Deep Creek High School Class Of 1973 Reunion
October 25th, 2013
(ending October 26th, 2013)
Anderson-Wright Rooms & Gardens (Classmate Billy Schlaht’s Place of Business)
622 High St.
, Portsmouth
, Virginia
, 23704
ticket prices
Cost per person - $25.00
Invited Classes
About Event
The first opportunity will be on Friday night, 10/25/2013 at DC Middle (Old High) School before the home football game against Indian River HS (7PM). The plan is to meet in the cafeteria (back door across from the tennis courts) at 5:30 pm for light refreshments. There is no charge for the Friday night gathering before the football game.
The second opportunity will be an evening of food and fellowship on Saturday, 10/26/2013. In order to keep our cost down, we have planned a very informal reunion, much like our 25, 30, and 35 year reunions. The building and gardens are “open air” so dress appropriately.
If you have any questions please call or email Bobby Gettier at (757) 485-0765 or
Also, please contact any out-of-town classmates that you know and pass along this information.