1989 30yr “Weekend Getty”
Key West Yacht Club
Attention KWHS Class of 89!!! Our 30th Reunion weekend “Getty” is planned...
Friday July 5th 6pm: Happy Hour @6pm. Ocean Key House Sunset Pier
Saturday July 6th: 7pm Cocktails, Dinner, Dancing (Key West
Yacht Club)
Dinner includes:
Hors-d’oeuvres (conch fritters, goat cheese crostini’s, chicken bites) Key West Yacht Club full Salad Bar, Herb Roasted Prime Rib Buffet or Chicken Picatta, butter whipped mashed potato’s, Island Rice pilaf, Chefs Vegetables, Homemade cookie spread, Cash Bar, and more...
$65 per person....Please send payment to confirm your attendance before June 30..Venmo (Dina Gandolfo@Keyhavengirl ) or private message me if you prefer to pay by check..
Please message Marnie or Myself on fb or email us at
dinariggs89@gmail.com & mlwconch@gmail.com with any questions...
Please help us contact our classmates and share this post... It’s going to be an amazing conch weekend!!!!
Saturday, July 6th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
KWHS Class of 1964 55th Reunion Gathering
American Legion Post 28
There will be “Meet and Greet” for the “Great Class of 1964” on Friday, August 9th at the American Legion on Stock Island down stairs in the “Glass Dining Room”. Due to popular requests the room is air conditioned and quiet so catching up will be easy. We will enjoy conch fritters, key lime pie, and other delicious foods. There will be a cash bar and live music out front “should anyone feel like shaking a leg.”
Tickets are not required. This is a FREE, CASUAL event. We sure hope to see you there. Remember we’re not getting any younger!
For additional information (if needed) please contact Jan (conch1964@gmail.com) or Sandy Sandra.Ballard1946@gmail.com).
Plan to attend our 55th Class Reunion Greet and Meet!
Friday, August 9th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Pre- Key West Conch Reunion Cruise
Royal Caribbean Cruise Line
Confirmed booking with paid deposit of $200.00 per stateroom is due at time of bookings made prior to 5/22/2019. Invoices will be sent for final payment (due 5/22/2019) Full payment due at time of booking when made on or after 5/22/2019. ANY available cabin at any available rate (or deal) offered can be reserved and added to the group IF the reservation is made with a group desk specialist at 800-465-3595 (option 4) AND the group number 7772172 is added to your reservation. Bookings are accepted as long cabins are available; however, passengers are expected to have documentation that is required for boarding. Please allow time to obtain certified copies of a birth certificate along with a goverment issued photo ID, -or- a passport. Document expiration dates must be later than February 09, 2020. Send an email to Jan (Salas) Blue - conch1964@gmail.com for more information.
Monday, August 5th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1962, 1963, 1964, 1965
Event Details
Class of 73 45th Reunion
We are planning our 45th Reunion. The choice is Key West or Cruise. Please let me know by Friday.
Thank You
Denise Creel Bravo
Invited Classes:
Event Details
KWHS Class of 1991 25th Reunion
Hard Rock Cafe & El Meson de Pepe
Please join all your classmates for a weekend of nostalgia and fun Class of 1991 style!
Schedule of Events
Friday, August 26, 2016
9-11 pm
Flashback Party at Hard Rock Café
Light food and Cash Bar
Afterwards join your classmates somewhere on Duval to reminisce!
Saturday, August 27, 2016
7:30-11:00 pm
25th Reunion Celebration
El Meson de Pepe
Appetizers, Salad and Buffet Dinner
Key West's DJ Buggy & Dancing
Once you have RSVP'd to the event, an invoice will be sent to you.
Hotels have been listed on the Travel Planning Page. These hotels are between $175-$250 night. These were the cheapest available at time of search. If you have questions regarding hotels, email Kerry Baker at kbakerkw@aol.com.
Friday, August 26th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Dear Fellow Classmates,
Our Reunion is approaching fast...we will have a person at the door excepting payment for those that wish to attend this event but have not signed up as of yet. The ticket price will be the same but only cash payments can be taken at this time.
Please let me know if you would will be attending and I will be happy to add your name to the list.
Our response has been great...it is going to be a fun weekend!
Hope to see you there...
Lori Farmer Salter
Friday, June 28th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25 Year Class Reunion
Doubletree Grand Key and Rick's
Bio info should go to Jennifer Daab Berman at:
Official plans thus far... Please let me know if the fee is a problem for you. There are many opportunities for us to offer help. Someone tonight gave the idea of carwashes, etc. as fundraisers to help defray the cost. This would be better than someone sitting out for the event. There are those who can and are willing to help. Open your mouth. You can call me discreetly. No one needs to know.
Included in our $75.00 per person registration fee are:
6pm Meet and Greet, Grand Key Doubletree Resort Lobby and restaurant area - This is where you will get your official 25 yr reunion guidebook and schedules and such. This is also where you will sign in an sign up for all that we will have to offer.
After the meet and greet the plan is to get ready to go out for the night.
Rick's on Duval will host us via all weekend wristbands which will allow us access throughout our weekend. This will get us all in on Friday and Saturday. Some free drinks will be involved but we are not sure how many and which night(s).
Saturday there will be a Trolley tour of Key West and then tours of the newly renovated high school. We need input on where to go and what to see.
Saturday night cocktails and hors d'oeuvres 6pm at the Doubletree Ballroom and dinner to follow at 7pm. Dancing and the DJ will be available throughout until 12am. Whoever would like to continue their evening can meet at Rick's where our wristbands will give us access to the complex.
Sunday, those who are so inclined will join others for mass at their own churches. As it gets closer we will indicate what time to meet at what church so that you can have a class of 88 section in which to sit. At 1 pm we want to meet for a last hoorah lunch for the event. We would like to have cuban mixes and the typical Key West lunch accompaniments. Sorry, my thesaurus is on the fritz. Could not come up with a smaller word.
After lunch - maybe earlier, many will be leaving. Goodbyes will be said and the rest who are staying may want to take in a regular trolley or conch train tour or check out some of the available boat trips, etc. that town now offers. I will have a list and put up links in the coming weeks.
Book soon as town and reservations are going quickly. As of this evening, the Doubletree only had 10 reservations left. For those who miss out on the Doubletree, contact me at 305-797-5389 via ph or text and I will hook you up with somewhere else in town. Communicate with me and I will do all I can.
Friday, July 26th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25 years later
we are looking at july 19 th thru the 21st you can find out more info on facebook at ( class of 1988 ) or 25 years later page ....
Friday, July 19th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Royal Caribbean has set up a group 4-day cruise for us on the Liberty of the Sea. The ship sails out of Ft. Lauderdale on November 15th. This is the week prior to Thanksgiving. Cruises start at $349 for inside cabins to $499 for balconies. For more inform
Thursday, November 15th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Key West 70's High Schools reunion
Key West July 27-29,2012 Look for 6 foot banner This is for all of the 70's Key West High School and Mary Immaculate High School FRI,SAT,SUN charter fishing ,scuba,sunset cruises ;Bay View Park for cook out on 5pm Fri night's meet and greet. Sat am
Check out my personal page here or my facebook page. Event title is also my url for my web page on facebook. Please rsvp to my web page ,facebook page or email. I have added many details on my personal page on here.
Friday, July 27th, 2012
Invited Classes:
1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976
Event Details
50th Reunion
Contact for full information. - - Russell Brittain - kwkanaka@aol.com or 305-292-8177
Even if you do not join us please contact us so we can update your information or info of other classmates which we may not have.
Friday, June 1st, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
KWHS Class of 1982 - 30 Year Reunion
The reunion will be held in July 2012; however, the exact weekend is yet to be determined by the committee. Thank you for your understanding.
The price has not yet been set as venues have not yet been chosen. Thank you for your understanding.
Friday, July 13th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20 Year Tri-Class Reunion
July 23 & 24th - Key West, Florida
KEY WEST HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES 1989, 1990, 1991 WILL JOIN TOGETHER FOR A MEMORABLE REUNION Friday, July 23 - Sunset Cruise Complimentary Beer & Wine Saturday, July 24 - Daytime - Family Lunch/Picnic MARRIOTT BEACHSIDE 12:00 - 3:00 Saturday, July 24 - Dinner and Dance MARRIOTT BEACHSIDE PRIVATE CONCERT FEATURING "STEVIE B" **GET YOUR MONEY IN NOW - LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE AND WE DON'T WANT ANYONE LEFT OUT!!!!**** $125 cost for weekend per person. If your interested in only 1 night the prices are $50.00 per person Friday night ONLY & $90.00 per person Saturday night ONLY. Checks can be made to KWHS 1990 and mailed to Niles Sales & Service c/o Jack Niles/Reunion 3500 N. Roosevelt Blvd. Key West, FL 33040. Reservations can be made at Marriot Beachside (special group rate). Credit Card payments can be made via paypal (site coming)
Friday, July 23rd, 2010
Invited Classes:
1989, 1990, 1991
Event Details
CLASSES OF 1989, 1990 &1991
WEST HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES 1989, 1990, 1991 WILL JOIN TOGETHER FOR A MEMORABLE REUNION - Friday, July 23 - Sunset CruiseComplimentary Beer & Wine - Saturday, July 24 - Daytime- Family Lunch/PicnicMARRIOTT BEACHSIDE - Saturday, July 24 - Dinner and DanceMAR
Friday, July 23rd, 2010
Invited Classes:
1989, 1990, 1991
Event Details
Change of plans
The class of 1989 is not interested in the tri reunion. I will keep in touch and keep everyone posted on what the plans are for our 20th!!
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20 year reunion
Grand Key Doubletree resort
Friday night gathering at resort, Saturday pool all day, Saturday evening dinner, dancing, and banquet at the resort.
Friday, August 22nd, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details