East Carteret High School Alumni

Beaufort, North Carolina (NC)

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East Carteret High School Alumni, Beaufort NC

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East Carteret High School Profile Photos
that child is red!
Last reply posted September 8th, 2023
We are inviting all Mariners to come see Annie April 27-29 at 7pm and April 29 at 1 pm. A special invite goes out to all cast members of the 2003 production of Annie. We will recognize you at the beginning of the show a get a group picture with the cast at the end of the show. Please pass this message along we would like to have a big turnout. This year’s cast has worked very hard to put on a great show.
East Carteret High School Shared Photo

Classmates Spotlight

East Carteret High School Classmates

Jay Cuthrell
Class of '90

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