Glenbard West High School Alumni

Glen Ellyn, Illinois (IL)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Bill (William) Broyles
Bill (William) Broyles
Class of 1975
Air Force, 20+ Years

E7 Retired
Bill Barry
Bill Barry
Class of 1966
Air Force, 20+ Years

Drafted in 1966, spent 2 years active in Alaska Infantry then discharged. (Army)
Re-enlisted 1982 in the Army, later transferred to Air Force, served active and reserve duty as a aircraft mechanic on helicopters and KC10 extender refueler, then later munitions specialist. Went to many parts of the world, served in iraq war on tiny island of Diego Garcia for 6 months. Retired January of 2005
Bill Gilbertson
Bill Gilbertson
Class of 1958
Army, 3 Years

After graduating from the OCS Army Artillery & Missile School I was deployed in Mainz, Germany as the Executive Officer of a Pershing Nuclear Missile Battery during the cold war. Fortunately, I never had to fire one in combat.
Bill Hughes
Bill Hughes
Class of 1969
Marine Corps, 4 Years

F4B Aviation Electrician
VMFA 323 & VMFA 531
Brian Mueller
Brian Mueller
Class of 1999
Coast Guard, 8 Years

Enlisted Damage Controlman
Burges C. Budd
Burges C. Budd
Class of 1957
Navy, 20+ Years

35+ years Actve and Reserve Duty P-3 Plane Captain
Charles Woodcock
Charles Woodcock
Class of 1970
Navy, 18 Years

Joined Navy to see the world and did - 63 countries and counting. Seven years of sea duty from frigate to aircraft carrier. Duty stations: Yokosuka, Japan; Hong Kong; Philadelphia; Norfolk; Central Command (Tampa + Saudi Arabia) and Bermuda. Strategic planner on US CENTCOM during first Gulf War serving under General Schwarzkopf and at SOCCOM (Special Operations Command). Earlier retirement for medical.
Chuck Vergan
Chuck Vergan
Class of 1969
Army, 20+ Years

Served in the U.S. Army from 1971 - 1993 with tours of duty in Vietnam, Germany, Fort Riley, KS and Fort Bragg, NC. Currently working for the U.S. Army as a civilian at Fort Bragg, NC.
Cindy Elledge
Cindy Elledge
Class of 1987
Air Force, 4 Years

Served at Little Rock Air Force Base 1989-1993 husabnd USAF for 17 years
Dan Guenther
Dan Guenther
Class of 1962
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Vietnam -1968-1970
Dave Ruff
Dave Ruff
Class of 1962
Army, 3 Years

Radar Repair, Nike missile systems. Served in KY, NJ, TX, Germany
Class of 1954
Air Force, 20+ Years

served in ILL, Alaska before statehood, NH, Thule
Greenland, France, Germany, Japan, LA(yuck!),
Philippines, Viet Nam, England, back to ILL, CA,
Taiwan, Philippines again, OH where I retired.
also pulled temporary duty tours in Libya and Spain, been supersonic over Europe, over the
North Pole in a Berlin Airlift veteran aircraft,
cross country from Germany to England in a
jet trainer and making a blind landing in the fog
in the UK, across the Pacific from Japan to Calif
in 9 hours 30 minutes in a C-5, seen sunsets from
Pacific islands, Spain, Alaska, Japan, and would
do it all again in a heartbeat!
Class of 1954
Air Force, 20+ Years

veteran of Cold and Viet Nam Wars, serving in
aircraft maintenance units for six years in Europe,
five and half in Far East, one and half in Alaska, three
months at Thule, hell hole in LA, good tour in Sacramento and NH, back to Chanute as a TSGT,
retiring then twenty one and half years at USAF
Museum in CS. Do it again in a heartbeat!
Debby Benjamin
Debby Benjamin
Class of 1970
Air Force, 20+ Years

Nurse Corps
Debby Benjamin
Debby Benjamin
Class of 1970
Air Force, 20+ Years

After graduating from ROTC at the University of Kentucky, I spent 20 years in the Air Force Nurse Corps.
Debby Benjamin
Debby Benjamin
Class of 1970
Air Force, 20+ Years

Air Force Nurse Corps
Donald A. Patterson
Donald A. Patterson
Class of 1957
Army, 14 Years

USAF: 1957 to 1965; USA: 1965 to 1970.
Was a career GI until injured in Vietnam. Commanded the 586 Combat Signal Company at Camp Radcliffe, An Khe, Vietnam; then the 509th Signal Battalion for a short period at An Khe.
Douglas Kelsey
Douglas Kelsey
Class of 1976
Army, 20+ Years

20+ years as Transportation and Logistics Officer. Served in 82nd Airborne Division, Army Special Operations Command, US Joint Forces Command, and others. Among my world travels was a 5 year hardship tour in Rotterdam, The Netherlands where I had to tolerate the wonderful Dutch people, great Dutch beer, cheap antiques and great museums, art and jazz festivals.
Eric Maule
Eric Maule
Class of 1989
Army, 31 Years

US Army Retired - Last position held: Chief Warrant Officer of the Air Defense Artillery Branch (CWOB), Fort Sill, Oklahoma
Gene B Wasson
Gene B Wasson
Class of 1966
Air Force, 4 Years

3 years 7 months 27 days active duty, Vietnam Era but spent time in Texas, Mississippi and Alaska. Early out to go back to school on GI Bill...Nixon was president.
Gerald H (Gerry/He) Henningsen
Gerald H (Gerry/He) Henningsen
Class of 1953
Marine Corps, 3 Years

I enlisted in USMC after end of Junior year, Jun 1952...served (3) Years... boot Camp Parris Island Jun/sep the Combat trng Camp Lejeune... then to KOREA (Pohang) K-3 with MAG-33 in Squadron VMF-311... served with Capt Ted Williams & Major John Glenn...In Aviation Supply... was made a Helicopter Loadmaster on Sikorsky HRS -1's & HRS-2's...continued Loadmaster duties in civilian life for (42) Years with American Air 1955/1957...Northwest Air 1957/1966... then Alaska Airlines 1966-1997 upon retirement at Anchorage,Alaska...!!!I was in Korea K3 July 27,1953 was Graduating in June 1953...!!!
Harold Jay Murdock
Harold Jay Murdock
Class of 1968
Army, 20+ Years

Served two yours in Vietnam/ 173rd ABN
November Company 75th Rangers/
101st ABN DIV L Co 75th Rangers &
2nd BN 327th INF REGT No Slack
Jim Perry
Jim Perry
Class of 1975
Navy, 20+ Years

Naval Aircrewman, retired 2006. Still serving as Federal employee in Chicago.
John Bluck
John Bluck
Class of 1966
Army, 2 Years

6th Army and 9th Infantry
John F. Scull, Jr.
John F. Scull, Jr.
Class of 1964
Army, 2 Years

SP/4 John Scull, member of U. S. Army Special Forces, Killed In Action, March 21, 1966 in VietNam, awarded the Bronze Star for Valor, attempting to save fellow Green Berets under heavy enemy fire, buried with honors at Forest Hill Cemetery.
Leonard Johnson
Leonard Johnson
Class of 1962
Navy, 4 Years

Served aboard the USS Rogers DD876 home based in San Diego. Completed two tours to Vietnam 1970-1974. Received National Defence, Vietnam Service, Vietnam Campaign, Combat Action and Good Conduct metals.
Louis Gonzales
Louis Gonzales
Class of 1987
Army, 18 Years

7 years Marine Corps after graduation (no summer vaction for me) with a combat tour during Desert Storm and 11 years in the Army Guard (full time)
Class of 1958
Air Force, 20+ Years

LTC Dave Ritter
LTC Dave Ritter
Class of 1980
Army, 20+ Years

Over 22 yrs as an Infantry then a Military Intelligence Officer. Have lived and traveled lietrally the world over - Asia, Central & South America, Africa and Europe. Currently live in Germany.
Pete Billing
Pete Billing
Class of 1955
Navy, 8 Years

TinCan Sailor aboard the USS Purdy, DD734
Phillip R Budd
Phillip R Budd
Class of 1960
Air Force, 20+ Years

Command Pilot, decorated Vietnam AC-47 Spooky IV Corp
Richard Inskeep
Richard Inskeep
Class of 1954
Navy Reserves, 4 Years

Served two years active duty 1954-1956 aboard the USS Angler, a diesel powered submarine, stationed in New London Connecticut.
Richard Long
Richard Long
Class of 2004
Army, 4 Years

101st Airbourne
Robert Maciejewski
Robert Maciejewski
Class of 1985
Navy, 20+ Years

Enlisted in the Navy from 1986 to 1990. Stationed at Naval Air Station, Norfolk Virginia. Deployed aboard the USS Coral Sea (CV-43) and the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). Worked in the parachute loft on both ships. Joined the Navy Reserves in 1990 and was assigned to VR-51 stationed at Glenview Naval Air Station, Illinois. Worked as a support equipment technician and earned my Naval Aircrew wings. Transferred to the Illinois Air National Guard and was assigned to the 126th Civil Engineering Squadron Fire Department at O'Hare Airport and then relocated to Scott Air Force Base, near Belleville, Illinois. Retired in 2009 after 22+ years of service.
Ronald Inskeep
Ronald Inskeep
Class of 1954
Navy Reserves, 4 Years

See profile for twin brother Richard as we served together.
Samuel Thomas Marsala
Samuel Thomas Marsala
Class of 1967
Navy, 6 Years

3 class Bosnian Mate and served 1 year on USS Rigel - AF, 2 years USS Salinan - ATF and 1 year USS Nipmuc- ATF
Scott Persson
Scott Persson
Class of 1968
Army, 4 Years

Served in the Republic of Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division. 1970 and 1971
Seth T. Washburn
Seth T. Washburn
Class of 1993
Air Force, 11 Years

Staff Sergeant (E-5), USAF Security Forces (Law Enforcement). Participated in Operations Southern Watch, Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom, & Iraqi Freedom.
Stan Baker
Stan Baker
Class of 1962
Army, 3 Years

Vietnam 1967-1968
Thomas Halvorsen sr.
Thomas Halvorsen sr.
Class of 1968
Marine Corps, 2 Years

Two years USMC - 1969 to 1971 Military Police - Infantry

Classmates Spotlight

Glenbard West High School Classmates

Michele Rizzo
Class of '92

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School News

Digitized Yearbooks Available

Digitized old copies of the Glenbard West yearbooks have just become available. There are Glenbard West yearbooks from ...
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Our Glenbard West High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Glenbard West High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Glen Ellyn are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!