar) and lunch menu
Caterer: Gunther’s Restaurant & Catering, San Jose, CA Sandwiches: Chicken Salad, Turkey (fresh), Tri Tip Beef (slider rolls) Potato Salad; Swiss - Provolone - Cheddar cheese. Sliced: tomatoes—onion—dill pickle—lettuce—sweet pickles Condiments: mayo—mustard—creamed Horseradish—Potato Chips. Ice Tea—Lemonade Gunther’s famous CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES
Reservations/Payment Make check payable to: Mary Jane Harding mail to: 836 Regalia Court Gardnerville, NV 89410-7872
Reservations and Payment must be made by Monday September 18, 2017
Class of _______ Ladies—maiden name________________________ ________ X $ 50.00 each = _
Saturday, October 7th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1955, 1956, 1957, 1968
Event Details
Class of 1977 40 th Class Reunion
Back Forty Texas BBQ
Let us know if you can attend- Go to Facebook and join group page "Las Lomas Class of 1977 Reunion" Roger Colton, Susan Weinberg-Lynn, Julie Wilson and Tammy Johnson are still trying to collect contacts of all classmates through their Facebook/Email/snail-mail/Classmate addresses. Please forward any addresses of classmates to Tammyville@aol.com or text info (510)908-0138
Saturday, October 14th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1955 Reunion
The location has not yet been determined.
Contact: Floyd Busby: buzco@buzco.com or 925-825-1043
Saturday, June 20th, 2015
Invited Classes:
Event Details
First 10 years class Reunion Picnic-Roundup 1954-64
10 Year class reunion Roundup
Bring your own Picnic/Snacks, Beer, Wine Plus Portable table, chairs
Lawn blanket and good stories....
Sunday, September 28th, 2014
Invited Classes:
1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
Event Details
"Class of 1983" - 30th Reunion
The Alehouse - Pyramid Breweries
RSVP by paying for your ticket....
Mail $ to Kim Cornell, PO Box 3961, Santa Barbara, CA 93130
The Friday night before is the Homecoming Football game, some are going to the game and meeting at Pinky's Pizza afterwards!
Saturday, October 19th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
'55th class reunion
Barney's House - Walnut Blvd - Walnut Creek, CA
Just in planning stages will post more infor when made available
Saturday, September 21st, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details