Class of 1990- 25th Reunion
Four Lakes Country Club
Please come and reminisce with us!
5:30 p.m. Social Hour
6:30 p.m. Buffet Dinner
9:00 p.m. Comedian (Compliments of Mickey Thomas)
(Cash bar will be available)
Tickets ($27.50 per person) are available until July 5th, 2015.
Please feel free to purchase tickets via your PayPal Account with payment to: Classof90Edwardsburg@gmail.com
or via mail:
Please make checks out to:
Angela Cripe Ingram (with Class of 1990 in the memo area)
and mail to:
Angela Cripe Ingram
17399 Hepler Street
South Bend, IN 46635
(Please feel free to text/call Angie at 574-360-9658 if mailed to confirm receipt of mailing.)
For further information:
Please contact-
Janet Myers Strycker 574-849-3052 or
Angie Cripe Ingram 574-360-9658
We also have a facebook group if you are interested:
www.facebook.com/groups/230061190449016/ (Class of 1990 group)
We look forward to seeing you!
2015 Reunion Committee-
Janet Myers Strycker, Mickey Thomas, Chris Windbigler, Patty (Macumber) Johnson, Deana Hermenitt Ryman-Moler, Brent Florea, Angela Cripe Ingram
Saturday, July 11th, 2015
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '88 25 Year Reunion
Between the Buns
Sometimes it's hard to believe 25 years has passed. Then again...
Our get-together will be held at Between the Buns, 1720 Lincolnway West, Osceola, IN 46561, at 6:00 pm. The food fare this time will be appetizers. Drinks of your choice are on you.
Angelina (Birdyshaw) Finnegan and Angie (Frost) Hostetler are the primary points of contact for this event. They may be contacted via FB.
Cost is $10.00 per person. Please send RSVP, including prepayment, to Angelina Finnegan, 12614 Adirondack Ct, Fishers, IN ,46037, by June 28. No money will be collected at the door.
Saturday, July 13th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20th Class Reunion-1992
Class Reunion will be the weekend of Homecoming Oct. 5th, 2012. This even will be Friday & Saturday. - - More information to follow soon.
Friday, October 5th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1981 - 30th Reunion
MrG's Resturant - Loung708 Lincoln Way W.Osceola, IN 46561
EDWARDSBURG OLD SCHOOL BASH For Comaraderie of Classmates & Friends Everyone over 21 is Welcome Live Band After 10pm $5.00 Cover after 7pm. Get there before then... You Buy Your Own Food & Drinks
Friday, October 14th, 2011
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Class of 1991 20 year Class Reunion
Four Lakes Country Club - 22786 US12 - Edwardsburg, MI 49112
Hello good friends and classmates, Can you believe it's been 20 years since we walked out of EHS in our cap and gowns? Time flies when you're busy with work and kids. Now it's time to take a weekend to relax and reminisce with old friends. We are going to make it a reunion weekend with Friday, October 7th being the EHS homecoming, followed by our reunion on Saturday evening. The home football games usually start around 7pm on Friday night. After the game, we are going to set aside a room for drinks at Stacy's near Eagle Lake. If you can't make it Friday night, we'll look forward to seeing you on Saturday at Four Lakes. Saturday night will be a dinner and cash bar. Four Lakes is requesting the final head count no later than September 15th. The dress will be tastefully casual - no tube tops or jam pants! cost is $22 per person make checks payable to Leslie Krumpschmid mail checks to Leslie Krumpschmid 6024 Hillsborough Ct, Grandville, MI 49418 checks MUST be received by Sept 10th Please, when mailing your check, make sure to include a note with the name of the EHS grad attending the reunion, it will make things easier the night of the reunion for check ins. Also, it is a Notre Dame home football weekend, so make sure to book those travel plans or hotels in advance. We are still looking for several classmates, please spread the word to anyone you talk to - this reunion is open to anyone who went to school with us through the years. Please "Like" us on facebook "Edwardsburg Class of 1991" - and follow for more updates as it gets closer to the reunion. *Also note, the reunion may go on past 11:30 pm so please don't gauge your time around that. We will stay until they kick us out. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Saturday, October 8th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
35th Reunion for EHS Class of '76
Four Lakes Country Club - US 12 - Edwardsburg, MI
Casual get together Friday 7/29 @ Jane Higley-McCroy's. 29698 CR 2, Granger 574-262-1400.Everyone is welcome. Bring a snack to share & your own beverage. Reunion dinner on Saturday 7/30. Social hour 6p-7p. Cash bar available. Buffet dinner at 7p. Please contact Dave Mette to make your reservations or myself for more information. Contact Jeff Higley for the Saturday 7/30 morning golf outing, 269-663-2156 We're hoping to have a great turnout. Please join in the fun, sharing, music, and laughing!
Saturday, July 30th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40 Year Reunion
The 40 year class hosts the 50 year class at the All School Reunion each year the third Sunday in August for a lunch event. Our class is scheduled to do this 8/21/11 so we will also have our reunion that weekend.
Saturday, August 20th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Edwardsburg High School Class of 1980 30th Reunion
Four Lakes Country Club - 22786 U.S. 12 - Edwardsburg, MI
Edwardsburg High School Class of 1980 30 Year Reunion !! August 7, 2010 Your reunion committee is excited to announce that it's time to take registrations for our 30 year class reunion to be held 8/7/10 at Four Lakes Country Club in Edwardsburg!! We will be having a full buffet dinner (Menu not final at press time). Alcohol is not provided but may be purchased at cash bar. Did you attend EHS as a classmate of 1980, but moved away or didn't graduate with us? No worries... We STILL want you to join us! We are inviting teachers and staff who worked at EHS during our time there, and we are also asking EHS alumni from the classes of 1977-1982 to come to the party! If you have good friends who attended EHS during these years, please extend the invitation to them and give them the contact information. Cost to attend the reunion is only $25.00! This cost covers your dinner, nametag. Facility rental and DJ. Please complete the registration form and return it by U.S.P.S. mail with your check due by July 28, 2010. Checks payable to “Becky Duckwallâ€. Send to: Becky Duckwall, 69123 Gateway Dr A2, Edwardsburg, MI 49112. Questions? Just send an email or call Becky Duckwall at bduck61@yahoo.com, 269-228-1028 or Trish (Francel) Mercer at TFM108@aol.com, 972-839-2341. Can't wait to see you in August!
Saturday, August 7th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
45th reunion
not available
Date is just to post reunion,will decide later.
Monday, August 1st, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
15 yr Reunion
The Matterhorn Conference Center - 2041 Cassopolis Street, Elkhart IN
A 15 yr reunion has been scheduled for the date of Friday, July 30, 2010 at 6pm. We will be having the reunion at The Matterhorn in Elkhart. Feel free to contact me with any questions, invitations will be sent including price information. If you have not sent your address information to Pauline Nuemann Wolak, please send me your contact information at 1108jeni@comcast.net
Friday, July 30th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
10 Year Reunion
The Landing, South Bend IN
We are not renting The Landing, just meeting there. So there is no charge to get in The Landing if you arrive before 9:00. Otherwise it is $5. Everyone is responsiable for their own drinks. We wanted to make the reunion budget friendly so more people would come.
Saturday, July 11th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Saturday, June 13th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 98 Reunion
Four Lakes Country Club - 22786 U.S Highway 12 - Edwardsburg, MI 49112
Get more information and RSVP at: www.ehsclassof1998.webs.com
Saturday, August 8th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
15 yr Reunion
American Legion Post 365 - 25751 US 12 - Edwardsburg, MI 49112
Attendance price is TBD. We will have a dollar amount soon but we are trying to keep it as low as possible. We are currently searching options for food which will determine the price.
Saturday, November 29th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details