Connersville High School Alumni
Connersville, Indiana (IN)
Connersville High School - Class of 1967 Alumni
Join 21 alumni from Connersville High School Class of 1967. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Terri Breitenbach Terri Geiger
Class of 1967
Richard Garrett
Class of 1967
Diane Booher
Class of 1967
Karen Dixon
Class of 1967
Joan Trueblood
Class of 1967
Garry Hibbard
Class of 1967
Greg Lacy
Class of 1967
Paula Poe
Class of 1967
Tommy Evans
Class of 1967
Ronald Wheeler
Class of 1967
Terri Geiger
Class of 1967
Diane Booher
Class of 1967
Frank Revalee
Class of 1967
Therese Holtel
Class of 1967
Randy Shackelford
Class of 1967
Robert Brenton
Class of 1967
Rich Boone
Class of 1967
Richard Boone
Class of 1967
Debbie Tucker
Class of 1967
Arlene Rathburn
Class of 1967
Terri Geiger
Class of 1967
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