Gulf Breeze High School Alumni

Gulf Breeze, Florida (FL)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Alan Bledsoe
Alan Bledsoe
Class of 1972
Air Force, 4 Years

Supply Service Specialist. Keesler AFB Biloxi Mississippi (1973-1976) Rank of Sergeant upon discharge
Bob Hardy
Bob Hardy
Class of 1976
Army, 20+ Years

Began my military career in the US Coast Guard. Took a two year break after serving 4 years in the USCG, then joined the Army to fly helicopters. Retired in 2000 as a CW4. Currently flying for PHI at Ochsner Medical Center. Live in GB
Class of 1997
Navy, 7 Years

Christine Wenrich (Day)
Christine Wenrich (Day)
Class of 1981
Navy, 20+ Years

1981-2006 Retired
Christopher Bouley
Christopher Bouley
Class of 1997
Air Force, 3 Years

Aerospace Maintenance Journeyman (Crew Chief) on KC-135 aircraft stationed in Grand Forks, ND.
David Landfair
David Landfair
Class of 1980
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired to GB, teaching JROTC at GBHS and running for Mayor of Gulf Breeze
David R Johnsen
David R Johnsen
Class of 1987
Navy, 16 Years

In December 1990, upon reporting to Naval Hospital Millington he deployed within weeks as a medical augmentee to the USS Nassau (LHA-4) in support of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. In June
Doni Jones
Doni Jones
Class of 1983
Army, 20+ Years

US Army Ranger
Command Sergeant Major
Douglas Robertson
Douglas Robertson
Class of 2000
Marine Corps, 5 Years

CH-53E pilot
Eric Davis
Eric Davis
Class of 1985
Army, 5 Years

Proudly served in Germany as a Tactical Microwave/Satellite Repair Technician.
Gary Knight
Gary Knight
Class of 1976
Navy, 20+ Years

22 Years in the Submarine Service, USS Florida (SSBN-761), NPTU Windsor, USS Jack (SSN-605), NSSF New London (R8), USS City of Corpus Christy (SSN-705)
Gary Knight
Gary Knight
Class of 1976
Navy, 20+ Years

Gayle Pendleton
Gayle Pendleton
Class of 1991
Army, 3 Years

Military Intelligence Officer, US. Army reserves. Currently deployed to Kuwait for one year.
Jason Lombardo
Jason Lombardo
Class of 1993
Air Force, 8 Years

Air Force Intelligence Officer, 2 tours in Afghanistan, 1 tour in Iraq. Stationed Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia and Ft. Walton Beach Florida.
jason Rinehart
jason Rinehart
Class of 1996
Air Force, 13 Years

USAF Aerospace Medical Technician
Jay Wright
Jay Wright
Class of 1990
Air Force, 16 Years

Jay is now serving the last few years of his enlistment at Eglin AFB. He has enjoyed a well traveled career traveling to Japan, Korea, Iraq, South Carolina, Alaska, Germany, England, and now back home. Through his career he has continued to play sports. Playing on the Air Force Soccer and Softball Teams.
John Holder
John Holder
Class of 1976
Navy, 20+ Years

Served over 20 years in the Navy, and Retired as an Operations Specialist Master Chief. Is now an Information Systems Manager & Business Continuity Planning Administrator.
Jonathan Entrekin
Jonathan Entrekin
Class of 1990
Army, 4 Years

Chaplain with the 101st Airborne Division
Justin B. Watts
Justin B. Watts
Class of 2001
Army, 4 Years

CW2 Justin Watts is currently serving in the U.S Army as an aviator for the CH-47 Chinook, And Safety Officer for the 470th MI. Brigade.
Justin Heinley
Justin Heinley
Class of 1999
Army, 5 Years

Karen Liddle Splain
Karen Liddle Splain
Class of 1980
Army, 4 Years

Served in the Army for 4 years at Fort Dicks, Fort Jackson, Fort Campbell in the 101st Airborne Div. and in South Korea at Camp Humphries from 85 - 87.
Kathy Dickson Rhodes
Kathy Dickson Rhodes
Class of 1977
Navy, 6 Years

Joined Navy in 1985 with duty stations in CA, FL and VA.
Weapons Tech at Weapons Station Yorktown during Desert Storm.
Kenneth Barnes
Kenneth Barnes
Class of 1979
Air Force, 20+ Years

Technical School Master Instructor F-16's
Mark Cole
Mark Cole
Class of 1983
Air Force, 6 Years

United States Air Force Reserve
Paul  Wallis
Paul Wallis
Class of 1997
Coast Guard, 4 Years

Search and Rescue
Richard Alexander
Richard Alexander
Class of 1994
Air Force, 10 Years

Air Traffic Controller
2 Iraq tours
Enlgand, Germany, Oklahoma, South Carolina
Richard C. Stith, Jr.
Richard C. Stith, Jr.
Class of 1989
Army, 16 Years

Has served 16 years in the US Army. Fought in Somalia and has served in Japan, Germany, England and many other places. Is currently a Chief Warrant Officer 3.
Scott Allen Robinson
Scott Allen Robinson
Class of 1996
Army, 4 Years

Light Infantry (Airborne), 1/507th Inf.(Airborne School, Ft. Benning GA
1/24th Infantry, 25th Inf. Division, (Tropic Lighning) Ft Lewis WA
M_249 SAW gunner. (Squad Automatic Weapon)
OP-FOR (Opposing Forces) Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) Ft Polk LA.
These were the best and most proud years of my life. I transitioned back to civilian life in late 2000, and married into the Air Force 18 days after the Trade Center Attacks on 9/11/01. My wife an intelligence officer, and pregnant, I was spared war time, although I was always prepared, always ready! Hooah! To those that did serve in the desert and those that still do. We thank you for your selfless service. God Speed!
Scott Robinson
Scott Robinson
Class of 1996
Army, 4 Years

Airborne Infantry
Stephen Jack Hesler
Stephen Jack Hesler
Class of 1971
Army, 3 Years

Helicopter Mechanic UH-1, AH-1, OH-6, OH-58
Helicopter Crew Chief - Door Gunner UH-1, OH-6
Vietnam 71-72
Hawaii 72-73
North Carolina 73-74
Stephen M. Medeiros
Stephen M. Medeiros
Class of 2002
Air Force, 4 Years

U.S.A.F. Security Forces, 1 tour in U.A.E., 1 tour in Afghanistan, 3 1/2 years in Germany, New Mexico
Stephen McDonnell
Stephen McDonnell
Class of 1985
Navy, 23 Years

Navy Chief
Temple L. Gordon
Temple L. Gordon
Class of 1985
Air Force, 3 Years

1990-1994 spent 2 years at Lakenheath, England
as an Air traffic controller (tower). Deployed the final F-15E jets at the close of the first Gulf war.
Von de Kozan
Von de Kozan
Class of 1980
Navy, 9 Years

U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer; Active duty 1985 - 1991, duty stations HS-5 and U.S. Central Command; Reservist 1992-1995;

Classmates Spotlight

Gulf Breeze High School Classmates

James Brokaw
Class of '98

Alumni Stories

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School News

Five-Year Reunion

Weekend of June 23, 2017
See FB Amalie Murphy
And/Or GBHS Class of '82 page
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Our Gulf Breeze High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Gulf Breeze High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Gulf Breeze are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!