55th Reunion for Federal Way High School Class of '64
Foley's Bar and Grill at Meadow Park Golf Course, 7108 LAKEWOOD DRIVE W TACOMA WA 98467 Dress Casual. No charge, each person responsible for their own beverage and food tab. PLEASE RSVP. https://www.foleysbarandgrill.com/
Saturday, September 14th, 2019
Invited Classes:
Event Details
FWHS Class of 1969 50 Year Reunion
Emerald Downs
Ticket prices are $69.00 per person. Saturday Aug 17, 2019 is the main event but a Friday night (Aug 16th) pre function is planned for the Right Spot Bar and Grill in Fife, 5119 Pacific Hwy E., Fife Washington, 98424, from 5:30pm to ????. A Sunday August 18th picnic is also in the planning stages. Payment can be made via PayPal to PayPal.me/BonnieSchloer and enter the amount.
Saturday, August 17th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1966 Picnic and 70th Birthday Party
Steel Lake Park, Site 4
Hi folks!
Time seems to be flying by this year and August will be here before you know it. Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 19, 2018 we will be having a Picnic/70th Birthday Party celebration. There will be hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, soda/water and a birthday cake provided. Feel free to bring a side dish to contribute, if you’d like. As parking is limited you will want to get there early and/or car pool to make things easier.
For those of you that are planning on attending and haven’t yet RSVP’d please send and email to Sue Love @ sue@thebms.net with your name and the name of your spouse or guest if you are bringing one. So far we have 42 people on the list. It will be great to join up again and have some relaxed time to visit with old friends.
If you are local and have a barbecue you can bring for the festivities, please let me know so I can pass this on to Gail Raisio who is in charge of food and festivities.
Hope you are all doing well and look forward to seeing you in August.
The Reunion Committee
Sunday, August 19th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '78 Reunion
Twin Lakes Country Club
Purchase your Tickets at Eventbrite NOW! 200 tickets available.
Save the dates Sept 21 & 22nd, 2018 for 40th Reunion!
Greetings 1978 Eagles! Here’s what you need to know!
Friday Sept 21st Billy McHales 6 PM - Close
Casual gathering at Billy McHale’s Pub in Federal Way
1320 S 324th St,
Federal Way, WA
Jim Ross, Contact 253 839-4200 or email address jross1969@aol.com
• Classic rock/top 40 band starts 9:30pm-close
• Cash and carry drinks and appetizers, Happy Hour starting 8pm to include $5.00 “you call it” drink special, excluding super premium drinks.
Saturday Sept 22nd Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club 6:30-11:00pm
Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club
1320 S 324th St,
Federal Way, WA
Alison McIrvin, Contact:
Janice Finch, Contact: thefinchbirds@comcast.net
• Buffet dinner/appetizers, open bar. Coffee, Tea, and water available.
• Tickets $50 - $60 per person, drinks not included. (Still finalizing details so cost is not set.)
Saturday Golf Option: Wanna swing a golf club with friends? Looking for volunteers to organize this event.
Find Friends: We are excited as the details come together and look forward to seeing all of you again! Please do your detective work regarding former classmates who perhaps are not on FB and track them down for us! We would love to see as many of our former Eagles as possible.
Look for future updates in the coming months!
Saturday, September 22nd, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1965
A committee is being formed to plan a Class of '65 Reunion. Please leave messages if you would like to help or if you know the whereabouts of any graduates not already registered on this website.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
50 Year Reunion Class of 1964
CI Shenanigan's Seafood and Steakhouse
REUNION WEEKEND SCHEDULE. Please send Linda Davis a message by Sunday, 9/14 if you are planning to attend the High School Tour.
September 19, 2014 - 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. TOUR OF FEDERAL WAY HIGH SCHOOL. We will meet in the Visitor parking lot at 9:30 a.m. Please be prepared to give a small payment for lunch, as the student body is preparing our lunch.
September 19, 2014 - 3:00 p.m. to whenever - MEET UP AT Salty's in Redondo.
WOW – It is hard to believe 50 years have passed since we walked the halls of Federal Way High School!! We have the wonderful opportunity to reconnect and catch up on our lives since graduation. The planning committee has found a wonderful, handicap accessible, venue for the event. Here is the information you need to join us for a very special gathering. Welcome to the PARTY!!
Date – Saturday, September 20, 2014
Time – 5:30 to 10:30
Place – C I Shenanigans Steak and Seafood (upper floor)
Address – 3017 Ruston Way, Tacoma, WA 98402 (253) 752-8899
Details – No host bar for the first hour followed by a diverse buffet dinner, music and memory making.
Cost - $64/pp, includes venue rental, buffet dinner, dessert, tip, bartender fee, a take home updated keepsake, classmate photo booklet. (Any funds not used for the actual event will be donated to F W H S for a scholarship or booster club needs).
Where to send payment for event – Check or money orders only made payable to Priscilla Barrilleaux (formerly Ingram) 15 NW Greenhill Ct., Bremerton, WA 98311 Include names of guests and an email address where we can send a confirmation of receipt of the funds.
Register Here – If you are not sure you can attend, but want to register to receive updated information 1964reunion@mail.com,
Where to stay – Silver Cloud Hotel – 2317 Ruston Way, Tacoma, WA 98402 (253) 272-1300 This facility has offered a reduced rate to our group for reservations made prior to the end of July. King room is $149 plus tax, double queen room is $159 plus tax. Be sure to identify yourself as part of the FWHS 50th reunion when making a reservation. The rate includes free parking, a hot breakfast and free WIFI. It is walking distance to the reunion location. There are other properties available at various rates throughout Tacoma, but none as ideally located as this one.
We are also meeting on Friday for a no host event casual cocktail hour at Salty’s in Redondo for those who want some additional time to reconnect with classmates.
We are collecting brief bios and current photos as well as memorabilia to share. We need everyone’s help in locating classmates. You can contact any one of us on the Reunion Planning Committee to help us find people
Saturday, September 20th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
class of 2003/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/349297938482915/480258168720224/?notif_t=group_activity
https://www.facebook.com/groups/349297938482915/480258168720224/?notif_t=group_activity. Class of 2003. I need to start getting a head count so I can set up a proper PayPal account. Please reach out to those not on Facebook and have them email me at lindzmitch@gmail.com. I want to make sure everyone is invited. Also, if you notice someone is not in this group, invite them to join as well. Thanks for your help! I'll be doing the same. Remember August 9th at 1927 Events in Seattle.
Friday, August 9th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
50th Reunion-Class of '61
Best Western Hotel, Federal Way. Also the following day Sunday 18th Picnic at Bellmore Park 1:00 PM and Monday the 19th Tour/Lunch of Federal Way High School..
Saturday, September 17th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
FWHS Class of '91 20-Year Reunion Dinner Event
Kent Commons - 525 4th Avenue North - Kent, WA 98032-4428
TICKET INFO: The reunion is all set up, and we're starting ticket sales now! The main dinner is Sat Aug 13th 6PM at the Kent Commons. Buffet dinner is included, we'll have a DJ and cash bar as well. The price is just $39 per person before June 1st, $45 after June 1st. Payment is by check only ($39 per person, tax included), to: FWHS Class of 91 Reunion 3927 1st Ave N #24 Seattle, WA 98105 jthrush@superxstudios.com or 206-715-9140 for any questions Please include on your check: email address and names of guests.
Saturday, August 13th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30th Reunion for Class of 1978
30 Reunion for the FW 78 - Janice Finch Nomiyama - thefinchbirds@comcast.net - Who-FW Grads & guests - When-Oct. 24 & 25 08 - What-Fri. 10/24 FW/Kent Meridian Football game – FWStadium-7 PM. Meet at Billy McHales 1800 S 320 after game, Tell
$40 for guest
Saturday, October 25th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details