Connersville High School Alumni
Connersville, Indiana (IN)
Connersville High School - Class of 1969 Alumni
Join 24 alumni from Connersville High School Class of 1969. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Phil Russell Phil Russell
Class of 1969
Jerry G Jerry G Gabbard
Class of 1969
Howard Locke
Class of 1969
Teresa Townsend
Class of 1969
Karen Coffey
Class of 1969
Mary Manchir
Class of 1969
Mary Ann Snyder
Class of 1969
Michael Peel
Class of 1969
Mary Fitzgerald
Class of 1969
Ladonna Maxwell
Class of 1969
Samuel Rodgers
Class of 1969
Karen Garrett
Class of 1969
Bonnie Rose
Class of 1969
Bob Meehan
Class of 1969
Gregg Ellis
Class of 1969
Emmett Kennedy
Class of 1969
Kim Smith
Class of 1969
Madeline Gabbard
Class of 1969
Steve Krepp
Class of 1969
Nancy Haverstock
Class of 1969
Jerry Gabbard
Class of 1969
Ron Thomson
Class of 1969
John Marshall
Class of 1969
Myra Steele
Class of 1969
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