Clover Park High School Alumni

Lakewood, Washington (WA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Al Corona
Al Corona
Class of 1960
Air Force, 4 Years

Military Police, Station mostly in Canada, Prince George
Carl J Snyder
Carl J Snyder
Class of 1956
National Guard, 6 Years

Air Force & Oregon Air National Guard
Clifford E. Carter, Jr.
Clifford E. Carter, Jr.
Class of 1963
Navy, 20+ Years

Split service: 4 years Air Force, 16+ years Navy. Honorable retired at NAS Le Moore, Ca. AMS-1
Dave Shepherd
Dave Shepherd
Class of 1993
Air Force, 6 Years

Served in direct support of Operation Deny Flight, Deliberate Force, and Joint Endeavor (all in the former Yugoslavia, Bosnia), for 2 years.

Served in direct support of Operation South Watch, the Southern Iraqi No-Fly-Zone, for 2 years.

Served as a Power Production Specialists (Diesel driven Generator-sets) for the first 3 years of service, then cross-trained into Ground Radio Maintence. RF Electronics Technician.

Ground Radio consists of Ground to Air-Craft radios, Console Systems that Air-Traffic Control personnel use to talk to Air-Craft, HF radio systems where radio signals can skip around the world, Land Mobile Radios as in the radios that Police, Fire, and Emergency services use.
David Allen Seeman
David Allen Seeman
Class of 1962
Army, 12 Years

Artillery Officer and Aviator. Cobra Gunship Pilot in Viet Nam.
David grant
David grant
Class of 1964
Air Force, 24 Years

Af and Air Force reserves, 24 years, retired colonel, McCord, dobbins afb and Little Rock afb.
David R Hughes
David R Hughes
Class of 1971
Army, 4 Years

US Army Europe/Military Police 1973-1976
Class of 1958
Air Force, 20+ Years

Flight Instructor Air Training Command, Combat experienced Fighter Pilot (F-4 Phantom), Commander, Retired Sr. Officer. Profile on LinkedIn.
Edward N Gomez
Edward N Gomez
Class of 1996
Army, 8 Years

Commissioned as a 2LT from NC State University. Was stationed at Fort Lewis, WA for 8 Years in the first Stryker Brigade Combat Team 3-2SBCT. I just completed command in the Fall 08, and currently assigned as a Assistant Professor of Military Science at Washington State Unveristy- START COUGAR STRONG!
John Eckert
John Eckert
Class of 1966
Army, 20+ Years

Served 26 years, retired. Served in Vietnam as an infantryman. Officer Canidate School (field artillery) 1973.
Class of 1969
Navy, 20+ Years

Captain, Medical Service Corps, United States Navy retired
Larry Craig
Larry Craig
Class of 1998
Navy, 10 Years

Boatswain Mate
Larry W Jordan
Larry W Jordan
Class of 1976
Air Force, 22 Years

Started as an Army MP and later joined the Air Force. Cop, C-130 Flight Engineer, First Sergeant. Desert Storm 90-91, Operation Uphold Democracy in 94, I think the worst was being at Fairchild AFB during the 1980 eruption of Mt St Helens. Loved every minute of it and hated every tragedy because of it.
Leslie E. Johnson III
Leslie E. Johnson III
Class of 1974
Air Force, 10 Years

USAF - Aircraft Armament Systems (WEAPONS)
AFSC: 46270
Aircraft naintained: F111a, EF111a, F16
Mountain Home AFB, Idaho 1982-1992
"Just Cause" Dec 1989
"Desert Shield/Desert Storm" AUG 1990-Mar 1991
Currently working for USAF at Kirtland AFB, NM,
GS11 Engineering Technician/CAD Designer
Lowell D Sollenberger,Jr
Lowell D Sollenberger,Jr
Class of 1966
Air Force, 13 Years

Executive Officer, Combat Crew Commander Minuteman ICBM, Chef Launch Crew Operations GLCM IOT&E
Disabled veteran
Mark A Murray
Mark A Murray
Class of 1976
Navy, 20+ Years

Retired Navy, Electricians Mate Chief, Submarine Qualified, EMC (SS). Served on 4 subs and was an instructor at NPTU Ballston Spa, New York. Retired March of 1997
Class of 1962
Army, 8 Years

michael a. lottier
michael a. lottier
Class of 1972
Army, 5 Years

Joined in July of 73. Stationed on the DMZ in Korea for one year. Military finance in Darmstadt Germany, for remainder of service. Medically retired in August of 1978.
Michael D. Hatch
Michael D. Hatch
Class of 1972
Army, 7 Years

Airborne Ranger, UH1 Helicopter Crew Chief and door gunner. Stationed South Korea DMZ July 1976 to September 1 1977. Returned to 2nd Ranger Battalion.
Michael D. Hatch
Michael D. Hatch
Class of 1972
Army, 7 Years

Airborne Ranger, UH1 Helicopter Crew Chief and door gunner. Stationed South Korea DMZ July 1976 to September 1 1977. Returned to 2nd Ranger Battalion.
Patrick Flynn
Patrick Flynn
Class of 1973
Air Force, 20+ Years

Enlisted as a Phased Array Radar Tech in 1976, received ROTC scholarship and was commisioned a 2LT in 1980. Served primarily supporting the space launch and satelite control program as an electrical engineer/program manager. Retired as a Major in 1998
Ricky White
Ricky White
Class of 1983
Air Force, 20+ Years

Served 26 years active duty Air Force.
Robert Bruce Lane
Robert Bruce Lane
Class of 1960
Navy, 12 Years

Radarman, On Destroyers Two Tours in Viet Nam On USS Stoddard DD 566, One tour on USS Berkley DDG 15.
Robert Fong
Robert Fong
Class of 1960
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

Spent the first five years in the Army then shipped over to the CG. Spent my time at Small Boat Stations on the Great Lakes (9th Dist), then on to the Pacific in the 14th and finally at PACAREA Command in Alameda. Retired and went to work for the US Dept of Labor and earned my Ph.D.
Sheldon W. Rice
Sheldon W. Rice
Class of 1980
Air Force, 10 Years

USAF/AFRES Security Forces Security Police & 919th (16th SOW) SOG 1984-2001 including a NDM for 911 and a Kuwaiti expeditionary service medal for deployment to Ahmed Al Jabber prior to Sept 11th highest station during active as an Assistant Area Supv. for Morbach non-nuclear storage area during Cold War.
terry bliss (green)
terry bliss (green)
Class of 1977
Army, 2 Years

clerk typist (71L) for military intelligence
Tina Lyons
Tina Lyons
Class of 1982
Navy, 8 Years

Enlisted in 1983. Meritoriously advanced to E-2 out of boot camp. Graduated first in her class at HT "A" School for welding, pipefitting and firefighting. Served all 8 years in Quality Assurance for the Submarine service. The last 4 at the Trident Nuclear Submarine Base in Silverdale, Washington. She won several awards and earned recognition as a NonDestructive Test Inspector before earning an Honorable Discharge in 1991.
Tom Weathers
Tom Weathers
Class of 1969
Army, 12 Years

Combination of active Army/National Guard/Army Reserve. Mostly intelligence work but was also armor qualified. Left the service as a Captain. A highlight was being stationed at the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence in Heidelberg, Germany.
Tomi Bear-Garcia
Tomi Bear-Garcia
Class of 1972
Navy, 13 Years

Lt. Commander-Nurse, stationed in Persian Gulf, Subic Bay-Philippines, San Diego

Classmates Spotlight

Clover Park High School Classmates

Kim Merrill
Class of '76

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New Years 2022

Happy New Year Clover Park Warriors from the class of 1980!!!
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Our Clover Park High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Clover Park High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Lakewood are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!