Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Brian Hendricks
Brian Hendricks
Class of 1981
Navy, 20+ Years

lets see, lebenon, korean jet liner shot down, desert storm, iraq freedom
Christopher L. Warner
Christopher L. Warner
Class of 1983
Army, 20+ Years

Most recently served 12 months in Baghdad as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Class of 1973
Army, 3 Years

I was lucky to be stationed in Germany while Vietnam was ending. Loved Germany a lot. Then I was sent to Fort Sill for months and didn't like it at all. Ended up living in Texas for a couple of years. Now years later, I wish I would have stayed in, but such is life.
Douglas Mulderig
Douglas Mulderig
Class of 1978
Army, 20+ Years

Avance Fire Control Repair for the HAWK missle systen
Frank Dionisi
Frank Dionisi
Class of 1987
Navy, 2 Years

Served 2 years in Navy Sea College Program with Chris Daring
Ivory Courts
Ivory Courts
Class of 2002
Army, 3 Years

Was assigned to a Quartermaster Unit
John Timothy Curtis
John Timothy Curtis
Class of 1966
Army, 20+ Years

A full military career started with my draft notice. Viewing my future as a grunt at Fort Bragg and Viet Nam, I quickly volunteered for Quartermaster. Sixteen years of supplying parts for helicopters, missiles, armor, electronics, etc., I went Warrant. Ten years later I retired to ?Tucson, Arizona? for some reason. Hated it, now love it. Culture shock finally wore off. Found my new love, Jean, who I wouldn't have if I'd stayed on the east coast. Nor would I have ever gotten to San Diego. My idea of heaven on earth. Thanks for listening.
Joseph A Fader
Joseph A Fader
Class of 1999
Navy, 8 Years

Honorably discharged after serving on 3 ships and making two deployments. Awarded various theatre awards up to and including the Navy and Marine Corp Achievement Medal. Currently working in Virgina Beach as a government contractor.
Ken Stigile
Ken Stigile
Class of 1975
Navy, 20 Years

Based at numerous Naval Security Groups, National Security Agency, Pentagon, Defense Intelligence Agency, USS Ticonderoga, various Direct Support Missions.
Kennard R. Wiggins
Kennard R. Wiggins
Class of 1964
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired after 37 years in Delaware Air National Guard And USAF
Mary susan (Harrell) Whaley
Mary susan (Harrell) Whaley
Class of 1971
Air Force, 10 Years

Stationed at Lowry AFB, Denver, CO. 4 years Active Duty and 6 years Active Reserves. E-6
Dorm Chief in Basic Training - enjoyed my time in the Air Force. Go Air Force! :)
Michael Russell
Michael Russell
Class of 1968
Army, 3 Years

54th MP Co
Paul Harrell
Paul Harrell
Class of 1973
Navy, 4 Years

Personnelman 3rd Class Petty Officer
U.S.S. Neosho (AO-143)
Operational Archives Branch of the Navy Department, Washington Navy Yard
Paul Preston Stoddard
Paul Preston Stoddard
Class of 1965
Army, 3 Years

CWO helicopter pilot
Richard Covel
Richard Covel
Class of 1978
Air Force, 13 Years

Stationed at Clark AB, Philippines, Pease AFB, NH, Chanute AFB, IL, Columbus AFB, MS, McGuire AFB, NJ. Weather forecaster, weather station chief, MSgt. Medical discharge.
Robert C. Titus Jr.
Robert C. Titus Jr.
Class of 1968
Navy, 20+ Years

Retired (E-9) Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist Master Chief Petty Officer Hull Technician/Damage Controlman with 22 Years of Naval Service Duty stations included San Diego CA., Mayport FL., Folsom PA., LaMaddalena Italy, Pearl Harbor HI., Treasure Island CA. Viet Nam, Desert Storm.
Ryan Brough
Ryan Brough
Class of 1993
Navy, 13 Years

Until last year I worked as a cryptologic technician (CTM) and last year I crossed over and became and Information systems Technician (IT). Currently an E6. Aboard the USS Chosin (CG-65). LPO of the radio shack, ISSM, MTS qualed,
Samuel S Daniels
Samuel S Daniels
Class of 1972
Navy, 4 Years

"73"-"75"& USS HAWKINS DD-873 Norfolk, Va
"75-"76" USS RICH DD-820 Phila., Pa
Susan (Harrell) Whaley
Susan (Harrell) Whaley
Class of 1971
Air Force, 10 Years

Served in the Air Force for 4 years active and 6 years Active Reserves. Stationed at Lowry AFB, Denver, CO. Go Air Force and Go Vikings! :)

Classmates Spotlight

Christiana High School Classmates

Yoshino Woodard
Class of '98

Alumni Stories

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School News

PN3 (Personnelman 3rd Class) Paul S. Harrell, Class of 1973

Served onboard the U.S.S. Neosho, AO-143 and did a seven month Mediterranean cruise in 1974 supporting NATO.
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Our Christiana High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Christiana High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Newark are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!