Class of 1970 - 50 Year Reunion
Looking for someone in the Springfield / Chatham area who is willing to start planning the 1970 50th Class Reunion which will be coming up in 2020. Let's get everyone from Glenwood HS 1970 class involved and invited.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '75 40th Reunion
TRN Club
Friday Night Mixer: July 10th changed to Crows Mill Pub at 1220 Toronto Road, Springfield, IL at 6p.m.
Saturday: Group picture till be taken at the TRN Club around 5:45 p.m. Copy of picture will be $20, delivered that night.
Saturday, July 11th, 2015
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25th Reunion - Class of 1987 - SIGN UP NOW PLEASE!
The Elks Club Lodge, 409 East Lake Shore Drive, Springfield
Its here! The Chatham Glenwood High School Class of 1987 25th Reunion: Alumni Picnic (kids welcome) 11am - 3pm Alumni Reception (adults only) 7pm-Midnight Attire: Very very casual Price: Lunch: $10 per person, children 5 and under free. If you are bringing a big crew of Young Redskins, no worries - maximum charge is $40 per family. The reunion committee will provide fried chicken, dessert and drinks, but we are asking that everyone bring a side dish to share. Evening Reception: $20 per person includes finger food, beer, and wine. The more people that show up = more beer and wine that we can order, so enlist your fellow alumni to sign up (especially those who may not be on Facebook). When the kegs and wine dry up, there will also be a cash bar. And we'll have a DJ spinning (iPod-ing?) 80s tunes. How to Pay: *Paypal: Send the money to Joel Sternstein via Paypal at jsternstein@hotmail.com. After paying, please send me an email with your information, the names of your family members / significant others, and which event(s) you plan to attend so we can get an accurate headcount. *Check: Make the check payable to Joel Sternstein and send it to Joel at 1418 Main Street, Evanston, IL 60202. Again, please include a note with your information, the names of your family members / significant others, and which event(s) you plan to attend. At the Elks Club, we will have the pavilion, the hall, and the run of the grounds (including access to a playground and a kickball field) the whole day except the swimming pool. In other words, the event goes on rain or shine. RSVP by no later than July 1!
Saturday, July 21st, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1987 Reunion
Whassup everyone? Kevin Dolbeare is starting to plan our 25th Reunion to be held the weekend of July 21, 2012. Looks like there will be an adult event on the evening of the 21st (drinks and appetizers) and a family picnic on July 22, 2012 (fried chicken and ice cream). For those of you on Facebook, please "friend" this page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/25th-Reunion-for-Glenwood-HS-Class-of-1987/260257077381696. You can also contact Kevin directly at kevindolbeare@yahoo.com
Saturday, July 21st, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Glenwood High School Class of 2001 Reunion
Piper Glen Golf Club - Palmer Room - 7112 Piper Glen Drive - Springfield, IL
Please send payment through pay pal using my email: ecarr11@hotmail.com or send payment to the following address: Erin Carr Swiss Re 222 West Adams, Suite 2300 Chicago, IL 60606 Dinner, non-alcoholic drinks and entertainment will be provided. There will be a cash bar. Please feel free to bring any "REDSKIN" memorabilia to display. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Saturday, August 20th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30th Class Reunion
Island Bay Yacht Club. 76 Yacht Club RoadSpringfield, IL 62712
Denise Connelly
Saturday, June 25th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30th Reunion
Just gauging interest at this point. If enough are interested, I'll need some help, but I'll be happy to start organizing!! :)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
GHS Class of 2000 10 year Reunion
Crowne Plaza
Come enjoy dinner and dancing with your Class of 2000 classmates at the Crowne. The cost is $35/pp. Please pay by paypal. If you prefer to pay by check, email me. Rooms at the Crowne are available at a discounted price ($109/night- just mention that you are with Class of 2000 Reunion). Please email me ~10 of your favorite High School pictures so we can enjoy reminiscing life as we knew it 10 years ago!! Also to add to the festivities, the Homecoming Football Game is October 1st at GHS. Feel free to bring kids to the football game, but adults only at the Crowne please. Email me with any questions. Hope everyone can make it!
Saturday, October 2nd, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1985 Reunion
Floyd's- Downtown
1985 Class Reunion Sat 7-31-10 at Floyd's There is an all Redskins Reunion planned for Friday 7-30-10 at 7:00 PM at Capital City Bar (everyone). - Jeff Rocco organizing The <a href="">Hobie Outing</a> is Saturday 7-31-10 at Piper Glen-Gary, Jimmy, Kevin organizing
Saturday, July 31st, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1999 Dinner Reception
Dinner Reception - The Infinity Room - 107 W. Cook St. - Springfield, IL 62704
Friday, October 2: Gather at the GHS Football game beginning at 7:00pm. Children are welcome. Following the game, adults may choose to visit Harry's Tavern for drinks and conversation. Saturday, October 3 (Adults only): To RSVP, please mail payment (check made payable to GHS Class of 1999) to the address below by Friday, September 25. After September 25 and at the door, the cost will be $30. GHS Class of 1999 Corey McDonald 850 S. Durkin Apt. 137 Springfield, IL 62704 Sunday, October 4: Bring the kids, pack a picnic, or just swing by to say hello - our family picnic will be held from 11:00am-1:00pm at Southern View Park. Come for the afternoon, or just stop by on your way out of town.
Saturday, October 3rd, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
TRN Club - 24 Lakewood Drive - Chatham, IL. 62629
Any "Redskin" class is invited. The more the merrier!!
Saturday, August 1st, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
31st reunion with class of 78's 30th
Firefighters/Postal Lake club - 940 West Lake Drive - Springfield, IL 62712
The class of 78 has invited us to partake in their reunion party. There will be food available for purchase - BBQ sandwiches, and cash bar availabe.Cost is donation to cover expenses - any additional will be donated to non-profit org. There will be a golf outing on Saturday morning. Invitations will be mailed very soon, as well as attached as soon as available.
Saturday, August 30th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details