Escambia High School Alumni

Pensacola, Florida (FL)

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Escambia High School Reunions

Past Reunions:

Details: Any class members wanting to organize the reunion contact me thanks
When: Undetermined
Invited Classes: 1978
Event Details
Escambia High School Class of 1976 - *45th Reunion
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club & Watson Sailing Center
When: Friday, September 17th, 2021 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1976
Event Details
Escambia High School Class of 1970
Location: The Hilton Pensacola Beach
Details: Email for registration form and informational flyer.
When: Friday, April 17th, 2020 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1970
Event Details
Class of '88 - 30 Year Reunion Dinner
Location: South Market
Details: Join your fellow Escambia High classmates of 1988 for cocktails and dinner at one of the newest restaurants in downtown Pensacola, South Market. South Market, currently has a location in Pace, FL, but will be opening a second location in historic Pensacola Village in time to host our 30 year reunion!

Cash Bar will be available

For more detailed info on the venue and menu AND to buy tickets, please visit the link below
When: Saturday, June 30th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1987, 1988, 1989
Event Details
2018 Escambia High School 40th Reunion
Location: The Purple Parrot Tiki Resort on Perdido Key (Fri.) Lillian Community Club (Sat.)
Details: Friday, July 20th, 2018 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. The Purple Parrot Tiki Resort on Perdido Key

Saturday, July 21st, 2018 6:00 p.m. Lillian Community Club Grand Hall, 34148 Widell Ave., Lillian, AL

$60 each for both nights. Make checks payable to Lori Phillips (Hammac), 4211 Castle Gate Dr., Pace, FL 32571
When: Friday, July 20th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1978
Event Details
Escambia High Class of '88 Blue Wahoos Night
Location: Blue Wahoos Stadium
Details: Party with your fellow EHS c/o '88 classmates on a PRIVATE PATIO & watch the Blue Wahoos play Mississippi. Food and drink, along with a visit from the Mascot and a Blue Wahoos cap for all that attend will be provided

This is a family-friendly reunion event!

Total Cost: $32/person


Game ticket and Entrance to Private Party Deck to watch the game
Blue Wahoos Ball Cap for each ticket bought
All American Buffet available for 90 minutes (Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Sides, Desserts and Non-Alcoholic Beverages)
Visit from the Mascot!
Ticket sales end June 4 and are non-refundable
When: Friday, June 29th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1988
Event Details
EHS Class of 1965 50th Reunion in 2015
Details: We are in the planning stage and have chosen a time frame of Sept 2015 to Nov 2015? We are taking ideas for Theme, Places and likes! It will be a casual event for 2 nights at undertimined date, for now. If you would like to come or have information on other classmates, such as mailing address or phone numbers. Please contact us ASAP. We need to secure a building and contact as many as possible.thank you for assistance in getting the word out. Looking forward to seeing all our friends and making new memories together. Call me at 1-850-572-0319/ Dianne Dyar Guy- Senn.
When: Undetermined
Invited Classes: 1964, 1965, 1966
Event Details
Escambia High School Class of 1963
When: Monday, September 2nd, 2013
Invited Classes: 1963
Event Details
Class of '63 50th Reunion
Location: Meet & Greet at New World Landing
Details: Friday Night 11/1/13, Meet and Greet at New World Landing Casual Dress

Saturday Night 11/2/13, Dinner and Dance at Pensacola Yacht Club, Sunday Dress

email Annette Custer Fortney at
When: Friday, November 1st, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1963
Event Details
EHS Class of '93 - 20th Reunion
Location: Sander's Beach Community Center
Details: Join us for dinner, dancing, open bar, a photo booth and walk down memory lane. Buy tickets at See you soon!
When: Saturday, July 6th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1993
Event Details
Class of 1973 45th Reunion
Location: Osceola Club House & Pen Yacht Club
Details: We will be mailing a registration brochure in the mail. If you have moved since the last reunion please send us your new address or if you don't know if we have your correct address please send. email to
When: Friday, October 11th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1973
Event Details
Class of 1988 Reunion
Location: Grand Lagoon Yacht Club
Details: We've set up an online registration page! After you register, you will have the option of paying online or sending in your check.

Registration for the reunion includes dinner, dancing and a chance to win door prizes. A cash bar will be available. Dressy casual is suggested.

Please pay early so we can get a proper headcount! Early Bird tickets are $45/person. AFTER June 30th the registration/ticket fee goes up to $55/person
When: Saturday, August 3rd, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1988
Event Details
EHS Rebel Beach Party in 2013 for 1969-1972
Location: Paradise Inn Bar/Grill on Pensacola Beach!
Details: No Reservations~ No Charge~ Cash Bar 6 PM Until ??
When: Saturday, June 22nd, 2013
Invited Classes: 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972
Event Details
Details: Friday and Saturday--Nov 1st and 2nd web site:
When: Friday, November 1st, 2013
Invited Classes: 1963
Event Details
2012 Class Reunion
Location: Friday Night - 5pm-9pm at Seville - Lili Marlene's - Saturday Day - 9am-1pm - Lexington Terrace Park - Saturday Night - Holiday Inn Resort Gulf Front 6-12 - Sunday Morn - Meet at the Cross for Services - Sunday Afternoon - Pensacola Beach
Details: 2012 Class Reunion!!! Invited: Class of ’77 from PHS celebrating 35 years invites Classmates from ’75-’79 From PHS, EHS, BTWHS, WHS, PFHS, CHS, Tate When: Friday, June 29th, Saturday, June 30th, & Sunday, July 1st, 2012 Where: Friday night at Seville (5-9pm) $15 ea - includes Hot & Cold Hors d'oeuvres Saturday “Day” at Lexington Terrace Park for Classmates & Family – FREE Pulled Pork, Lunch -compliments of the Avery/McClure/Denham families (bring beverages) Saturday Night at the Holiday Inn Resort – Gulf Front for Classmate & Adult Guest(s) Sunday morn at the Cross on Pensacola Beach for Family & Friends Sunday “Day” at Pensacola Beach for Family & Friends Cost: $85 per Classmate for Saturday Night due 4/15/12 $85 per Guest for Saturday Night due 4/30/12 (adults only) Activities: Friday night Ice Breaker at Seville, meet at Lili Marlene’s – casual attire Saturday “Day” Lexington Terrace Park – Play Ball!! Families & Friends invited! Saturday night at Holiday Inn Resort – 6pm – Midnight - 7pm – 9pm – Dinner Buffet - DJ ‘til 10pm or later Sunday morn at: The Cross on Pensacola Beach – Time to be determined Sunday “Fun Day” at: Pensacola Beach – Time & Location to be determined
When: Friday, June 29th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979
Event Details
50th Reunion
Location: New World Landing - 600 South Palafox St
When: Saturday, May 5th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1962
Event Details
Escambia High School Class of 81 reunion
Location: Seville Quarter Apple Annie's
Details: Here is the website with details and info sign up! .
When: Friday, July 15th, 2011
Invited Classes: 1981
Event Details
35-36 Year Reunion
Location: Friday night - Seville Qtr. - Heritage Hall; 130 E. Government St. Saturday noon - Sluder's - 2791 Weller Ave. Saturday night - Sander's Beach - 913 S. "I" St.
Details: Mail payment to:EHS Reunion, 4021 W. Navy Blvd., Pensacola, FL 32507 E-mail
When: Friday, October 8th, 2010
Invited Classes: 1974, 1975
Event Details
50-Year Reunion
Location: Seville Quarter - Pensacola, FL
Details: Friday, Oct. 15, 2010 - Meet & greet Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010 - Buffet Dinner
When: Friday, October 15th, 2010
Invited Classes: 1960
Event Details
Rebel Rumble 2012
Location: Thursday, June 28th Beach Party 5-9 - Pensacola Beach - Friday, June 29th 6-9 Seville Quarter - Hors d'oeurvres & cash bar - Saturday, June 30th 7:30-11:30 Grotto Hall - Band- Seafood/Chicken Buffet - BYOB
Details: $35 per person before May 31 $45 per person June 1-23rd $50 After June 23rd & at the door Detailed agenda & registration form attached. Please share this infomration with other classmates and email us with your contact information and that of any classmates that you can locate so we can make sure as many as possible are invited.
When: Saturday, June 30th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972
Event Details
45th Reunion
Location: Sanders Beach, Corrine Jones Center - 7 - Midnight
Details: More information will be available shortly. Please email me if you would like to be put on the mailing list.
When: Saturday, August 28th, 2010
Invited Classes: 1965
Event Details
Escambia High School Class of 1965 45th Reunion
Location: Sanders Beach - Corinne Jones Community Center - 913 S. I Street - Pensacola, FLorida
When: Saturday, August 28th, 2010
Invited Classes: 1965
Event Details
25th reunion
Location: TBA
Details: Class of 1985's 25th reunion will be a one night event.
When: Saturday, June 26th, 2010
Invited Classes: 1985
Event Details
EHS c/o 94 15 year reunion
Location: Mixer at The Suite, Downtown Pensacola
When: Friday, July 24th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1994
Event Details
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club 1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, FL 32502
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. You can get all of the details plus purchase tickets on our class website at WWW.ESCAMBIA79.COM Friday - September 18th @ 4:30 - Casual gathering at the Oar House on Cypress Street. Just down the road from the Yacht Club. Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -Details will follow Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both Adult and child sizes. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail - Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Jacki Burgess Simon (727)585-9221 Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club 1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, FL 32502
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. You can get all of the details plus purchase tickets on our class website at Friday - September 18th @ 4:30 - Casual gathering at the Oar House on Cypress Street. Just down the road from the Yacht Club. Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -Details will follow Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both Adult and child sizes. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail - Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Jacki Burgess Simon (727)585-9221 Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club 1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, FL 32502
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. The committee is still planning the event, however here are the details we have at this time. Friday - September 18th @ 6:30 - Casual gathering in the Hotel bar at the Hilton on Pensacola Beach w/ cash bar. Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -Details will follow Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both Adult and child sizes. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail - Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Jacki Burgess Simon (727)585-9221 Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
Escambia High Class of 1984 Reunion
Location: New World Landing (downtown Pensacola)600 South Palafox Street
Details: Please visit our reunion website for all the details
When: Saturday, August 8th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1984
Event Details
Class of 1984 25th Reunion
Location: To Be Determined
Details: Stay tuned...more details will be available shortly. We will have a website with all the reunion information and I will forward that address when it's functioning.
When: Undetermined
Invited Classes: 1984
Event Details
Official 30th Class Reunion Sept. 18-19, 2009
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club - 1897 Cypress Street - Pensacola, FL
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. Visit for additional details Friday - September 18th @ 4:30 - Casual gathering at The Oar House just down the road from the Yacht Club on Cypress Street Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -You can book online at our website. Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered thru our website. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail - Website- Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Jacki Burgess Simon (727)585-9221 Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
Location: Crown Plaza Pensacola Grand Hotel; located at 200 E. Gregory Street at Alcaniz Street (across from the Civic Center) in downtown Pensacola, Florida. Hotel Front Desk - 850-433-3336
Details: Reunion Website - Please visit our website for more options. The EHS Class of 1979 30th year Reunion will be held the weekend of June 12 - 14, 2009. We hope you will attend! The committee is still planning the event, however here are the details we have at this time. Cost - $65.00 per person Friday - June 12th, 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.- Casual Meet & Greet in the hotel's CAVU Club and hotel lobby, w/ cash bar. Reunion t-shirts, if ordered, will be distributed this evening. (Pre-registration is required.) Saturday - June 13th, 6:30p.m. - 12:00 a.m. - The Main event will be a Catered Casual Social Function in the ballroom w/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, classmate directory, slide presentation, and more. Sunday - June 14th, 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.- An optional brunch is offered in the hotel's 1912 restaurant. Breakfast prices range from $5.95 - $10.95. The deluxe breakfast bar is $9.95 per person. Hotel Accommodations - Crown Plaza Pensacola Grand Hotel - $139.00 per night for One King or Double Queen room. Other rooms are also available. Please give Group Code - "E79" when making your reservation. To make reservations, please call the front desk at 850-433-3336. Airport shuttle service is provided by the Crown Plaza Pensacola Grand, between the airport and the hotel. T-shirts - Custom Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both adult and child sizes. Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, June 13, 2008, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups @ $15.00 -$30.00 for 8x10's and various packages. The group photo will be available @ $15.00 for an 8x10 or a 10x 13. Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, June 13th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory. Class Directory Ads- To offset some of the costs of the reunion, we are selling ads in our 81/2x11 Class Directory. If you would like to place a business or personal ad in our directory, please send us a business card or typewritten information and a good copy of any logo you would like included to the reunion mailing address below. The price of ads are::1/8 pg - $20.00, 1/4 pg - $35.00, 1/2 pg - $60.00; full page - $100.00. Class Directory - If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 P.O. Box 10763 Pensacola, Florida 32524-0763 E-mail - Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Ananias Harris (850-944-5664) or Sheila Trickey Romaine.(850-478-7577.) Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, June 13th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
Official 30th Class Reunion
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club 1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, FL 32502 -
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. Visit for additional details Friday - September 18th @ 6:30 - Casual gathering in the Hotel bar at the Hilton on Pensacola Beach w/ cash bar. Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -Details will follow Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both Adult and child sizes. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail - Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Jacki Burgess Simon (727)585-9221 Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
EHS Class Reunion-All Classes Welcome!
Location: Quality In & Suites - Gulf Breeze, Florida
Details: See website at then click on EHS Class REUNION on left side of webpage
When: Friday, June 15th, 2012
Invited Classes: All Classes
Event Details
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club 1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, FL 32502
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. The committee is still planning the event, however here are the details we have at this time. Friday - September 18th @ 6:30 - Casual gathering in the Hotel bar at the Hilton on Pensacola Beach w/ cash bar. Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -Details will follow Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both Adult and child sizes. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail - Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Jacki Burgess Simon (727)585-9221 Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club 1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, FL 32502
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. The committee is still planning the event, however here are the details we have at this time. Friday - September 18th @ 6:30 - Casual gathering in the Hotel bar at the Hilton on Pensacola Beach w/ cash bar. Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -Details will follow Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both Adult and child sizes. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail -
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club 1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, FL 32502
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. The committee is still planning the event, however here are the details we have at this time. Friday - September 18th @ 6:30 - Casual gathering in the Hotel bar at the Hilton on Pensacola Beach w/ cash bar. Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -Details will follow Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both Adult and child sizes. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail - Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Jacki Burgess Simon (727)585-9221 Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club 1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, FL 32502
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. The committee is still planning the event, however here are the details we have at this time. Friday - September 18th @ 6:30 - Casual gathering in the Hotel bar at the Hilton on Pensacola Beach w/ cash bar. Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -Details will follow Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both Adult and child sizes. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail - Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Jacki Burgess Simon (727)585-9221 Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
Location: Pensacola Yacht Club - 1897 Cypress Street - Pensacola, FL 32502 -
Details: The Official EHS Class of 1979 30th Reunion wil be held the weekend of September 18-19, 2009. The committee is still planning the event, however here are the details we have at this time. Friday - September 18th @ 6:30 - Casual gathering in the Hotel bar at the Hilton on Pensacola Beach w/ cash bar. Saturday - September 19th, 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. -Main event - Catered Casual Social Function iw/ cash bar, D.J., photographer, & classmate directory. Hotel Accommodations - Hilton on Pensacola Beach -Details will follow Photographer - A photographer will be present Saturday, September 19, 2009, to take a group photo of classmates in attendance and to offer professional photos of couples and small groups Photos for Class Directory - Each classmate attending the reunion Saturday, September 19th, will receive a copy of the 8 1/2 x 11 directory. Please mail or E-mail any photos of you and your family that you would like included in the directory to T-shirts - Class of "79 30th Year Reunion t-shirts can be ordered @ $10.00 each and are available in both Adult and child sizes. Class Directory - Classmates attending the reunion will receive a copy of the Class Directory. If you are unable to attend, but would like to order a Class Directory to be mailed, the cost is $5.00 Reunion Mailing Address: EHS Class Of '79 430 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 E-mail - Escambia Alummi - Escambia Alumni from other classes are welcome to attend the reunion. If you know someone interested in attending, please ask them to E-mail their name, current address and phone number to or contact Jacki Burgess Simon (727)585-9221 Please help us update your contact information by sending an E-mail with your current mailing address and phone number to
When: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1979
Event Details
20 year reunion
Location: Pensacola Beach Hilton
Details: Website: Please register and pay before May 5, 2009.
When: Friday, June 5th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1989
Event Details

Plan a Reunion Event

Anyone can plan a reunion on our Escambia High School site.

1. Choose a date and location.
2. Invite graduating class(es).
3. Sell Tickets & Merch (optional).

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