Dixie High School Alumni

New Lebanon, Ohio (OH)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

Have you lost your Dixie High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Greyhounds lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.

Honored Military Alumni

brett warner
brett warner
Class of 1980
Navy, 20+ Years

served 22 years as a jet engine mechanic
brett warner
brett warner
Class of 1980
Navy, 20+ Years

Jet Engine Aviation Machinist Mate, retired Chief Petty Officer
Charles E. Nelson
Charles E. Nelson
Class of 1961
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Staff Sgt. Communications
Class of 1968
Navy, 7 Years

Darin Powers
Darin Powers
Class of 1982
Army, 18 Years

Darin Is a major and an army chaplain, serving in Fairbanks Alaska.
Darwyn Quinn Sewell
Darwyn Quinn Sewell
Class of 1973
Army, 20+ Years

Retired Warrant Officer. Served for 23 years.
Douglas B. Dearth
Douglas B. Dearth
Class of 1980
Air Force, 20+ Years

Still serving since 1981, 4 years AD "81-85" with E-3 AWACS as an Avionics technician. Joined the AF Reserves with the 906th at WPAFB "85-87" and relocated to Alabama in 87 with the 908th AW working numerous careers on C-130H acft as a full time Air Reserve Technician. Made it through the ranks all the way to E-9 Chief Master Sergeant and will serve another 7 years until I retire in mid 2018. Lovin life as a military person and have deployed numerous times in all the Persian Gulf wars since 1990, just recently returned from a 180 day mobilization to Al Udeid AB, Qatar in 2010.
Gary Osborn
Gary Osborn
Class of 1973
Navy, 6 Years

Navy 73-79, Submariner, sonar.
Kansas Air National Guard 89-92, Radar.
Jack Oser
Jack Oser
Class of 1969
Air Force, 22 Years

Entered April 1971, Retired October 1992, SMSgt, Strategic Airborne Command and Control Specialist
Kelly Wolffram Lewis
Kelly Wolffram Lewis
Class of 1996
Navy, 1 Years

Graduated Basic training in Great Lakes, IL and then went onto Pensacola, FL. Received an Honorable discharge for service connected medical disabliity.
Leon Mark Hess
Leon Mark Hess
Class of 1963
Army, 2 Years

Marshall Hunt
Marshall Hunt
Class of 1966
Navy, 4 Years

Two Tours in Vietnam. '67-68 and '69-70
Nicole (Nikki) Smith
Nicole (Nikki) Smith
Class of 1994
Air Force, 8 Years

United States Air Force
Paul Kayler
Paul Kayler
Class of 1960
Navy, 8 Years

Went up the Mekong river in Saigon in early 1962 on board the Submarine USS Bluegill (SS242). Went on to service on USS Von Steuben (SSBN 632), a Fleet Baiistic Missle Submarine.
Rick Atchison
Rick Atchison
Class of 1988
Army, 16 Years

Major Atchison is currently in Baghdad, Chief of Operations at Camp Liberty.

Classmates Spotlight

Dixie High School Classmates

Angie Lawson
Class of '94

Alumni Stories

High School Alumni Stores

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School News

Class of 2000 yearbook

My name is Eleanor Hill. I graduated in 2000 from Dixie High School in New Lebanon, Ohio. And never got a chance to get ...
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Our Dixie High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Dixie High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in New Lebanon are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!