Class of 1970 50th Reunion
Hello former classmates!
Since we last communicated in early February, life has taken a 180 for the entire world. Many of us have lost friends and family to this terrible disease and have been thrust into situations we never could have imagined. New York is still not a place that is in any way back to normal and there are so many question marks as to when that will happen.
We have consulted with our neighboring school districts and all of them have decided to reschedule their reunions for a date in 2021. No, this is not good news and very disappointing. The committee believes this is the safe and prudent thing to do. Traveling in October will definitely be challenging and we are being guiding by the premise of safety first. Any monies that you have sent to us are refundable or, in good faith we could keep it safely in the JGHS reunion account. We will keep in contact and as things calm down, we will discuss a new date for our 51st Reunion. Why not be different? We certainly are not alone.
If you know of any classmates who do not use email, Facebook or Classmates, please pass this information on to them as well. Thank you.
Enjoy the summer, love your family, and please stay safe and sound!
Linda Evans
Laura Meehan
Dorothy Miata
Marion Poulos
Judy Salmon
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1969 Reunion
Northport Yacht Club
For those arriving on Friday 09/13 we will have an informal gathering in Northport around 5pm at a local watering hole and a final informal get together at one of our classmates homes on Sunday 09/15 at 11am. Details about the Friday & Sunday events will be given to those who RSVP.
Saturday, September 14th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
John H. Glenn HS Class of 1978 40th Reunion
Courtyard by Marriott Long Island MacArthur Airport
Hello John H. Glenn HS class of 1978,
We hope you will join us for a fun filled 40th high school reunion celebration on Saturday, August 4, 2018.
Having the opportunity to say hello to our high school classmates is truly an amazing and memorable moment in our lives.
We'll have a great buffet dinner, DJ with dancing, private (cash) bar, dessert and coffee. There will be a photo booth with a live photographer to take lots of candid and posed pictures. The photographer will also be taking a class group picture. You can pre-order the class picture for $20, and you can purchase custom photos at the reunion. There will even be some pictures displaying all night from previous reunions and maybe even some pictures sent in from the class (please send in some of yours!). You are sure to have lots of fun, laughter and new memories to last a lifetime.
For those of you who have been to a past reunion, you already know how much fun this will be. For those of you who have yet to come to a reunion, we hope you will join us this time. Life is going by way too quickly and we would all love to have the opportunity to catch up with you!
We have eliminated the use of a reunion company to make this reunion the lowest price ever ... $65 per person.
Special Hotel Room Rates Available using Group Code: JOH
Contact hotel directly: 631-612-5000
Any dietary restrictions should be emailed to:
The chef will accommodate if made aware no later than one week prior to the event.
Looking forward to seeing you at the John H. Glenn HS class of 1978 40th reunion!
Visit our FaceBook event page:
Tickets can be purchased at the door for $95 per person.
Saturday, August 4th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
John Glenn High School Reunion - Classes of 1977-1981
UpSky Long Island Hotel (Formerly, Sheraton)
This event coordinated by John Truehart (1979) through Great Reunions.
Currently, ticket prices are $109 which includes a Cash Bar.
Negotiating an Open Bar for this event at an additional cost T/B/D.
Suggested Attire: Dressy Casual
FACEBOOK - Event Page
Saturday, July 26th, 2014
Invited Classes:
1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981
Event Details
JGHS Class of 1971 40th Reunion
The Thatched Cottage - 445 East Main Street, Centerport, NY 11721
JGHS Football Game, Saturday, October 22, 1:30pm Host Hotel: The Hampton Inn, Commack, NY 680 Commack Road. Group Rate of $99 available
Saturday, October 22nd, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
JGHS Class of 2001 10 Year Reunion
Finley's - 43 Green St. - Huntington, NY
Check for more details on the facebook page!!/home.php?sk=group_185610538147433&ap=1
Saturday, August 20th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Year HS Reunion
Bilmar Beach Resort - Treasure Island, Florida
Putting together our reunion-details will follow. Please pass this info on to classmates who you keep in touch with.
Sunday, May 15th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
john glenn reunion/party
sarasota florida. - Marina Jacks Restaurant - Sunset dinner cruise
full dinner, prime rib and salmon open to all class members 40 people have signed so far so come join the party call me 941-776-1445
Saturday, May 29th, 2010
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
40 year reunion
Marriott Islandia Hotel - 3635 Express Drive North - Islandia, NY 11749
The price of $62.50 per person price is $50 for the dinner, which includes tax and tip, and . $12.50 for the cost of the DJ. There will also be a family picnic at Crab Meadow Beach on Sunday August 2nd.
Saturday, August 1st, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20th Reunion
Meehan's of Huntington
Details TBD
Cost TBD
Right now, we are just trying to find class members. You can log into our class' website and say hello. Please contact Terry if you are interested in an invitation to the reunion.
Saturday, July 25th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details