ELHS Class of '77 40th Reunion
Schedule of Events (please remember to bring cash to tip our bartenders!):
Fri, 10.13.17: 6 pm – midnight
Reno’s East, 1310 Abbott Road, EL
Tickets: $25 at the door
Ticket price includes various pizzas, garden salad, breadsticks, cookies/brownies, pop, coffee and a cash bar
Sat, 10.14.17: 9 am
4ish-mile run beginning at ELHS
Contact Geoff Ramsey (Geoff@emarketer.com )
Sat, 10.14.17: 10 am - 11 am
Greeting by Andy Wells, Principal
Sat, 10.14.17: 11 am
“Real” golf and putt putt at Eagle Eye/Hawk Hollow
Contact Mike Trout (mgtrout@comcast.net )
Sat, 10.14.17: Details TBD
Bowling, Contact Janet Hackel (yankeecelt@gmail.com )·
Sat, 10.14.17: 6:30 pm – midnight
Hawk Hollow Patio 1, 15101 Chandler Road, Bath
Tickets: $50 at the door
Ticket price includes admission to the event, 1 drink coupon, heavy hors d'oeuvres (this will substitute for dinner!) desserts, and a cash bar
Sun, 10.14.17: Details TBD
Ad hoc brunch, somewhere, sometime…
Mon, 10.15.17: 7 pm
Elsingers Reunion Concert
University Lutheran Church, 1020 Harrison Rd, EL
Friday, October 13th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1974 40th Reunion
University Club
Please click on green login button top page right then click on Alumni registration to register then RSVP. When you get to the site payment page click back arrow (if you don't want paid subscription) Next-click on find your reunion then click on more details to get to the green RSVP button.
Next step: Order Tickets!!:
Mail $50 check or money order per person by October 1st (at the very latest please)
Mail to~ Patricia Pfeifer: 515 East Elm Street ,Lansing, MI 48912
Book your Hotel with our group rates at the Candlewood Suites or E.L. Marriott here using this link:
5 PM Friday October 31 Mixer at Trippers Casual dress food and drink on an individual cash basis (..Happy Halloween!) Tour of New High School Saturday November 1st 10:30 AM
Saturday November 1st University Club
6PM cocktails ~ mix and mingle.
7:30-11 PM Dinner, short program, music. Join our Facebook page ELHS Class of 1974 40th Reunion too!
Saturday, November 1st, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1964 50 Year Reunion
Eagle's Eye @ Hawks Hollow Golf Club
The 50th main event -- Reunion will be held Saturday, September 13, 2014, at Eagle Eye (in the Eagle's Nest Room) It will start at 7:00 P.M., and end? (we have the room until 1 A.M.) The cost will be $25.00 per person, with a cash bar. This will include a variety of Hors D'oeuvres. This cost includes food, the room, and music for dancing???? Please let me know if you are coming and I would appreciate it if you would pre-pay. Checks made out to Rosemary Grua, PO Box 921, Pointe Aux Pins, Michigan 49775. I have to try and have a head count early, so please pass this information to anyone that you know from our class.
You can also pay me using Paypal......My email address is: rgbbi@yahoo.com.
This venue is located at 15500 Chandler Rd.
Will let you know about Friday nite, when it is firmed up....
Saturday, September 13th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1964 Reunion
Reno's East
Gathering informally at Reno's East on Abbott Road in the evening prior to our reunion celebration the following night at Eagle's Eye (Hawk Hollow Golf Club).
Friday, September 12th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
ELHS Class or '61 50th year reunion
University Club, East Lansing, MI
Friday, August 26, 2011 Football game between ELHS and Haslett HS—at EL • Happy Hour/Pizza Party Gathering at Coral Gables from 6:30--? • Come to one, or both, events Saturday, August 27, 2011 • 11:00-1:00 Tour of renovated high school (you won’t recognize it!) and city of East Lansing (it has changed since high school!) • 1:00-2:30 Lunch at Hannah/can also tour the building (it has changed, too—and now is a Community Center) • 1:00-4:00 Golf Outing at MSU course (if there is interest) • 5:00-11:00 Dinner and socializing at the University Club Sunday, August 28, 2011 • Although nothing formal is planned, you might want to consider brunch, or a picnic at Patriarach Park or Lake Lansing • You can set this up with friends when you see them at the other events
Saturday, August 27th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
ELHS class of 69 40th reunion
Mariott Hotel MAC St. East Lansing Friday nights dinner
Our 40th reunion is being held the weekend of Friday July 31 to Sunday August 2. If you send me your email you will be added to our email list and keep you updated.
Friday, July 31st, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30th Reunion
Weekend reunion, September 11-13. Details to follow. ELHS home football game Friday night
Friday, September 11th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details