Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Darnell Dixon
Darnell Dixon
Class of 1987
Army, 8 Years

Served from 1987-1996. Deployed in the Just Cause War in Panama 1989-1990
Frederick Parker
Frederick Parker
Class of 1975
Air Force, 20+ Years

Command. Control. Communicatiins, Computers. and Intelkigence NCOIC (C4I). Joint Staff-Pentagon J6 J3. National Guard Bureau (NGB). Air National Guard Readiness Center (ANGRC). 140TFW - 120FS Colorado Air National Guard. 3460th Technical Training Group - Tactical Air Command (TAC).
Hubert Lawayne Polsgrove
Hubert Lawayne Polsgrove
Class of 1956
Army, 11 Years

sergeant E-5 Korea and Vietnam wars
James E. New
James E. New
Class of 1979
Army, 20+ Years

After graduation from HPCHS, James attended Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, FL to major in Architecture and Construction Management. He also enrolled in the Army ROTC Program. He graduated with a BS degree in Engineering Technology and an Active Duty commission as an Army Second Lieutenant (2LT). His first duty station was at Fort Belvoir, VA to attend the Engineer Officers Basic Course (EOBC). After completing that school he was selected to attend the Airborne School at Fort Benning, GA. After earning his "jump" wings, he was assigned to his first duty station at Fort Bragg, NC. He was an Engineer Construction Platoon Leader and a Combat Engineer Platoon Leader, an Assistant Logistics Officer (S4) and a Battalion Motor Officer (BMO) for the next 4 years. He also completed 30 airborne jumps, including an operation in Honduras. He attended the Jumpmaster Qualification Course and the Sapper Leaders Course and earned his Honduran jump wings. He was also promoted to First Lieutenant (1LT). He also married his college sweetheart and became the father to one (1) son. He left Fort Bragg to attend the Engineer Officers Advanced Course (EOAC) at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. After completing that school he was assigned to Germany and stayed for the next five (5) years. He was assigned to the 7th Army Training Command (7ATC), Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC). He also completed his company command and was an Assistant Plans and Operations Officer (S3). He also became the father to two (2) daughters. He left Germany to attend the Systems Automation Course at Fort Gordon, GA and was assigned to Fort Leavenworth, KS. He worked as the Computer Automation Officer for the Command and General Staff College (CGSC) while at Leavenworth.
John P. Garfield
John P. Garfield
Class of 1967
Army, 6 Years

Hawk guided missile crewman-Bamberg, Germany 67-70
Communications Assets Recovery Agency-Saigon, Vietnam 70-71
Communications Analyst Specialist=Ft. Huachuca, Arizona 71-73
John P. Garfield
John P. Garfield
Class of 1967
Army, 6 Years

U.S. Army Europe (Germany) 1967-70 Air Defense Artillery Hawk Missiles, East German border
U.S. Army Vietnam 70-71 1st Signal brigade attached to the 196th Light Infantry Brigade Quang Ngai, South Vietnam
Leonard Johnson
Leonard Johnson
Class of 1984
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

Enlisted in January 1985 and since traveled to several countries and participated in the two wars.
Michael A. Mosley
Michael A. Mosley
Class of 1976
Air Force, 20+ Years

Served in USAF Security Forces, Desert Shield/Strom
Roderick Jones
Roderick Jones
Class of 1983
Army, 20+ Years

Roderick Anthony Jones was born 21 August, 1965 at Highland Park General Hospital. He graduated from HPCHS 31 May 1983. He served the U.S Army for 21 years, retired from Active Duty in 2005. Rod was a Infantryman, and served in different locations around the globe, Hawaii, Germany, Alaska, Japan, Washington D.C., New York, and the Middle East.
Samuel Laing
Samuel Laing
Class of 1987
Air Force, 20+ Years

21 years of dedicated service to our nation, traveling to some of the most isolated places around the world. Assigned to numerous flying squadrons and flew the T-38 trainer while assigned in Ca.
Tammie Perry
Tammie Perry
Class of 1983
Army, 20+ Years

Retired SFC

Classmates Spotlight

Highland Park Community High School Classmates

Linda Chene
Class of '57

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School News

Save McGregor Library

I've been thinking about the library and would like to come up with a plan to help save the library in Highland Park. I...
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Our Highland Park Community High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Highland Park Community High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Highland Park are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!