Grand Haven High School Class of 1969 50th Reunion
Grand Haven Eagles
WOO HOO ! It's about time, right! A 50th Class Reunion has been planned , so please mark your calendars for Saturday, September 7, 2019. More information will be forthcoming so please keep in touch through this site.
We are trying to track down as many classmates as possible through social media, Facebook, Classmates.com. We will be sending out electronic invites, as most of the contact information for mailings we have on file is no longer viable. If you do not subscribe to either of these, please contact me with your current information. Best Regards , Elaine Vargo Peterson
Saturday, September 7th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
GHHS Class of 1981 - 35th Reunion
Grand Haven Eagles FOE 925
Please join the
GHHS Class of 1981
as we
Come Back & Give Back
Saturday, August 20, 2016
6:30 pm - 11:30 pm
Casual Dinner and Entertainment
$25 per person / Cash Bar
Grand Haven Eagles FOE 925
20 North 2nd Street
Grand Haven
As a way to give back to the community that
helped shape each of us, the reunion
committee has selected a charity with links to
our school system.
Backpack Blessings is a
program that discreetly provides weekend meals
to 250 area elementary students in need.
All money raised will be donated to
Backpack Blessings in the name of the GHHS
Class of 1981. A $30 donation feeds 10 kids for
a week. Plus, 100% of your donation goes
directly to purchasing food for local children.
Donations can be made several ways:
1. Enclose a check with your rsvp for the reunion
2. Mail donation directly to Backpack Blessings,
326 N. Ferry St., Grand Haven
(reference GHHS Class of 1981)
3. Donate at the reunion
Blessings in a Backpack is a non-profit
organization (501c3) coordinated by
Love Inc. and multiple volunteers.
See FB page or website for ticket and payment information:
Follow us on
GHHS Class of 81 or
Saturday, August 20th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 56 Reunion Picnic
Pottawattamie Park - Shelter #3
Bring dish to pass, table service, beverage (alcohol is permitted). If interested in playing golf earlier in day call Ron Fisher H 616-786-3491, C 517-526-0852. Other questions cal Joel Wildrom H 616-847-7807 or C 517-526-0852 or call Rick Bazany 616-994-3010
Friday, July 25th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Grand Haven Class of 1979 35th Reunion
Grand Haven Eagles 925
Grand Haven Class of 1979
Thirty-Five Year Reunion Weekend
We have planned an event filled weekend for all!
Friday, July 11 – Reunion Meet & Greet
Old Boys' Brewhouse
971 W. Savidge, Spring Lake
4:00 – 7:00 PM
Friday, July 11 - Beach Sunset and Bon Fire
Lisa Hinrichs-Hodgini's House
12183 Bluewater Road, Grand Haven
7:00 – 12:00 PM
Saturday, July 12 – GH Class of '79 35th Reunion Evening
Grand Haven Eagles 925
20 N. 2nd Street, Grand Haven
6:30 – 11:00 PM
$30.00 per person by June 15
($35.00 per person after June 15)
Deluxe Taco Bar, Photo Booth, DJ, 50/50 Raffle, Buccaneer Game, Surprise
Sunday, July 13 - Class of 1979 Beach Bash
Lisa Hinrichs-Hodgini's House
12183 Bluewater Road, Grand Haven
1:00 PM - ?
Directions to Lisa Hinrich's-Hodgini's house: Take Lakeshore Drive south to Beach Road. Beach Road is just past the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds. (If you reach Buchanan, you've gone too far.) Turn right onto Beach Road. When it turns the corner you are on Bluewater Road. Park in the road. Follow the winding driveway to the beach.
Send the bottom of this form along with your check payable to Lori Poel/Grand Haven Class of 1979 to: Lori Poel, 18050 Trudy Drive, Spring Lake, MI 49456. Questions? sunmich2@yahoo.com or 616-843-5116
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yes I will be attending:
____ Reunion Meet & Greet
____ Beach Sunset and Bon Fire
____ GH Class of '79 35th Reunion Evening
____ Class of 1979 Beach Bash
Maiden Name:_____________________________________
Email Address:_____________________________________
Mailing Address:__________________________________________
We are attempting an all electronic invite using email, Facebook, internet web sites, etc. Please pass this information on to classmates who we may not have been able to connect with or let us know how to contact them, and we will invite them immediately.
Friday, July 11th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Grand Haven Eagles
Save the date! More details to follow.
Saturday, July 12th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 56 Reunion Picnic
Pottawaromie Park, Shelter #3
Please bring plates, table service, beverage and a dish to pass Alcohol is permitted
Friday, July 27th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Class Reunion
American Legion Post - 700 South Harbor Dr. - Grand Haven, MI 49417
We are trying to send all correspondence electronically. If you have knowledge of any classmates' e-mail address, please let me know. If you'd e-mail me directly, I can send you more information regarding the reunion. Hope to see you at the reunion. Barb Swier Talley
Saturday, July 30th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Grand Haven Class of 1976 35th Class Reunion
Grand Haven Eagles
Grand Haven Class of 1976 35th Class Reunion Date: Saturday, July 30th, 2011 Place: Grand Haven Eagles, 20 North 2nd Street, Grand Haven, MI 49417 Time: 5:30-6:30 registration and socializing Attire: Casual Cost: 25.00 per person (required) DJ Music, Cash Bar, 50/50 Drawing Dinner: 6:30 to 8:30 The menu includes: Station One Homemade Tacos Black Bean Salsa Avocado Hummus Multicolored Tortilla Chips for Dipping Station Two Crab Dip and Crackers Cheese spread with Baguettes Cucumber Sandwiches Assorted Cheese Cubes Station Three Mini Pulled Pork BBQ Chili-Lime Chicken. Wings Cole Slaw Potato Chips Assorted Relishes Station Four Cake Truffles Mini Cheesecakes Fresh Fruit Kabobs with Dip Chocolate Fountain GHHS Tour: To take a walk through our “old” high school. Be at the South entrance at 1:45 pm Saturday, July 30th. There will be NO entry after 2 p.m. See what has changed since we walked these halls. Golf Outing: Saturday, July 30th, for information: contact Wayne Rose at (269) 721-3765 The following is a list of classmates that we have been unable to locate. Can you help? Greg Anderson John Bol Mike Brandt Ken Combs Bill Demery Tom Devereaux Dave Deyoung Kim Estlund Parsons Patti Flanery Darlene Gardner Kevin Greene Sue Guske Klosowski Chris Hamstra Gomery Ruth Anne Heinz Harry Hoendervanger Jusine Houle King Shawn Hudson Brian Kennedy Tracy Killebrew Habian Marva Kooiman Ringleberg Martha Koteles Duane Kraai Kathy Krueger Wirth Rocky Kruitoff Beth Lach Shelton Steve Mansfield Craig Marlow Shawn McCabe Kevin McClary Jeff McPherson Bernie Moon Pam Mulford Brinn Micheal Murphy Gary Newman Catherine O’Rourke Vicky Payne Warner Rick Pierson Tammy Potempa Amolsch Janis Raczok Donna Radzik Paul Raggl Zintis Rietksts Becky Robbins McConnell Brenda Robbins Rowland Kevin Rowland Virginia Schilling Benjamin David Smith Joni Snyder Farreira Tim Thompson Don Trainer Chuck Trim Chris VanderSchaaf Collins Linda VanderWall Dale Kim Voight Ruenger Jeff Wallace Kim Wallish If you have any questions: e-mail: Joan Link at ghclassof1976@gmail.com or go to the class facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/GrandHavenClassof1976 ---------------------------------------------------------- Return this portion along with a check made payable to: Grand Haven class of 1976 and return by July 15th to: Becky Stolarz, 275 Dee Road, Muskegon, MI 49444 Name:_________________________________(maiden)_________________ Spouses Name:_________________________________ Address_______________________________ City_____________State________Zip _____ e-mail address________________________________
Saturday, July 30th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
GHHS Class of 1989 20th Reunion
GH Community Center
Please send your current addres to me if you haven't been contacted yet. If you know where anyone is that may be difficult to locate please pass on their contact info too! Thanks!More info to come.
Saturday, June 6th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details