Hilmar High Class of 1988 30th Reunion
Gilbert Almeida Residence
We hope you can join us for what will be a fun evening with old friends! Gilbert & Kelly Almeida have graciously opened up their home to us for our reunion. The festivities start at 6pm with a cocktail hour and dinner will be served at 7pm with music provided by a DJ for dancing after dinner. Tickets can be purchased at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hilmar-high-school-class-of-1988s-30-year-reunion-tickets-47175671704?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing
Tickets cost $50 per person and includes cocktail hour, dinner, open bar and music. Dinner is being catered by Mark Silveira of Smokies Catering. Dinner will include: Tri Tip, Chicken Breast, Green Beans, Red Potatoes, Salad and Dinner Rolls.
Hilmar's Homecoming game is on October 5th, the Homecoming parade kicks off at 1:15pm. There will be a designated seating area in the stands for our class in the event any alumni would like to attend the game. I'm sure there will be an impromtu no host gathering at a local watering hole after the game for those who might be in town.
Please spread the word and encourage classmates to update their contact information via the alumni page on Hilmar High's website at http://hhs.hilmarusd.org/cms/page_view?d=x&piid=&vpid=1351599117569
The Committee recognizes that some our of classmates will not be able to attend dinner but can make it afterwards for drinks & music. The cost for that is $25 per person, please contact one of the committee members listed to make this reservation.
You can contact the committee to volunteer, ask questions or make suggestions by emailing us at hilmar1988@yahoo.com.
Thank you!
Saturday, October 6th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
HHS Class of 1994 20th High School Reunion
The Vierra's
Yes, it's that time! Twenty years have past, it's true! Let's get together for a fun, relaxed, enjoyable evening in the country to celebrate twenty years gone by in the company of friends.
There's going to be great food catered by Shana Silva's fiance's company, Kincaids Barbeque. You will be served chicken or tri-tip, salad and bread with butter, and a fresh vegetable, buffet style.
There's going to be delicious beer! Scott Chaffee of Dust Bowl Brewery has agreed to get us ready for the dance floor.
There's going to be a lovely dessert- Christina Dos Santos is making us something sweet.
Paul Silveira will be our DJ, and RussellReno Photography will be present to take a group shot and operate a photo booth.
This event will take place on June 14th from 6-10pm at The Vierra's, located at 21225 Riverside Ave., in Hilmar.
Tickets are on sale from now until May 14th for just $40 each! Your ticket gets you dinner, dessert, drinks, dancing and a souvenir! Tickets purchased after May 14th will be $45 each. Ticket sales processed via Paypal will include an additional fee.
All HHS and Irwin class of 1993, 1994 and 1995 graduates and non-graduates alike are welcome! We grew up together, lets catch up on what has happened these past twenty years!
Special thanks to your reunion planners & contributors:
Shawna Silveira (Stivers)
Amy Sward (Jones)
Suzy Vargas (Silva)
Susie Borba
Christal Silveira (Tornquist)
Cathy Mesa (Wears)
Scott Chaffee
Christina Dos Santos
Phaedra Rhodes (Michaels)
Saturday, June 14th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Elegant Bull - Delhi,Ca.
invitations coming out July 1st Please respond, whether you are coming or not. Lula Avilla 19236 State HWY Stevinson, Ca. 95374 PH# 209-634-1461
Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Invited Classes:
1949, 1950
Event Details
Elegant Bull Delhi,Ca.
It's not to late , the door is still open. Send your RSVP to Lula Avilla 19236 State HWY 140 Stevinson, Ca. 95374
Saturday, October 15th, 2011
Invited Classes:
1949, 1948
Event Details