Ketchikan High School Alumni

Ketchikan, Alaska (AK)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

Have you lost your Ketchikan High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Kayhi Kings lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.

Honored Military Alumni

Brandon Corporon
Brandon Corporon
Class of 2017
Coast Guard, 3 Years

I served most of my time aboard the CGC Eagle traveling to various foreign ports on the Atlantic ocean with my shipmates, teaching seamanship to cadets of the USCG Academy!

I attached a picture of the Eagle going inbound to the Ponta Delgada, Azores which was my second year aboard. Thanks for reading!
Dennis Raymond Mathews
Dennis Raymond Mathews
Class of 1968
Navy, 4 Years

Stationed at Pentagon secnav CNO flag mess
Gerald Weston
Gerald Weston
Class of 1976
Army, 20+ Years

Retired - Airborne
Ian Plamondon
Ian Plamondon
Class of 1995
Navy, 6 Years

Served as an ET in the US Navy
Karl Bruening
Karl Bruening
Class of 1999
Army, 12 Years

4-25 Airborne Brigade Combat Team Fort Richardson, Alaska. OIF 06-07. Ranger Class 04-06
Katie Poet
Katie Poet
Class of 1999
Army, 4 Years

Arabic Linguist in the Military Intelligence field. Stationed mainly in Germany.
Marc A. Guthrie
Marc A. Guthrie
Class of 1980
Navy, 2 Years

US Navy from 1984-1986. Medically retired.
Richard J. Kelley
Richard J. Kelley
Class of 1954
Army, 20+ Years

Retired from the U.S. Army in 1977.
Robert E, Kindred
Robert E, Kindred
Class of 1955
Air Force, 20+ Years

1955-1975.Enlisted Aircraft Propeller Mechanic. Commissioned 1961. Pilot C-130 aircraft. Combat Vietnam, Retired as Major.
Ryan Perez
Ryan Perez
Class of 2004
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Combat Vet, Marine Corps MArtial Arts Instructor, Non-Commisioned officer
Sara Weston
Sara Weston
Class of 1999
Army, 8 Years

Military Police out of Fort Carson, Colorado
Shawn McInturff
Shawn McInturff
Class of 1979
Army, 20+ Years

Ft Hood 85.... Bamberg Germany 85-92.... Gulf War I 90-91... Ft Bragg 92-95... Camp Cassy 95-96.... Ft Hood 96-2000 Ft Meade 2007-2009 Iraq 2009-2010 Ft Hood WTU 2010 Still
Steve Bowdish
Steve Bowdish
Class of 1958
Army, 20+ Years

Served in US Army from 1958-1964. Joined the Washington Army National Guard, (full time) from 1964-1999 then retired from on the job injury. I was in aviation as crewchief on a UH-1m Helicopter, then retired as Plt. Sgt (E7). I was stationed at retirement in Fort Lewis, WA. I currently live in Lacey, WA.
William Boulton
William Boulton
Class of 1998
Marine Corps, 8 Years

0331 machine guns. 1/5 camp pendleton. Sgt
william thompson
william thompson
Class of 1964
Army, 1 Years


Classmates Spotlight

Ketchikan High School Classmates

Jenny Thornburg
Class of '81

Alumni Stories

High School Alumni Stores

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School News

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Our Ketchikan High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Ketchikan High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Ketchikan are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!