Highland High School Alumni

Salt Lake, Utah (UT)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Amberlynn Inglis
Amberlynn Inglis
Class of 2000
Air Force, 8 Years

Served in both Utah and West Virginia Air National Guard units.
Andrew Monks
Andrew Monks
Class of 1998
Air Force, 8 Years

6 years in the Army, 2 in the Air Force so far.
Crandall Thomson
Crandall Thomson
Class of 2001
Marine Corps, 7 Years

AirWing F 18 a+ shop superviser
D. Sherman Ross
D. Sherman Ross
Class of 1964
Army, 20+ Years

3+ years active duty as a Platoon Leader & Company Comander in the 11th Signal Group, Ft. Huachuca, AZ.
19+ years in the Army Reserves and National Guard as Platoon Leader, Battery Commander, Artillery Battalion Signal Officer, and Corps Artillery Signal/Communications Officer.
Retired with the rank of Major.
David Donnan
David Donnan
Class of 1977
Navy, 3 Years

USS Ingersoll (DD 990)
Edwin T. Hamlin
Edwin T. Hamlin
Class of 1965
Army, 20+ Years

Retired Colonel Served in Southeast Asia, Germany, Philippines, Korea and States. Most of service time spent in Special Forces as team , company, and battalion commander.
Greg Whiting
Greg Whiting
Class of 1969
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired Lt. Col. withe USAFR
Flew C-141 as aircraft commander, instructor and flight examiner throughout the world on both active duty and Air Force Reserve at McChord AFB in Washington state. Retired from the reserve in 1996. Will complete an airline career with United Airlines at the end of 2013 with over 34 years as a Boeing 777 Captain.
Jacob Carpenter
Jacob Carpenter
Class of 1995
Navy, 8 Years

From 1995 to 1998 served in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, under Operation Sea Signal and Operation Hope. Then from 2002-2007 served as a Parachute Rigger in Maine
James C. Powell
James C. Powell
Class of 1968
Air Force, 20+ Years

12 years enlisted and eight years as an officer. 1972-76, K-9 at RAF Bentwaters, England. 1976-79 Security Police at at Ellswoth AFB South Dakota. 1979-84 Academic Instructor at SAC Drug Rehabilitation Center, McConnell AFB KS. 1984-88 Flight Commander/Launch Officer Whiteman AFB MO. 1988-89 Command & Contol Officer Kunson AFB Korea. 1989-92 Command & Control Officer Whiteman AFB, MO.
James Heygster
James Heygster
Class of 1999
Marine Corps, 8 Years

Artillery: M198, M777, M142. Deployments: 11.5 months in Iraq, two deployments to Afghanistan.
Jason Moore
Jason Moore
Class of 1989
Air Force, 4 Years

From 1990 to 1992 served at RAF Upper Hayford, England guarding F-111’s and nuclear weapons. From 1992 to 1994 was stationed at Vandenberg AFB guarding Titan and Delta Rockets.
Joe Hoggan
Joe Hoggan
Class of 1965
Army, 20+ Years

30 yrs Army, SGM(Ret), Band, Artillery, Petro Sup, Recruiting/Reenlist; ROK, USAREUR, Asia
Jonathan Woodruff (Woody)
Jonathan Woodruff (Woody)
Class of 1988
Army, 8 Years

I was a Weapons Specialist and Logistical Supply Sergeant, I was originally a Flight Operations Sergeant, but changed MOS. I reached the rank of NCO, Sergeant, E-5. I worked for the 1-211 Apache Helicopter Battalion, Headquarters Company, of West Jordan, Utah. I loved my time of service and wish I was still serving in the military but unfortunately I was injured on a training exercise, had back surgery to my lower back and later resigned during my third tour of duty before they could reclassify me and assign me to a desk job in administration or medically discharge me. Leaving the military was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I loved my job, weapons repairman, supply sergeant - ordering/purchasing, receiving, issuing, storage, physical security, inventory, property reconciliation, logistical coordination - highway usage, air usage, training sites reserved for training, ordering and placing porta-pottey's/showers, food, fuel, ammunition, passenger vehicles, pay for weekend warriors,.training materials, blood draws for HIV testing, random drug screening, joint training coordinated with the Airforce out of Hill Airforce Base to fly F-18's against and/or with Apache Helicopter missions as well as joint operations with the Medivac Unit, 19th Special Forces out of Camp Williams, etc. I loved my job, multi-tasked all the time, too much to do and not enough time, always operating at a high level of expectancy with no less than 6-8 tasks functioning at the same time with a line at your desk of soldiers to see you, a phone ringing off of the hook with associates on hold, messages popping up on the computer, your name coming over the intercom repeatedly and a commander watching you, waiting and observing, expecting you to fail or fall to pieces. I loved it, every part of it, I love the uniform and always wore it proudly, extremely pressed and my boots always so shinny that you could see yourself in them and pick your teeth if you wanted. I also repaired weapons, and managed the arms vault, physical security, issuing and receiving of weapons as wells as yearly qualifications. I was trained on all small arms of the Army - the .38 caliber Revolver, the .M1911 45 Caliber Semi Automatic Pistol, the 9mm Beretta Semi Automatic Pistol, the M-16A1 5.56MM Semi Automatic Machine Gun, the M-16A2 5.56MM Semi Automatic Machine Gun, the M203A1, A2 30MM Grenade Launcher, The M-60 7.62MM Machine Gun, the .50 Caliber Machine Gun, the M72A2 LAW (Light Anti Tank Weapon) - Rocket Launcher, the M249 MKII Scale SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) Machine Gun, the MK-19 Automatic Grenade Launcher 40MM (Belt Fed), to name a few, actually that is almost all of them in addition to scopes and night vision scopes, Bayonet's, Grenades, Mines, Etc., I am not real big on guns, I have never been a hunter, but I shot expert on all the weapons above and took them all apart at the armorer level and put them back together blind folded - that's what they made us do at Ft. Hood, Texas for our Weapons Specialist Course. I greatest happiness came from the Logistics, I really loved that, so many things going on all at the same time, most people would go crazy or yell out in stress but I loved it, the more things and people at once the happier I was and the better I operated. I wasn't good at multi-tasking, I was the best at it. I couldn't get enough of it, the more responsibilities, the more expectations and tasks operating at the same time the better for me. Managing the weapons was just an added bonus, an additional task that had to be done. Although it was pretty cool being so young and being the only one of 341 individuals in the unit that had the combination and alarm keys and authorization to the weapons vault. I remember my first time going over to the vault, I was given a ring of keys and the combination and no instruction just the a copy of the inspection report from a State Readiness Inspection of our small arms and security that our unit had horribly failed and we were the first unit in Utah to apparently due that, anyway I opened the vault door and inserted the key into the alarms box on the wall to the right of the vault door inside the vault. I turned the key the wrong way. To the right means you are under distress and your life is being threatened, the light goes out the same as turning it to the left which is the way your turn it if everything is alright. I didn't know. Well about 4 - 6 minutes later I heard a speaker of some kind coming from outside then the phone rang. It was West Jordan Police ordering me to immediately come to the door, first taking off my shirt, and coming out the door with my hands in the air with my I.D. in my right hand and nothing else. I did what I was asked and when I went outside the door their were eight or ten cop cars blocking the road on either side of the armories property and officers in the street with shotguns officers standing up against the building to the right and left of the door I had just exited with pistols drawn and pointed at me. Holly crap, I was scared out of my mind, what the hell did I do??? I had absolutely no idea what was going on or that the alarm system even had a thing called distress or panic alarm. After I identified myself and explained what I did, they came inside, and the facility commander came down, Colonel Woodward, and everything calmed down and they apologized and left and told me to be sure and be careful and not do it again. I never did. Anyway my unit was always very busy with a million and one things that had to be done, we transitioned from an Attack Helicopter Battalion with Cobra Helicopters and a Medavac Unit attachment, to a new Apache Helicopter Battalion. This is no easy transition. equipment, SOP, MTOE, everything changes, authorized positions, equipment, ranks, qualifications, and the list goes on, all changed in addition to the unit moving storage facilities from Camp Williams to a new armory that was being build in the middle of this transition directly across the street from the old armory on Airport Road in West Jordan, next to Airport #2. We had to prep everything for turn in and receive/inspect everything we got for replacement, vehicles, M16A1's for M16A2's, ..38 Revolvers for 9MM Semi Automatic Pistols, Cobra Helicopters for new Apache Helicopters, just to name a few of hundreds of exchanges we had to due. All of this and Desert Storm was just about to begin as well, many of us were in and out of Ft. Hood, Texas training for periods of two weeks up to three months at a time training with the 6th Cavalry and their Regular Army Apache Helicopter Battalions, or Property Book training SPBS-R training in Little Rock, Arkansas, Camp Robinson, or NBC Defense Operator Training, 30 days, at Camp Williams, or Weapons Specialist training, just a few duties I was personally was tasked with as well as going to Ft. Lee, Virginia, just 45 miles from Richmond, for Supply Specialist training, and PLDC (Pier Leadership Development Course), 45 days, Ft. Carson, Colorado which is a requirement when your are an E-4 Specialist and being considered to become an NCO (Non Commissioned Officer), E-5 Sergeant. It's kind of like basic training all over again. We often worked for weeks at a time with no days off. I often slept at the armory rather than going home, sometimes for several days or more than a week. We were also constantly reporting to state headquarters when ordered to assist in preparing whatever unit had just been ordered to the middle east. It's was a crazy time to be a Active Duty National Guard Soldier in our unit. I was AGR, full-time almost the whole time I was enlisted in the service. I blew out my lower back loading M16, M-60, .50 Caliber, 9MM weapons racks, steal foot lockers containing bolts and parts, and crates of ammunition onto 2 1/2 ton trucks by myself and had surgery eight months later at Hill Air Force Base. I really wish it had never happened, I would give anything to still be full-time in the National Guard, either in my unit or another unit in Utah. If I was I would be just months away from 20 years of active duty. That really sucks to think about. Anyway I think I have bored the heck out of anyone who might read this, if they haven't died from boredom way before now, so I am going to stop her and go.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

Keith D Thompson Jr
Keith D Thompson Jr
Class of 1974
Air Force, 3 Years

Medically retired after three years of service as an MC-130 Navigator with the 1st Special Ops Squadron, Clark Air Base, Philippines.
Keith D Thompson Jr
Keith D Thompson Jr
Class of 1974
Air Force, 3 Years

1st Special Ops, Clark Air Base, Philippines. Service 1982-1985. Medically retired.
Louise Caldwell
Louise Caldwell
Class of 2000
National Guard, 15 Years

I joined the UT Army National guard in 2002 deployed to Iraqi in 2004. I started working full time for the guard in 2012.
Lynn Hampton
Lynn Hampton
Class of 1973
Navy, 20+ Years

Captain, currently at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, HI. 1yr Iraq, Washington DC. Bremerton, WA. Yokosuka, JP.
Matt "Sunshine" Baker
Matt "Sunshine" Baker
Class of 1976
Air Force, 35 Years

Russian Linguist, Intelligence, Cyber, Commander. Served in West Berlin Germany, Aviano (Venice) Italy, Monterey California, Pentagon (2X) and Texas (multiple times and locations). Retired as a Colonel.
Class of 1959
Army, 20+ Years

Retired LTC Regular Army. Two combat tours in Vietnam, nearly three years in Germany (my favorite assignment), three years in Washington DC, Pentagon, couple of years with the 101st Airborne Division. Numerous assignments on military posts throughout the South. Received Master's Degree while in the Army. Instructor at the US Army Infantry School, Ft Benning GA and US Army MP School , Ft Gordon, GA and FT McClellan, AL. Lots of Military Schooling highlignted by graduation from Command and General Staff College FT Levenworth KS. Both daughters born while I was in the Army thus are "Army Brats"A line officer with lots of time with troops. Proud wearer of the Combat Infantry Badge
Michael Adam
Michael Adam
Class of 1990
Army, 17 Years

Served in Desert Storm, and spent two years mobilized for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Continues in the U.S.Army Reserve as a MSG.
Richard Maris
Richard Maris
Class of 1960
Navy, 3 Years

Naval Aviation Air Intelligence Photo Interpreter PT-2 with Heavy Attack Reconnissance Squadrons: RVAH-3, 5, & 9. deploying out of NAS Sanford Florida. 11 month CVA-60 USS Saratoga deployment followed by CVA-61 USS Ranger operating in Tonkin Gulf, Yankee Station over North VIet Nam.
Rob Lang
Rob Lang
Class of 1996
Navy, 8 Years

Instructor Pilot
Robert C Pratt
Robert C Pratt
Class of 1965
Air Force, 20+ Years

Served in various operational positions flying fighter aircraft including two tours to SEA during the Vietnam conflict. Staff job as United States National Military Representative to SHAPE (NATO) and ADO to 9th AF/USAFCENTCOM. Retired in 1997 as a Colonel.
Robert Gubler
Robert Gubler
Class of 1959
Navy, 2 Years

US NAVY.....Bremerton, Wa l968; Vietnam l969 (12th Marines in Quang Tri, RVN); Okinawa (3rd Marine Div) l970).
Sterling (Jim) McMurrin
Sterling (Jim) McMurrin
Class of 1966
Navy, 2 Years

Seabees - MCB 9
Steve Black
Steve Black
Class of 1965
Army, 20+ Years

us army paratrooper 66/69
spent one yr in viet nam with 101st abn and 18 months with 82nd abn.
air traffic controller usaf 1971-75
19th special forces in the 80's
RN in evac hosp in gulf war in 91
retired utah ng in 01
William Doidge
William Doidge
Class of 1978
Army Reserves, 27 Years

5 years active duty with 22 years National Guard.

Classmates Spotlight

Highland High School Classmates

Kent Hornbeck
Class of '73

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School News

Highland Football State 4A State Champs

If you are not aware of this the Highland Rams Football Team won the 4A State Championships in November 2010.
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Our Highland High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Highland High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Salt Lake are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!