Reunion HHS,HTS,St.James 1968
Bradford Country Club
This is the planning stage. Lorna Ross and Jim Michitson have indicated interest in the planning. Let's get some interest going from Haverhill TRde School and St.James High School.
Please ue my contact information:
Reservations have not been solidified for Bradford Country club but we should do this by October.
Also....this would be appetizer stations,DJ and a light rogramto allow for mingling!It is our 68the Birthday Party!
There is an estimated cot of $50/person......so far.....
Monday, June 27th, 2016
Invited Classes:
Event Details
HHS/HTS Class of 1964 50th Reunion
Ashworth-by-the-Sea Hotel
Haverhill High and Trade School Class of 1964 will host its 50th Reunion at the Ashworth by the Sea Hotel, Hampton Beach, NH 03842, (800) 345-6736, ashworthbythesea.com on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 17, 18, and 19, 2014.
Rooms have been reserved for both Friday and Saturday night.
Activities will include a Friday night cocktail hour and dinner dance. Saturday will involve golf, walk on the beach, miniature golf, shopping, apple picking and a 4:00 PM meeting in the lounge to party. Sunday will involve a brunch at the Ashworth.
Classmates are encouraged to contact their class friends to invite them to attend. If you are aware of any classmate address changes, please help the committee by notifying them of this information.
For more information, contact committee members James Cassell, 978-228-9816; Donna Coyle (Masys), 603-475-9936; Beverly Dumont (Dallaire), 978-521-4501; Henry Francescone, 978-609-1387; Sylvia Francescone (DiBurro), 978-609-1388; John Gallerani, 603-329-9339; Wilbert Hills, 603-362-4656; Joy Merrill (Grainger), 603-926-3109; William Middleton, 978-476-2973; Charlotte Parker (Bertram), 978-372-0847; Joe Tavitian, 978-373-6260; Joe Villanucci, 603-898-8732; Alfreda & Paul Woodlock (Porro), 978-241-9689.
For continued updates about the reunion and class activities or announcements, contact a committee member above or E-mail us care of jtavitian@verizon.net requesting to have your E-mail address added to our class E-mail list.
Friday, October 17th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25th Reunion
Wyndham Boston Andover - 123 Old River Road - Andover, Massachusetts
For more details visit our website: HHS1987.org
Saturday, November 24th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 82 30th Reunion
Ashworth by the Sea, Hampton, NH
Mail checks to 5 Davis Park, Plaistow, NH or call 603-382-5496 for paypal link to be sent via email!
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Haverhill High School Class of 1976 Reunion
SurfSide5 Bar & Grill at Salisbury - 25 Broadway - Salisbury, MA - 978-463-9222 - http://www.surfside5.com/
Please join this Group or our Group on Facebook to provide your input on any further details. Kindly contact any other class member that you have stayed in touch to let them know we're on for our 35th. I am working with Haverhill High School, the Haverhill Gazette, Eagle Tribune, and other groups to get the word out and attract as many class members as possible. Our Reunion Email is: HHS_1976_Reunion@comcast.net. We didn't have our 30th Reunion so let's come together to make our 35th Reunion an amazing event to remember!!!
Saturday, September 10th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
DiBurro's Function Facility - Ward Hill, MA
Greetings all, A combined reunion with Whittier '79 will be held on Saturday, November 28, 1979 from 6 p.m. - Midnight in the Stardust Ballroom (the big room) at DiBurro's Function Facility in Ward Hill. Cost TBA. The date, time and place are now etched in stone so you can make travel plans. Many thanks to Joe Mancini for setting up a Facebook page for the reunion. Joe, if you could post the info contained herein (as you have previously), it would be very much appreciated. Our first planning meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12 @ 7 p.m at the ROMA Restaurant lounge. We will be discussing the main event, as well as any interest in side events leading up to November (golf/BBQ outing, harbor cruise, etc.). In the meantime, I am attaching the contact info as it currently exists and am asking all of you to help update the list. (NOTE: I am aware that the list is lacking so if you could just go ahead and limit your responses to providing helpful contact info that will cure those mistakes and glaring omissions, that would be greeeeeaaat.) Remember, the more e-mail addresses we have, the less postage costs we'll be paying. We look forward to acquainting and re-acquainting ourselves with our friends from Whittier and I hope to see you at the ROMA on the 12th of May. I think it goes without saying that past meetings have sometimes been as entertaining as the reunion, itself. Best, John
Saturday, November 28th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20th Class Reunion
****Please see other events being offered - but can only be listed separately here. There are multiple events planned Dinner cruise 7/31/09, Family BBQ/Picnic 8/1/09, Golf &/or Luncheon 8/2/09 and Cocktail party 11/21/09. ****Each event has separate tic
Please contact Antigone Simmons with your contact info. to be added to email list/mailing list as info. will be sent out very soon. You can call 508-523-2126 or email aaatiggy@aol.com
Friday, July 31st, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details