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Francis T. Maloney High School Alumni, Meriden CT

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I married Andy Wofford in June, 1968 and we have two sons and five grandsons. Due to Andy's work as a Professional Engineer in construction, we moved many times including: Texas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Washington State, Maracaibo, Venezuela, Maryland, New Hampshire and finally Ohio in 1986 for what was supposed to be a 3 year project. Who knew we would still be here! Four years ago we moved to a nearby suburb, Loveland. We belong to LifeTime Fitness for exercise where Andy works on the machines and walks in the pool for 45 minutes. I focus on water aerobics 4 days/wk. Our oldest son, Dave, lives in Durham NC and our younger son is in a suburb of Cleveland (Mentor). We look forward to grandson #2 coming to be a freshman at Univ of Cincinnati (Biomedical Engineering). Our #1 grandson graduated from his parents' alma mater, Bowling Green S.U. and is job hunting. Any classmates nearby? Hello from the Loveland Lovers!
Francis T. Maloney High School Shared Photo

Classmates Spotlight

Francis T. Maloney High School Classmates

Mary Lou DeLuccia
Class of '73

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School News

Walter Mann NHTV

Hi, I am from NHTV in North Haven and we are doing a documentary on the Mad Dog Murders in 1956-57 in CT. We are lookin...
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