Dear fellow classmates This is a 3 day event your reunion committee has planned. Please email me for all the details. Please give your name, ( maiden) Email address and if attending as 1 or attending as 2. Thank you. I hope to see all of you next year for our big 50 reunion weekend!
Email ASAP.
Best regards, Vivian Faugiana
Class reunion begins in 9 days starting off with a school tour. If you would like to attend the reunion, pls contact me for further info. We still have a couple spaces available..........Joyce
3- day event starting July 20 thru July 22, 2012... Contact Joyce Wade for further
This will be a 3-day event starting on Friday, July 20 and ending on Sunday, July 22, 2012. Our main event will be on Saturday, the 21st in the afternoon starting at 1 pm. My email is below if you need to reach me this way. I look forward to hearing back from my classmates.....
Anyone can plan a reunion on our Islip High School site.
1. Choose a date and location.
2. Invite graduating class(es).
3. Sell Tickets & Merch (optional).
Get started ...
Some of our Islip High School alumni have already started planning their next reunion. Search our Buccaneers reunion page to see if your class has posted any information. Our list of Buccaneers reunions will give you all the details you need to know about your Islip High School reunion! Trust us you don’t want to miss your next reunion!
If you don’t see your Islip High School class reunion posted, you can start planning it today with our step-by-step planning process! Remember it is up to each class to plan their reunion and anyone can do it! Use our Buccaneers Alumni Site and set up your FREE reunion website today with all the tools you need right at your fingertips!