Class of 1973 50th Reunion - 2023
Relief Pitcher
I noticed no one setup the details of our 50th Class Reunion yet so I added it to this alumni site. You should have already received an invitation in the mail. We are also going to get a few tee times at State Park on Saturday or Sunday for some golf. Contact Gerry Smith for reunion details. Happy New Year an hope to see you there!
Saturday, August 5th, 2023 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 2003: 15 Year Reunion!
McGirks Irish Pub
We are finally making a reunion happen! This page is as up to date as possible about the location and costs. The ticket price needs to be paid prior to the event as there is no starting budget and it would be too costly to pay up front. Tickets are a per person price and guests over 21 are welcome. The cost covers a private room from 7-10pm, hot buffet dinner, tax, gratuity and miscellaneous expenses to add to the festivities! A cash bar will be available. Please share this with anyone you can from our class. We also have a Facebook event "C.F. Class Of 2003:15 Year Reunion" which can be found at . I will update both places for those who don't have Facebook but that will likely be more timely. I hope you all are well and can make it!
Saturday, July 14th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 78 40th Reunion
Genegantslet Golf Course
7/27 6pm Mixer at Mary's Restaurant
7/28 10am Breakfast & Tour of CFHS ($5.00)
7/28 Afternoon Golf Tee Times available by calling 607-656-8191
Feel free to contact me or Dan McAuliffe for additional information.
Hope to see you there!
Carla Estus Morgan
Saturday, July 28th, 2018
Invited Classes:
Event Details
2014 All Class Reunion
Otsingingo Park
This invitation goes out to all students, faculty, and staff of the Chenango Forks Central School District. It is a casual picnic type event. We ask that you bring a dish to pass. Meat, beverages, and paper products are provided. The cost of $5 covers these items. Bring yearbooks, pictures, chairs and games. Any questions, you can email me at an put CFCS All Class Reunion in the subject line.
Saturday, August 16th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Class of 1998 15 year reunion
CF vs. CV football game, then Mad Moose BBQ
We will start at the CF vs CV football game. Kick off is at 1:30 $2 for adults $1 for students.
Then we will meet at the Mad Moose BBQ 53 Chenango St. Binghamton NY at 5:30 for appetizers and a cash bar and a buffet dinner!
Contact Lacie Jagger @ 570-289-4399 or
Saturday, October 19th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Chenango Forks All Class Annual Alumni Picnic
Otsiningo Park,
All students, staff and teachers are invited. $5 cost covers meat drinks and paper products. Please bring a dish to pass. This is a great way to reconnect with old friends and classmates. All are welcome!
Saturday, August 17th, 2013
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Class of 1993 20-Year Reunion
1.) Ice Breaker: Friday 8:00 pm - Location TBD - 2.) Family BBQ/Pool Party: Saturday 1:00 pm at Karen Shapiro's (Stephanie Lawniczek's mom) house - 3.) Adult Cocktail Hour and Dinner: Saturday night at 7:00 pm at Riverwalk Hotel
$85 includes lunch on Saturday at BBQ, dinner on Saturday night as well as a two hour open bar Saturday night. Please bring your own beverages for the BBQ. Ice breaker will be at your own expense. If you have not received a Save the Date card it is because we have been unable to obtain your current address. We will be sending invites shortly so please email your mailing address to me if I do not already have it. Thanks!
Friday, July 26th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Chenango Forks All Alumni-Students-Teachers-Staff-Friends Annual Reunion
This will be the 3rd Reunion! If history is correct, we should see even more of our classmates, teachers, friends and staff at this year's event. It is a simple concept. 1. We have reserved and paid for the pavillion on the above date. 2. You sign up to come. 3. You send $5.00 per person to Laura Costello at: 95 Main Street Rear Owego, NY 13827 4. Laura and the committee use the money to buy the meats, paper goods, charcoal, sodas, waters, etc... 5. You tell everyone that you know from the Forks that they are invited and connect them to me or any of the committee. 6. You bring a delicious dish to pass (can even be chips, dip, fruit, etc... You know, simple things for you single guys - hahahahahaha...). Last year we had a ton of Pasta Salads! All good food though! 7. Bring class year books, games, pictures, memories, music, whatever will help us all reconnect to our roots. Plan on having a great time! It was so much fun last year. If you have any questions, complaints, ideas, suggestions, can contact me by email ( If you have a complaint, you must also have an idea or solution to the issue, or I do NOT want to hear it. If you complain enough, you will be put in charge of next year's reunion...hahahahahahahahahaha....!
Saturday, August 18th, 2012
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Class 2001 11 Year Reunion
McGirk's - Banquet Room - 1 Kattelville Rd - Binghamton NY 13905
Includes pizza, wings, veggies, and other snacks, as well as 3hrs of beer, wine & soda. Please RSVP on our evite or via e-mail: Payments can be made via PayPal to If you have any questions, or concerns, please e-mail. Payment and RSVP must be made by April 18, 2012.
Saturday, May 5th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Chenango Forks Alumni Cruise
Ft Lauderdale, FL Royal Carrib Cruise, Liberty of the Seas
Contact ( 5 day cruise
Saturday, February 2nd, 2013
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Chenango Forks Class of 1997 Reunion
Binghamton, NY
A facebook page has been created with additional information for a 15 year reunion.!/pages/Chenango-Forks-Class-of-1997-Reunion/274502749239424
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Chenango Forks Class of 1997 Reunion
Binghamton, NY
We are currently working on planning a 15 year reunion in 2012. Please check out the facebook page Chenango Forks Class of 1997 Reunion for more details.!/pages/Chenango-Forks-Class-of-1997-Reunion/274502749239424
Invited Classes:
Event Details
2nd Annual Chenango Forks Alumni (all classes and teachers) Reunion Picnic
Pavillion at Otsiningo Park in Binghamton, NY
This year's first reunion was so much fun that we immediately voted to have it again. The above date seems to work the best. It will be the same weekend as the Class of 1971's 40th Class Reunion. We are hoping they will be able to make it to this before they move on to their own party! Or maybe they will stay the whole night! This year, we are asking each person/family that signs up to come to pay just $5.00 and bring a dish to pass. The $5.00 will go to purchase meat, charcoal and paper products. You can send your $5.00 to Laura Costello @ 95 Main Street Rear Owego, NY 13827 We will have a memorabilia table for yearbooks, pictures, old newsletters, etc. That was such a hit this year! If you know of any CF Alumni or teachers that do not know about this, please pass it on!
Saturday, August 13th, 2011
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
1985 Class Reunion
Starting at the High School for lunch/picnic....then stay for the Football game (Homecoming)...then evening activities at Mary's Bar & Grill for food, drink, music (rock n roll band playing). Sunday at State Park
Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Missing Classmates and Reunion RSVP
Hello Classmates... We need your RSVP! Please let me know if you plan to attend the reunion ASAP. Also, we are missing some addresses for the following people(if you can help, let me know): Missing Classmates: Mark A. Bennett Ted Barkley Tracy Bidwell Jim Boyd Tina Burns-Russell Harry Clark Dale Cooley Mark Cornell Susanne Doolittle (Marsh) Linda Eckardt (Thomas) Judy Finch Donna Focardi (Pedini) Lisa Ganoung (Soule) Phil Hodder Larae Holt Sherry Johnson Todd Linn Rhonda Madison-Monahan Deborah Martin (Yocum) Francis McCoy Craig Merritt David Morgan Don Murray Bonnie Nutter (Snyder) Deborah Partis (Fetcinko) Judy Ploutz (Diffendorf) Roger Richardson Mark Somple Michelle Spenard (Kennedy) Dawn Thorn Bob Vretenburg Michelle Younker (Brown) Matt Zopp
Friday, August 13th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Flyers and letters have been sent out if you have not recieved them or know of anyone who had not recieved on please let us know the last date to order shirts is july 20th we will need orders and money this is to help pay for supplies for both days. Please RSVP and send money to Corinne asao.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Reunion 1980
We will be sending out flyers for the CF shirts we are selling they are not from this site. - Info will be inclued sizes prices please feel free to sell to family and friends to help raise money for our 2 day get together
Friday, August 13th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Reunion Meeting
We will be having our next meeting Wed 07/07/10 at Caseys 6:30 pm for anyone willing to help out. Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, July 7th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 Reunion
Chenango Valley State Parrk on Saturday and a mixer the night before details will be posted soon. Meeting was held 060110 at Casey's We are in the need of Addresses, stamps and envelopes. We plan on selling T shirts and hoodies pull over and zip up as a
Anyone who has ideas or can help can contact Corrine Rogers Constable, Barbara Skrzypek Warpus or Leanne Sturdevent, Sheila Veninsky Sullivan and Rob Atutis. Leanne is going to come up with games for all ages and is checking into a DJ, we also would like to do a raffle at the event to raise money to donate to the CF scholarship fund from the Class of 1980.
Saturday, August 14th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30th Reunion - Please take survey ASAP!!!
Hello everyone! I hope you're all happy and well! As an attempt to get things under way for our 30th, please take the "REUNION SURVEY" on the "MY CLASS PAGE" link on this site. Our first point of discussion is WHEN - July 16th or Thanksgiving? Please answer which SEASON works best as your choice. Once we get this info, Sheila Veninsky and others will be able to move forward with details and provide them here. PLEASE TAKE 1 MINUTE TO DO THE SURVEY. LET'S NOT LET ANOTHER 5 YEARS GO BY! Hope to see you THIS year! Best wishes all. Sheri
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25 year reunion
High School Football game (Homecoming weekend) and KAA field
Need a head count before we can set a price
Saturday, October 17th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
1999 Class Reunion
Chenango Valley State Park for both events
Morning will start off with 9 holes of golf for those interested. The afternoon will consist of a family style picnic. We are still deciding how to do food depending on if you can come please respond!
Saturday, August 29th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30th Reunion
Binghamton Holiday Inn - Left Bank Room - Overlooking the water
$110 Per Couple Open bar Appetizers Dinner Optional $30pp
Saturday, July 25th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details