Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Dave Gruner
Dave Gruner
Class of 1977
Army, 20+ Years

Stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Goodfellow AFB, TX
Fort Monmouth, NJ
Fort Gordon, GA
Naples Italy
Fort Ritchie, MD
Schofield Bks, HI
Camp Humphreys, Korea
Fort Campbell, KY
Frank E. Merkel
Frank E. Merkel
Class of 1983
Air Force, 20+ Years

Joined US Air Force 1984 - retired with the Rank of Master Sergeant 2008
George davis
George davis
Class of 1992
Army, 10 Years

Served as a operating room specialist and combat medic served stateside in washington state at ft lewis and in ft sill oklahoma served overseas in seoul s korea at 121 general hospital and served overseas @ tripler army medical center in hawaii
Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas
Class of 1993
Navy, 20 Years

Retired after 20+ years as a Navy helicopter test pilot.
Jim Phillips
Jim Phillips
Class of 1970
Navy, 4 Years

1971 to 1975. Two tours of duty in Viet Nam.
Served aboard the USS John S. McCain DDG-36. Petty Officer 2nd Class. Captain's Gig operator and driver. Pilot Rescue Team. ASROC Security Team. Search and Seizure Team.
Kevin Everett
Kevin Everett
Class of 1978
Army, 3 Years

3 active, 3 reserves
Peter Seguin
Peter Seguin
Class of 1977
Army, 20+ Years

U.S Army, 545th Military Police Company
Military Police Officer • 1980 to 1980 • Fort Hood, Texas
Employer U.S. Army, First Cavalry Military Police Investigations (MPI)
Investigator • 1982 to 1980
Employer U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) Command
Drug Suppression Team Memeber • 1983 to 1982 • Fort Hood, Texas
Employer U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) Command
Special Agent/Criminal Investigator • 1983 to 1987
Employer U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) Command
Special Agent in Charge/Undercover Narcotic Agent • 1987 to 1991 • Fort Devens (CDP), Massachusetts
Employer U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) Command
Undercover Narcotic Investigator,Team Chief • 1991 to 1992 • Nuernberg, Germany
Philip Sollitt
Philip Sollitt
Class of 1986
Army, 12 Years

Served as a senior NCO Tank gunner, Cavalry Scout and weapons specialist in Iraq and Afghanistan in multiple tours. Was stationed in Germany, Texas, back to Germany and then to Ft Lewis, WA and currently resides there.
Robert M. Nolen
Robert M. Nolen
Class of 1988
Air Force, 19 Years

Currently assigned to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Previous assignments include, Hickam AFB HI, Iraq, Randolph AFB TX, Air Reserve Personnel Center, Denver CO, Keesler AFB, MS, Edwards AFB CA and Lackland AFB TX.
Stephanie Miner
Stephanie Miner
Class of 1975
Army, 8 Years

Personnel Sgt. 2 tours in Germany and one in Ft Lewis WA
Thomas Stuhler
Thomas Stuhler
Class of 1972
Navy, 20 Years

Enlisted 1972 after graduating went to RTC Orlando 9/73-12/73
BEEP in NTC San Diego, CA 1/73-2/73
STS A and C schools FLEASWTRACENPAC San Diego 73-75
USS Dace (SSN 607) Groton CT 75-77
USS Archerfish (SSN 678) Groton CT 78-80
Submarine Surveillance Equipment Program (SSEP) Groton CT 80-85
Naval Undersea Systems Center (NUSC) New London CT 85-89
USS Greenling (SSN 614) Groton CT 89-93
Tim Curtin
Tim Curtin
Class of 1988
Navy, 25 Years

Retired EMCS served on CVN 75, DDG 94, CVN 73, AOE 3, LSD 38.
Wendy Schader-Laborte
Wendy Schader-Laborte
Class of 1978
Army, 4 Years

Communication Specialist.
Basic Training at Ft Gordon, GA
Stationed in Bremerhaven Germany, Giessen Germany and Ft Riley, Kansas.

Classmates Spotlight

Cicero-north Syracuse High School Classmates

Thomas Lottermoser
Class of '83

Alumni Stories

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School News

9/10 UPDATE: Field Band Alumni Starburst Show 9/14-9/15

Friday, September 14th 6pm-9pm at CNS High School.
**Band proper t...
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Our Cicero-north Syracuse High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Cicero-north Syracuse High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Cicero are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!