Class of 1985 reunion
OK -- So, hopefully this is correct for a timeline. Let us know if there's something missing please.
7/3/15 - Friday night: Bar-b-que at Vanessa Keller Ladiges'
7/4/15 - Sat. 9 am: Meet at the old Quickie Mart to decorate float for parade
7/4/15 - Sat. 10 am: Community Days Parade (please wear purple or gold or GHS shirt to represent!
7/4/15 - Sat. 1 pm: American Legion for lunch!!!! (See post 2/22/15).
7/4/15 - Sat. nite: Unknown if there will be a beer garden -- but, usually all reunions gather downtown or beer garden.
7/5/15 - TBD by people that show up :-)
7/3-5/15 Goldendale Community Days (see online for list of events)
Friday, July 3rd, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1974 Reunion
Reunion Dinner at American Legion
Friday, August 22, 2014:
Saturday, August 23, 2014:
Participating on the GHS Class of 1974 float?
Time: 9 a.m.
Place: Goldendale Primary School
Not Participating on the float?
Time: Parade starts at 10 a.m.
Place: Downtown
Reunion Dinner:
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Place: American Legion
Ticket Price: $21.00 per person + $3.95 on-line processing fee.
Menu: Entree: Chicken or prime rib
Side dish: Baked potato or garlic mashed potatoes
Drink: No host bar
The class reunion coincides with the Klickitat County Fair and Rodeo. Check out the fun and activities. Looking forward to seeing everyone! http://www.klickitatcountyfair.com/default.aspx
Saturday, August 23rd, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20th Reunion
Meet and Greet at Ayutla's Resturant. Parade Saturday morning and Dinner at the American Legion at 530p.
If you have any questions please let me know. Kids are welcome and they are $8.00 for chicken strip dinner on Saturday.
Friday, July 6th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
50 year reunion
Please mark this date. I will have more information as this year goes along. If anyone wants to reach me or help, let me know. My email is:bapine@q.com. You can email me and I will give you my phone number.
Friday, June 28th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 yr reunion
Old Legion Hall above Hotrods Bar
So here is the schedule for the reunion weekend July 9th -11th. I hope you all can make it to at least one event if not all. I have spoken with a lot of you and everyone is excited to get together this summer. This is all about seeing everyone, catching up on the last 30yrs, and telling exagerated stories about the "old days". I am expecting a large turnout, that is if a lot of the maybes end up being able to make it. Hope so! Friday night we will meet up at Judy Seiferts house around 7 pm to get things started. We may decorate the float, move tables and chairs, or just drink some beer and tell lies. Friday is a wing it night. Lets have some fun... Saturday morning float (I will let know you the time later) I expect everybody to be there and enjoy this together! Saturday BBQ potluck will be at Econy Park 11-4. We will be having chicken brought in and potluck the rest, so bring your favorite dish or stop by the market and pick something tasty up. Hopefully we have lots of family members including parents, children and a few teachers. There will be plates and utensils there. Bring lawn chairs if you wish. The city will be setting up some picnic tables for us. All the events are BYOB. If alcohol is your choice, keep it in discrete containers at Econy. The old Legion Hall will not be a problem as we will have a banquet license or you can get drinks from Hotrods. Saturday night will be at the old Legion Hall above Hotrods 7-11. We will be serving meat and cheese trays with fruits and veggies along with other goodies. John Grein is mixing up a night of 70s music and Darlene said she has booked a band so you can mosey down to the bar anytime you like. Sunday brunch at Farview Motel resturant at 10:30am to cap off a great weekend with a fairwell until next time... I will be sending out an email soon with the donation amount we will need to make this happen. It looks like it will be around $17.50 per person or $27.50 each with a T-shirt like the 20yr reunion with everybodies name on it. No extra charge for parents or kids that attend the BBQ (just bring an extra side dish). Everybody that has not confirmed there attendance please email me if you planning on being at the reunion so we can get a better idea for ordering food, tables, chairs, ect. I would like to give a big thank you to everyone that has helped put this together so far. Judy, Jill, Kim, Cindy L, Merrillee, Cynthia, John, Bryan, Brent, Lori, Tim, Randall, David. We still have more to do, so let me know if you would like to volunteer. We need a stereo for Saturday night and maybe a few extra coolers Friday and Saturday. Remember Hotel reservations are due by June 1st. John Grein is looking for your updated Bios and music reqests Scott Thayer is putting together a picture board so dig out your old pictures and email or send them to him.
Saturday, July 10th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details