Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

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Honored Military Alumni

Brett Manger
Brett Manger
Class of 1989
Air Force, 18 Years

USAF- C-5 Pilot
David Gardner
David Gardner
Class of 1966
Air Force, 20+ Years

Army OH-6 pilot, Vietnam 1971 left Army for college and joined USAF as Helicopter pilot 1980. Retired as Major in 1997
Francis A. Galgano
Francis A. Galgano
Class of 1976
Army, 20+ Years

Retired after 27 years as a serving army officer
Harry Hopkins III
Harry Hopkins III
Class of 1973
Air Force, 20+ Years

I was an Air Force Engineer and Cadet Officer trainer from 1976 to 2002. Some important highlights of my career was my involvement in the launching of priority payloads at Vandenberg AFB, Ca and having a personal hand in guiding the development of over a 100 young AF Officers.
James Danielik
James Danielik
Class of 1967
Air Force, 20 Years

30 year career. C-141 pilot and 17 years in Special Operations.
John F. Kulick
John F. Kulick
Class of 1971
Air Force, 20+ Years

Security Police (Law Enforcement Supervisor). Stationed in New Jersey, Guam, Korea (3 different bases for a total of 4 years), New Mexico, Missouri, and Japan (Okinawa and mainland Japan for a total of 11 years). 5 temporary duty assignments to the Philippines for Air Base Ground Defense training.
John Nehrbas
John Nehrbas
Class of 1968
Air Force, 20+ Years

I was an Information Processing Supervisor for 20 years in the USAF. Received the Air Force Commendation, Joint Service Commendation, Air Force Achievement, and Good Conduct (five awards) medals. Stationed in the Pentagon, Wiesbaden, Germany, SHAPE, Belgium, Balikeshir, Turkey, Andrews AFB, Maryland, and Mill Valley AFS, CA
Michael Hallisey
Michael Hallisey
Class of 1977
Army, 20+ Years

An Armored Cavalry officer & Eurasian regional specialist, Mike was commissioned in the Regular Army in 1981 (Hofstra University) & is now a Colonel. He just completed serving as Defense & Army Attache in the US Embassy, Astana, Kazakhstan. He is now assigned to Special Operations Command, MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL (with duty in Washington, DC).
Class of 1980
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Member US Marine Security Forces
Proud member 1st Bn 8th Marines Bravo Company
Mike maltz
Mike maltz
Class of 1978
Air Force, 20+ Years

Killed in a HH60G Pavehawk Helicopter crash in Afghanistan

During a humanitarian miss
neil gallagher
neil gallagher
Class of 1973
Navy, 20+ Years

served twenty years as a chief hospital corpman
united states navy spend last tour at the us naval
academy annapolis md
Pauline Rose Moore
Pauline Rose Moore
Class of 1999
Air Force, 9 Years

still serving in the Reserves, 3.5 years active reserve time...pursuing active duty chaplaincy upon gradusation from divinity school!
Phil Benza
Phil Benza
Class of 1966
Air Force, 20+ Years

United States Air Force
Raymond J Enners
Raymond J Enners
Class of 1963
Army, 2 Years

Heart of Gray, written by his brother Richard Class of 1966, is a riveting chronicle of Ray Enners' life and his selflessness and sacrifice in Vietnam. It depicts accounts of bravery from those he served with and commanded. Ray won the Distinguished Serviced Cross, the nations second highest award for valor.
Vince Winter
Vince Winter
Class of 1983
Army, 12 Years

Air Defense Artillery. Missile expert. NATO evaluator NAMPHI.
William A Clemens
William A Clemens
Class of 1971
Navy, 4 Years

Served from 1971 thru 1975 in the Seabees Naval Construction Battalion 40. While in Okinowa Japan I was transferred to Guam to assist with the evacuation of the South Vietnamese after the fall of the government. I loved every minute of my time in the military.

Classmates Spotlight

Half Hollow Hills East High School Classmates

Michael Tretola
Class of '80

Alumni Stories

High School Alumni Stores

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School News

Class of 1961 50th Year reunion

The reunion is planned for the weekend of November 11th, 12th and 13th, 2011 at Danfords Inn in Port Jefferson.
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Our Half Hollow Hills East High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Half Hollow Hills East High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Dix Hills are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!