Class of 1972 50th reunion
It's 3 events: Dinner June 10, 6-8 p.m. La Hacienda de los Barrios Redland Road (will be outside event; Get together - Blue Bonnet Palace 6-8 P.M. June 11 Selma TX; Breakfast 10 am - 12 pm Los Generales Nacogdoches Rd. Will upload more details as we get closer to the event
Friday, June 10th, 2022 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975
Event Details
1981 35th Class Reunion
Granberry Event Center
1981 Judson Friends
Would like to invite their Classmates to a
2016 Summer Reunion Gathering
Pre Gathering Party
Wednesday 20thh-24th of July
Hide out on the Horseshoe
Reservations can be made in January
Gather your group and rent a cabin and come join us on the River Road
Friday Early Evening July 22th 2016
Chuy's Meet and Greet at the Forum
14855 Interstate 35 Frontage Rd, Selma, TX 78154
(210) 657-2489
5:45pm to 7:30pm
Friday Night July 22th 2016
Blue Bonnet Palace 1981 Multi Reunion Gathering
All Judson Alumni Welcomed 60-90's
Come Join Us and mingle with Judson Alumni
17630 Lookout Rd, Schertz, TX 78154
(210) 651-6702
Saturday Morning July 23rd, 2015
Vic and Marty are still in Planning Stages
Of Golf Tournament Multi Reunion -TBA in Spring
1981 Hawaiian-Mixer Party-Grandberry-Pavilion
160 Tickets Reserved for Class of 1981
Dinner and Dance following at Granberry Event Center
6390 Granberry San Antonio Texas 78239
Hawaiian Menu -Tropical Drinks- Cash Bar
Alumni T-shirts-Available
Month of October Tickets are $30.00 can be purchased
Sandra Rios
21393 IH 35 #308
Kyle Texas 78640
Tickets will increase in November to $35.00
December $40.00
Sunday July 24 2016
Family Picnic
TBD (Landa Park)
Hotdogs and Hamburgers
Bring your own drinks-games and Activities
Donors to the Event; Robert Marin, John Goldman, Dave Platt, Danielle Hatchett Hargrove, Doug Rosette, Susie Reynolds Geiger, Donna Guzman, David Chamness, Susie Reynolds Geiger, Lisa Sandy Alvarez Dreiling, Laura Garcia Vasquez Patty Riddlebarger Gary Muenzler, Lisa Forester Colson,
Wednesday, July 20th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Judson High School Class of 1984-Multi & 30 Year Reunion!
Brass Monkey
The event will take place at the Brass Monkey on St Mary's Street. July 26th. We will have exclusive full use of the large comfortable beer-garden and interior of the club until 9pm at which time it opens to the Public. We are working on details related to food, live entertainment and costs (which will be minimal). Also, July 25th day/night golf tournament at Olympia Hills on Friday before the reunion. Starting about 530 or six play nine holes in the light come in for dinner and maybe one of our classmates kids bands providing entertainment the go out for nine holes in the dark. If you're a non-golfer you can buy a meal and hang out on the deck is the bar will be open...
Friday, July 25th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1989 25 year class reunion
Box 903
July 19,Saturday - Blue Bonnet Palace
July 20, Sunday - Family Day at Momaks Backyard Malts & Burgers
13838 Jones-Maltsberger Rd, San Antonio
Hosted by Teresa Kelley, Lisa Marie Beavers Lanphere, and Ted Acuna
Friday, July 18th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
1981 30th Reunion?Family Picnic
Live Oak Park and Pavillion
Class of 1981 Live Oak Park, Family Picnic June 12th (Smaller Event we realize that many of our classmates may be heading back home but those still around are welcome to bring your family and play some Volleyball and to say Goodbye.) We do need help with this event so if you have time and would like to donate or help with this Event just let us know At this time we have estimated 65 classmates and family. It will greatly help us to know if we should expect more than this amount. As you RSVP Please include the # in your family. Live Oak Park had been Selected for the 81 Reunion Picnic We are asking that are classmate bring a side dish or a dessert Post your side dish or dessert please This is a small group of 1981 Classmates organizing this event and we welcome any help from our 1981 Classmates Bring your own Ice Chest and alternative drinks Participating Classmates 1. Karen Leonard Boeing* Live Oak Reunion Sponsor 2. Sandra M Rios*Kyle tx Hot dogs and Buns 3. Sam McCosh* and SPOUSE,RrEUNION SPONSOR, Non Alcoholic Drinks, Paper Products, Forks and Knives 4. Mark Acosta*Converse Reunion Sponsor Birthday Celebration! Ice and Drinks 5. Ian Garcia Live Oak (he states he is coming Hairy and Scarey!) Reunion Sponsor, Deveiled Eggs 6. Amy Cortez and Russel* Dallas REUNION SPONSOR 7. Doug Nurse and spouse*Dallas REUNION SPONSOR 8. Donna Hogan and Spouse California Amaretto Pudding Bread 9. Brian Chambers and Laura Chambers 10. Susan Mc Clusky and spouse Wisconsin 11. Mike Medina and spouse Austin 12. Mark Simmons and spouse Converse, 13. Adriane Newell and spouse *Arizona Reunion Sponsor, Mustard, Mayo, Catsup, Lettuce, tomatoes, Onions, Pickles 14. Melanie Jupe and spouseTN. 15. Cindy Bible Kresta and spouse, Shiner TExas 16. Gary and Amy Beavers, Belverde Texas 17. Matt Mattamorros and spouse, San Antnio, Texas, Reunion Sponsor Hamburgers and Buns 18. David Hambrick, Kansas, Reunion Sponsor, Potatoe Salad, David Hambrick 19. Karla Langston, San Antonio, Teas 20. Gina Stranges Moehing, 21. Karen Poole Williams, San Antonio, Texas 22. Michael Boeswetter, San Antonio, texas 23. Michael Hartley, Dripping Springs, Texas 24. Janet Ames and spouse, San Antonio Tx, Reunion Sponsor, Pasta Salad 3 additional persons 25. Kimi Weatherly, san Antonio, Tx 26. Laura Garcia Vasquez and Willie, San Antonio Tx 27. Marty Truss and spouse, San Antonio, Tex Reunion Sponsor 28. John Frias, and spouse, side Dish 29. Roger Barton, Austin Texas 30. Lisa Hererra Wolfe Washington DC, "Anniversay" 31. Joe Wolfe, Washington DC "Annivsary" 32. Amellia Foran and spouse 33. Monica and Scott Flynn 34. Rickey Harrell and Spouse, Live Oak Texas 35. Tammy Lampkin and Guest , San Antonio Texas, Side Dish 36. John Goldman and spouse, 38. Diane Ray Wiser and spouse 39. Lydia Carbajal and husband Eddie! Converse Texas 40. Delma Ortiz Garza and Guest!, Converse Texas 41. Dale Davis 42. Michelle and Corky Frost, San Antonio Tex, Side Dish 43. Joe and Sharon Carter Hotdogs and chips and side dish 44. Robert Marin Dallas texas 45. Robin Hill Fargas and Guest, Austin Texas 46. Mindy Maranto Witleitner and Mike, Austin Texas 47 Neil Polk and spouse 48. Anita Green 41. Charlen Wells 42. Bruce Sawyer 43. Ron Kottke and Christy Green Salsa, 3 cans of Spam, 6 green olives a couple of black olives and toilet paper just in case 44. Charlie Foster Maybe Attendingg 1. Mike Orlof Martindale Texas 2. Luke lambert 3. Mary Lambert/Reunion Helper 4. Norma Medina Rodgriez 5. Traci Keeling Spivey 6. Charlien Lawerence 7. Kevin Frost ( will let me know when he gets in Thailand) 8. Diana Mausolf-Hughes and Kirk Huges 9. Michelle Crippen 10. Michael Lewis 11. Lesa Jones 12.Angela Monday making travel plans /will call with time of arrival 13. Brady Harrison, checking summer travel / will call with confirmation 14. Alexandria Falls 15. Curt Liskow 16. Donna Gibson Guzman 17. William Schreoder (Chip) 18. Rudy Trevino 19. Robin Harper
Sunday, June 12th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Muti Reunion Event /Judson Alumni 25 Plus
Blue Bonnet Palace - Lookout Road, Selma Texas
Saturday Night Multi Reunion Sponsored by the Judson Alumni 25 Plus BlueBonnet Palace 17630 Lookout Road Selma Texas 78154 Join us for fun and laughter at an old Hang-out from the past. Get your Boots and Ropers and come listen to some Classic Rocks, Country Western, some of those oldies but goodies we just Love to hear BlueBonnet Palace Indoor and Outdoor seating! Don't forget your Cameras so those great photos can be shared with all.
Saturday, June 11th, 2011
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
1981 30th Reunion Pre Event Party Rudy's BBQ
Rudy's BBQ - Selma Texas - Each Person pays for own meals
Rudy's Pre Multi Reunion Event At Rudy's we will have awards and pick up your Cowboy hats for the Ladies and Sheriff Badges for the Cowboys and Name tags David Hambrick MC for the Awards . Doug Nurse Class Prayer We will have awards for Longest Distance Traveled. and other ones as we can think of them We have miniature trophies and ribbons to pass out. Please make suggestions for awards for the night. Once we are through we will mosey on over to the Blue Bonnet Palace to Party! PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOUR ATTENDING SO WE HAVE ENOUGH REUNION PACKETS FOR THE EVENING EVENTS 1, Amy Cortez and Russell, Dallas Tex Reunion Helper 2. Ian Garcia, Live Oak Reunion Helper 3. Ron Kottke and Christy Reunion Helper 4. Mark Acosta Converse Reunion Sponsor 5.. Mark Simmons and Shaw, Converse Reunion Helper 6. Sandra Rios Kyle Tx 7 Matt Mattamarros and spouse universal City Reunion Sponsor, Helper 8. Doug Nurse, and Spouse Dalllas Texas Reunion Helper and Sponsor 9 .Steve Dimando III San Antonio 10.Stephanie Dorn Kansas 11. Chritine Trijillio and Spouse, Converse Tx 12. Doug Farar, Live Oak, tx 13. Leo Hedfelt, Kyle Tex 14. Maybe Pancho Hedfelt McAllen Tx 15. Mikey Orlof Martindale 16. Susan McClusky and Spouse Wisconsin 17.Adriane Newel and Spouse Arinzona Reunion Sponor 18.Tracey Keeling Spivey, San Antonio tx 19. Mike DeBartlo, San Antonio, Tx 20. Doug Rosette and Cheryl Florida 21.Jerry Faught 22. Mary Lambert confirmed Shertz Park Landa 23. Lori Cavaso Kula San Antonio 24. Sharlene Loest 25. Diane Wheeler 26. Robert Murin Dallas, Tx 27. David Chamness and Lisa, San Antonio, Tx 28. Brett Stoepler 29. Sam McCosh and Spouse, San Antonio, Reunion sponor 30. Karen Leanord Boeing and Joe, Kirby,Tx, Reunion Sponor 31. Tony LaBlanca 32. Donna Hogan Clute and spouse, and spouse *California 33. Brian Chambers/and Laura Uc 34. Melanie Jupe and Spouse Tennessee, Converse Picnic 35. Cindy Bible Kresta and spouse Shiner Texas 36. Gary and Amy Beavers, Belverde Texas 37. Gary Munzeler and wife, Austin texas 38. Maureen Davis and spouse, Houston Texas 39. David Hambrick, Kansas, Reunion Sponsor Evening Host and MC 40. Janet Ames and Spouse, San Antonio, Texas, Reunion Sponsor 41. Laura Garcia Vasquez and Willie, San Antonio Tx 42.Mike Boeswetter and Guest, San Antonio Tx 43. Marty Truss and spouse, San Antonio, Tex Reunion Sponsor 44 John Frias, and spouse 45. Roger Barton, Austin Texas 46. Lisa Hererra Wolfe Washington DC, 47. Joe Wolfe, Washington DC 48. Diana Mausolf-Hughes and Kirk Huges 49. Amellia Foran Dawson and spouse Brownsville, Texas 50. Tammy Lampkin 51 Monica and Scott Flynn 52. Rickey Harrell and Spouse, Live Oak Texas 53. John Goldman and spouse. 54. Lydia Carbajal and hubby Eddie, 55.Delma Ortiz (Garza) and guest 56.Dale Davis 57. Joe and Sharon Carter 58. Michelle Padalecki Frost and Corky Frost 59. Karla Langston 60. Gina Stranges Moehig 61. Robin Hill Fargas and Guest, Austin Texas 62.. Mindy Maranto Witleitner and Mike, Austin Texas 63 Arthur Madley and wife, San Marcos Texas Reybuib sponsor 64 Anita Green phone call 4/15 out of state 65. Charlan Wells 66. Bruce Sawyer 67. Diane Ray Wiser Plus Spouses or Guest are confirmed and also say they are attending the Multi Reunion PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOUR ATTENDING SO WE HAVE ENOUGH REUNION PACKETS FOR THE EVENING EVENTS Maybe Attending 1. Frank Freeman and spouse 2. Denise Williamson Vaughn Dallas 3. Chuck Clause, and Spouse,working on travel arrangements 4. Connie Sigmon Kick Ausin 5. Darrel Thomasy 6 Moved to confirm list 7. Jerry Steves and Spouse, Houston 8. Luke Lambert San Antonio 9. Charlie Lawerence 10 Kevin Frost/ will let me know what day he is coming in , Thailand 11. Bonnie Ryan Shilling and Tim, Reunion sponsor 12. Karen Poole Williams 13 Donna Gibson Guzaman 14. Angela Monday, Alabama checking into travel plans 15. Brady Harrison San Antonio, checking into arrangements will call to confirm 16. Alexandria Falls san Antonio 17. Jacque Neil Rackowitz 18. Michael Lewis 19. Richard Porter 20. Sharon Holmes Nellis 21. William Schroeder (Chip) 23. Robin Harper 24 Rudy Trevino This Night is Award Night at Rudy's! Any other Suggestions? Voting Ballots will go out closer to Reunion 1. Who traveled farther to get to the Reunon? 2. Never thought He or She would Be" 3. Most Children, GrandChildren? 4. Judson SweetHeart, Female, 5. Judson Sweatheart, Male 6.. Special Judson Friend 7.. Anyone having a Birthday on this Weekend from Reunion 8. Judson Favorite Couple We have grown to love many of our Judson's Spouses ! 9. Most Eligible Bachalor 10. Most Eligible Bacholorette! 11. Most Judson Spirited Female 12. Most Judson Spirited Male 13. Who traveled farther to get to the Reunon? 14. Never thought He or She would Be" 15. Balding and enlarging contest for Men Only! Send in Suggestions of your vote or add questions Non 81 Classmates 1. Troy Crain 2. Lisa Chamness 3. Keep in Mind the above spouses and guest are attending and also attending the Mulit Reunion 4. Jack Mc Mahon 5. Michael Hartly
Saturday, June 11th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Multi Reunion /Judson Alumni 25 and Plus
Boegy's Night Club
Multi Reunion Friday Nite Sponsored by the Judson Alumni 25 Plus June 10th, 2011 Boogie Night! 6109 Callaghan Road at Bogey's Be ready for the Disco Ball, Classic Rock, Motown, Salsa, Soul, and Tejano Music. Feel free to come dressed in your favorite 70's and 80's attire! At this time we are taking Music Request and want you to send in your favorite songs and dedications for the evening! Judson T-shirts and prizes! Surely a night to capture all our classmates attention! Take out those Don Johnson Outfits and 70's and 80's attire and join us for some Friday Night Fever!
Friday, June 10th, 2011
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
1981 Pre-Event Chuy's Mixer
Chuy's Across from the Forum - North IH 35 San Antonio Texas
Chuy's Confirmation for Friday June 10th 4:30 prm to 6:30 pm Those Attending will be able to pick up thier Reunion, Glasses, and Judson Beads, 81 name tags and Corsages. Cake will be provided 1, Amy Cortez, and Russel, Dallas, Tx Reunion Sponsor 2. Ian Garcia, Live Oak Reunion Sponsor 3, Ron Kottke and spouse, San Antoniio, Texas, Reunion Helper 4. Mark Acosta Convere Texas, Reunion sponsor 5., Mark Simmons, and spouse, Converse Texas Reunion Sponsor 6. Sandra Rios, Kyle Texas 7l, Matt Mattamarros,and spouse , San Antion, texasReunion Sponsor 8. Diane Ray Wiser 9.Steve Dimando III, San Antonio, Texas 10.Stephanie Dorn Kansas 11. Chritine Trijillio, San Antonio, Teas 12. Doug Farar, San antonio, Teas 13. Leo Hedfelt, Kyle, Teas 14. Maybe Pancho Hedfelt 15. Mikey Orlof, martindale Texas, confirmed (IM) 16. Susan McClusky,and spouse, Wisconsin 17.Adriane Newel and spouse, Arizona, Reunion Sponsor 18. Kimi Weatherly, San Antonio TExas 19. Mike DeBartlo, San Antonio Texas 20. Doug Rosette and Cherly, florida 21.Jerry Faught 22. Mary Lambert Shertz Texas confirmed 23. Lori Cavaso Kula, san Antonio Texas 24. Sharlene Loest, San Antonio Texas 25. Diane Wheeler 26. Tracey Keeling Spivey 27. David Chamness and Lisa Reunion Sponsor/Host 28. Brett Stoepler 29. Sam McCosh and spouse , Reunion Sponsor/Host 30. Karen Leonard Boeing/spouse, Kirby Texas, Reunion Sponsor and Host 31 Tony LaBlanca 32. Brian Chambers and Laura, 33. Donna Hogan Clute and spouse California 34. Cindy Bible Kresta and spouse Shiner Texas 35. Gary and Amy Beavers, Belverde Texas 36. Maureen Davis and spouse, Houston Texas 37. Mike Bosewetter and spouse, San Antonio, Texas 38. David Hambrick, Reunion Sponsor/Host 39. Janet Ames and spouse, San Antonio, Texas Reunion Sponsor 40. Laura Garcia Vasquez and Willie, San Antonio Tx 41. Marty Truss and spouse, San Antonio, Tex Reunion Sponsor 42. John Frias, and spouse, 43. Roger Barton, Austin Texas 44. Lisa Hererra Wolfe Washington DC,( Arrives Thus.) 45 Joe Wolfe, Washington DC (arrives Thurs) 46. Diana Mausolf-Hughes and Kirk Huges 47. Amellia Foran and spouse Brownsville, Texas 48. Monica and Scott Flynn 49. Rickey Harrell and Spouse, Live Oak Texas 50. John Goldman and spouse 51.L ydia Carbajal and husband Eddie, 52. Delma Ortiz (Garza) and guest 53. Sharon and Joe Carter 54. Michelle Padalacki and Corky Frost, San Antonio texas 55. Tammy Lampkin, and Guest Universal City 56. Patty Merren Riddle and Guest 57. Robin Hill Fargas and Guest, Austin Texas 58. Mindy Maranto Witleitner and Mike, Austin Texas 59 Arthur Madley and wife, San Marcos, Texas, Reunion Sponsor 60. Neil Polk and spouse 61 Earl Carter and spouse 62.Anita Green 63. Charlan Wells 64. Bruce Sawyer 65. Gina Moehlig Some of these confirmations have spouses and Guest. Above have confirmed for the Multi Reunion Events Recieve your Judson Beads and magic dust wands and Name Tags Maybe coming to Chuy's/ As soon as you know if you can please let us know so we can have your ReunionSurvival Kit for the evening ready for you! If we are not able to know if your coming we may not have enough packets for you. 1, Gregg Bellman 2, Jacque Neil Rakowitz 3. Jerry Lanier 4. Joey Ware 5. Luke Lambert 6. Micahel Lewis 7. Bonnie Jean Shilig and Tim, Reunion Sponsor 8. Connie Sigmon Kicks, Austin TExas 9. Darrel Thomsay 10 Denise Williamson Vaugh, Dallas, Texas 11. Anita Green 12. Frank Freeman 13. Chuck Clause making travel arrangements 14. Victor Yanuzzi, Hellotes, Texas 15. Charlie Lawerence 16. Kevin Frost, Thailand 17. Maria Munoz Nate Goodrich 18. Robert Marin, Dallas Texas 19. Karen Poole Williams, San Antonio 20. Maria Munoz Nate 21 Angela Monday, Alabama checking into travel plans 22. Brady Harrison San Antonio, checking into arrangements will call to confirm 23. Alexandria Falls 24. Dnna Gibson 25. Curt Liskow 26. Richard Porter 27. Bian Chambers 28. Sharon Nellis Holms 29. Karen Poole Williams 30. William Schroeder (Chip) 31. Robin Harper 32. Rudy Trevino Non 81 Class memebers 1, Barbara Olsen 2, Sharon 3, Maria Munoz Nate-Goodrich 4. John McMahon 5. Troy Crain 6. Diana Chapa 7. Lisa Chamness 8. Spouses of the above class of 1981 or guest and some of just chose to go single! 9. Reginald Burke 10. Michael Hartley 82 11. Hank Salinas 84 Doug Nurse Not able to make it in on time
Friday, June 10th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Chaos Party Bus 1981 30th Reunion
CHuy's across from the ForumNorth IH 35, San Antonio Texas
BYOB Bring your small coolers and drinks. Party Trays and Jello shots on board Diva Boas and Reunion Packets and T-shirts for those that Embark on the 81 Reunion Bus ! SearchHomeProfile AccountSandra M. Rios.Edit FriendsUseas PageAccount SettingsPrivacy SettingsHelp Center..Browse Notes .Friends' Notes (0) Pages' Notes (0) My Notes (0) My Drafts (0) Notes About Me (0) Tagged .Ron KottkeRobert MarinSounjalynne V. Brown MataKaren Leonhardt BoenigJanet AmesSam McCoshStephen C Dimando IIILisa WolfeAmy Cortez RussellLaura Garcia VasquezJoe WareAdraine D Newell-BauerDarrel ThomasyDiana J MausolfDiana ChapaDonna Gibson GuzmanRussell GarciaDavid ChamnessBonnie Jean ShilligJerry FaughtDavid A. HambrickJesse Gil.Subscribe .My Notes Friends' Photo Albums ..Hartmann's June 09 by Beth Harris .Court by Cathy Cantu CookCreate an AdSponsored .Expedia Everyone needs quality family time in South America. Play the Expedia FriendTrips Game to win a dream vacation worth up to $160,000!.Like · Renee Davis likes this. MIKIMOTO Official Page (US) For every "like" or comment made on the official MIKIMOTO Facebook page, the brand will donate $1 to the Japanese Red Cross. .Like · 8,193 people like this. FRS Healthy Energy LIKE' us for a FREE Energy Pack Worth $30!.Like · Patricia Walker likes this. Welcomemat Franchising Great in sales? Make an exciting career move. Exclusive Franchise Territories. Compete with daily deal sites. Download free video. .Edit1981 Reunion Party Bus June 10th 2011 .by Sandra M. Rios on Friday, April 15, 2011 at 12:38am. 1981 Reunion Party Bus June 10th 2011 $30.00 Per person / First Come First Come seating We may only have 15 seats left on the Bus This is a luxury Limo Bus Round side seating /Dance floor/Music BYOB Bus will leave Chuy's at 6:30 pm and pick up additional riders at the Forum near IHOP We will drive around from Chuy's for about an hour and half/picture at the Judson area and drive through neighborhoods, Live Oak, Olympia, and Converse and Kirby area and then to Bogey's for the evening of fun and dancing. We will leave Bogey's at 1:am and drop off at IHOP/Forum For those who are hungry we can get Breakfast at IHOP before calling it a night! Send Checks to Sandra M Rios , 110 Prairie Cove, Kyle Texas Checks payable to Chaos Party Bus, Bottom right of the Check 1981 Reunion Bus PLEASE TIP BUS DRIVER on the night of the Event There is a group of us staying at Holiday In Selma! Please Contact Sandra, Janet, Karen, or Sam about Payment. You must make a payment before a seat is reserved for you and your guest! 30.00 per person
Friday, June 10th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
10 year Reunion
Hooligan's - 13920 N i-35 - Live Oak, TX 78233
Update: Unfortunately, we missed the deposit deadline for the hotel (not enough critical mass for pre-payments), so the plans have changed slightly. BUT THE REUNION IS STILL ON!!! :) Just show up for the party at Hooligan's Friday night. No pre-payment required... This is a more flexible option that we think will be way more fun than a hotel. Cheers! --------------------- Hello Judson 01 Alumni! Be excited about this event as it will be the very first time we reunite, see old friends, and make new ones. There are many details that need to be ironed out that I hope to post here in the next week or so, so please stay tuned for more information. I want to give kudos to Katherine Hill, Nicole Lawson Alltop, and Lesley Speed Willcockson for coordinating everything and lining up such a fun night. They've put in a great deal of effort and I know it will all pay off when we celebrate TEN YEARS! Woohoo! Sincerely your former Class President, Bianca Abate
Friday, July 8th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20 year reunion Bash
20 YEAR REUNION"... Read More What: Reunion Host: Teresa Howard-Kelley, Ted Acuna & Lisa Beavers Start Time: Friday, October 16, 2009 at 7:00pm End Time: Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 12:00am Where: San Antonio, Texas these are the only details for now.
Welcome to the Judson High School Class of 1989 reunion event page. We created this page to keep everyone up to date on the latest news regarding our 20 year reunion. We're planning a fun weekend and our goal is to have as many classmates attend as possible and have a great time. So, spread the word. Go Rockets Go! Save the date:)
Friday, October 16th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details