Grant Joint Union High School Alumni
Sacramento, California (CA)
Alumni Stories
Peter Edward Jones
Class of 1943
My dad, Peter Edward Jones, graduated from Grant Union in 1943. His older brother Robert, Bob, graduated in 1942, and his younger brother William, Bill, graduated in 1944. All three brothers enlisted upon graduation and served our country during WWII. Dad's folks moved to Fresno while he was in the service. When he got out in 1946 he moved to his new home in Fresno. He married my mom in '48 and began working for the Fresno Bee, where he worked (with the exception of a year he was called back to serve in the South Pacific during the Korean war) until he turned '80. He finally retired after 57 years on the job. The paper wrote an article about him and called him the "Cal Ripken" of the Fresno Bee. Dad and mom still live in the home I grew up in. Dad will be '86 soon and is doing well, as are his brothers, Bob and Bill. I had lunch with him today and told him his high school probably had a website he could check out. He said he might do that (but I beat him to it). Dad has five children and twelve grandchildren (and a some great grandchildren too). He was definitely a part of what someone referred to as the "Greatest Generation". So here's to the class of 1943. I told dad he should go to his 70th reunion in 2013. He just might do it.

Recent Members
Angela Jacobs | 1969 |
Kailoni Anderson | 2011 |
Melissa A Hodges Melissa Palacios | 1984 |
Melissa Martinez | 2021 |
Myia Myia Williams Kaiser | 2016 |
Paul Rodriguez | 1974 |
Ronny Taupule Ronny Taupule | 2011 |
Sheng Lo | 2000 |
Military Alumni
Honoring Our Heroes
This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!
Lost Class Rings
Have you lost your Grant Joint Union High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Pacers lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.
Do you have a fun holiday story or a great family tradition? Share them with our fellow Grant Joint Union High School alumni! Submit your own stories, achievements and photos in our Alumni Stories section. Read other classmate’s stories and see what they have been up to over the years.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!