Hello Class of 1970:
It is hard to believe 2020 will be 50 years since we graduated. I am proud to be part of this reunion. It will be Jan 18 & 19, 2020. That will be MLK weekend.
Our plan is on Saturday Morning (Jan 18th) is to gather in front of the school at 9:30 for a tour of the new Charlotte High School at 10:00 AM. They asked for a donation for CHS Scholarship Fund.
Then we will meet at Beef O’Bradys on Taylor Rd from
11:30 Am till 3:30 PM in the big room for lunch. After 3:30 PM they will move the food that is left to the smaller room for those that want to stay longer They are serving Finger foods along with tea and soda. Alcoholic beverages will not be included.
On Sunday Jan 19th starting around 11:00 we will be at Don & Cheryl (Hankinson) Riggs house at 6980 SW Albritton St, Arcadia, Fl 34266 for a great BBQ.
The price for both days combined will be $25.00 before Jan 1,2020, after that it will be $35.00. If you want to go on the tour of the school include $5.00 for donation. Make your checks payable to Robert Andreu with for Class reunion on memo line. Mail to Robert Andreu, 8603 Riverside Dr., Punta Gorda, Fl 33982. Please complete the form below and enclose with check.
Thank you
Robert Andreu, Phone # 941-628-4385 Dorinda (Ray) Larrison, & Cheryl (Hankinson) Riggs
PS: Spread the word with any Classmates as we do not have everyone’s address or information
Number Coming _______________________
Amount enclosed ________________
CHS TOUR: YES ( ) NO ( )
Friday, January 18th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
class of 68, 50th reunion
Hi everyone, David Saunders here and I want to make an initial start on plans for a 50th reunion in the summer of next year. I am doing this from quite a distance as I live in England. I don't know how many of the class still live in Punta Gorda, but please contact me at dsa@tesco.net if you have any ideas and who may want to take the lead. If someone wants to look into a venue and a date, I will book my flights!! Looking forward to hearing from everyone, David.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1997: 20 Year Reunion
Charlotte High School
Class of 1997 - 20 Year Reunion Weekend
Come join fellow Tarpon Alumni for a fun filled reunion weekend!
Events include: Homecoming parade on Thursday; School Tour/Homecoming Game/All Year Reunion on Friday;
Drink Like A Fish Pub Crawl on Saturday; Farewell Brunch on Sunday
Get your reunion weekend info packet at the homecoming game and checkout our Facebook page for the latest updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tarpon97/
Thursday, October 19th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1978 - 40th Reunion
Punta Gorda Waterfront Hotel & Suites
Friday night's Meet & Greet will be open to all classes. The more the merrier! Casual dress & cash bar.
Saturday night's banquet will be for Class of '78 classmates (and their guest) who have paid the reunion fee. Wrist bands will be given out. Dinner will be served.
***NEW UPDATE**** The dress code for Saturday night will be: DISCO!! Let your hair down and get funky. Prizes awarded for best get up. Cash bar.
More details will be available in the coming months.
Please "like" our class Facebook page to get updates: Charlotte High School Class of 1978
SPREAD THE WORD!! Hope to see you there!!
Reunion committee: Don Mull, Christy (Donovan) Smith, & Sandy (Davis) Zeeman
If you need to contact us, but are not on Facebook, Christy's email is christymarie223@hughes.net.
Friday, June 1st, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
CHS Class of 1976 40th reunion
Moose Lodge In Port Charlotte
The Moose in Port Charlotte has been booked for July 16th for the Class of 1976 so the reunion will be the weekend of July 15 - 17th ...
July 15 - TT's Tiki Bar - 33 Tamiami Trail PG (behind 4 Point Sheraton) 6PM - 10PM, cash bar
July 16 - Englewood North Beach 10AM - 4PM -
July 16 - Moose Lodge in PC (corner of Elmira and Loveland) 6pm to 11 pm - $10 each RSVP; send money- Kathie Carter 16249 Ashland Ave, PC 33954; cash bar, appetizers, DJ
Friday, July 15th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1975, 1976, 1977, 1978
Event Details
TICKETS WILL BE $20.00 PER PERSON WHICH COVERS ALL EXPENSES INCLUDING FOOD AND WATER/ICE, TEA, ETC. with meal. NOTE: A PAYMENT FOR IS PRESENTLY BEING DEVELOPED. PLease have payment in as early as possible to cover deposits, etc. If your going to wait to make payments, please make sure you notify Evie to let her know how many you will have in your party. Don't have a party without inviting your friends. THE FORM TO COMPLETE AND MAIL IS AT BOTTOM OF THIS NOTICE:
July 18 (Fri) is at the old Bowlerama in PC, in their social room, beginning at 7PM and lasting till your poured out. No drinks, etc. will be provided, but all drinks and a normal bar menu may be purchased from your waiters. BOWLERAMA ADDRESS: 3192 NE Harbor Blvd., PC, Fla. 33952. Tele: 941.625.4794
July 19 (Sat) will be our luncheon beginnig at 12 noon, and lunch served at 1:30 PM. We should be out of the building by 6 pm. It will be catered by Sonny's who will provide ribs, sliced Beef briscuit, and chicken. Sides will be Cole Slaw, Baked Beans, and potato salad. Usual drinks of tea, or water (maybe a few other misc things) will be available also. ADDRESS: 118 Sullivan Street, PG, Fla, 33950. Tele: 941.639.1887.
Please make checks to Evelyn Tipping, noting the people you are paying for and mail to: Evelyn Tipping, 501 Germany Ave., N. Port Charlotte, Fl, 34288,
More info will be distributed as soon as available. Contact either Evie Tipping/Bryant at 941.426.7361 or Stan Lowe at 919.810.8818 and ncslowe@embarqmail.com or FACEBOOK.
INSTRUCTS: for those folks planning to attend, please complete the attached form (as best you can) and submit it along with your check made out to Evelyn Tipping at the address at bottom. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Evie at 941.426.7361(Leave a message if Necessary!). If NOT attending, please complete and mail to either myself or Evie at your convenience so we’ll be sure to have your info on file.
CLASS MEMBER NAME: _________________________________________BIRTHDAY: _________________________
ADDRESS: STR.______________________________________ CITY:___________________________________
ZIP: ___________ EMAIL: ______________________________________ HOME PHONE: ___________
CELL PHONE: ________________________
ADDITIONAL PARTY ATTENDEES NAMES:____________________________________________________________
TOTAL FOLKS: ____________________ x $20.00 each= AMOUNT PAID ___________________________
We would like to have the name & addresses of someone who will ALWAYS know where you are and your status:
Sorry for the bother, but it has become a serious chore keeping up with folks for contacting!
FRIDAY JULY 18: SOCIAL:Will be located at the old Bowlerama, in their Social Meeting Room, on Harbor Blvd. in Port Charlotte. It begins at 7 pm and will go till 02:00 am if you want to close the joint. No bail will be available! It will be an informal affair with all drinks and foods provided from the Bar at their normal menu’s costs. We will have assigned waiters and/or waitresses. Your assignment will be to enjoy yourself. The ADDRESS: 3192 NE Harbor Blvd, PC, Fl, 33952 and tele is 941.625.4794.
SATURDAY, JULY 19: LUNCH AND SOCIAL:Will be located at the Punta Gorda Women’s Club on Sullivan Street. It begins at 12 noon, and will continue to 6 pm and as always, it is an informal and casual affair. Lunch will be provided by Sonny’s beginning at 01:30 pm till 2:30 pm. It will include Ribs, Sliced Beef Brisquet, Cole Slaw, Bake Beans, and Potato Salad. Their usual sweet or unsweetened tea and lemonade will be provided, and a limited quantity of water. No alcohol will be available. Sorry, try to manage,,,I will! We hope to have some background music playing during open periods. Again, your assignment is to have a good time while allowing everyone else to do the same.
GENERAL: Please bring plenty of pics, memento’s, etc., from High School Years and previous reunions so we can share and cuss’n discuss them. These are great to enhance conversations. Not as good as a buzz, but it’ll do!
QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS for improvements, COMMENTS, OR offers of HELP will be greatly appreciated, so just send a note or call Evie or Stan at the following: All complaints will be filed under HTF (Hard To Find!)and searched for after things slow down!
Evelyn Tipping;5061 Germany Ave, N. PORT, Fla., 34288(941.426.7361); Stan Lowe; 157 Gary Drive, Angier, NC, 27501(H919.639.2632 or Cell 919-810-8818) or ncslowe@embarqmail.com). Be sure to leave messages! This note is an UNPAID announcement. Evie knows Nothing about the (efforts at) humor. Devil Made Me Do it!
Friday, July 18th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Class 64 & 65 50th reunion
Friday evening OCT. 17TH 2014, Casual BYOB get together at Keith (Diane)Cain's home,WE WILL BE SERVING hordorves, including gulf shrimp and light fare, BYOB, we will have wash to go along with your beverages i.e. Soda, tonic, club etc. Keith (Diane) Cain has graciously opened his home to our social 7:00 PM Please send your check for 60.00 per person.
Address: 3819 Wisteria Place, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (off Rio Villa) and 41.
On October 18th, we hope to have a continental breakfast and tour of our CHS , construction has been finished since Hurricane Charley, and it is a state of the art school, see what changes have been made. 9:00 AM.
Saturday evening a lovely dinner with entertainment has been arranged at the PG Isles Yacht Club. 6:00 PM Social Hour your first cocktail will be on us, Cash Bar, Music by Andy G., and dinner at 7:00 PM, dancing and social till 11:00 PM. No shorts or jeans, business and cocktail attire.
Andy G will be playing until 11:00PM 60's + music. Total cost of Friday and Saturday, 60.00 single 120.00 a couple. Please send your check made out to: Class of 64-65 50th Reunion, to Bunk Hindman, PO. Box 511264, Punta Gorda, FL. 33951-1264. You can send your reservation in anytime prior to October 10th, 2014. Hope to see as many of you as possible for one of our last big reunions.
Look forward to seeing you there. Any questions or comments please let us know. Phone number is: 1-800-345-2278, local 941-255-3555.
Randy Ann (Sikula) Bechtel
Sorry if I have missed some I do not have all the emails so please if you know someone who was omitted by accident please let me know we are still searching for classmates.
Friday, October 17th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1964, 1965
Event Details
Class of 1993 - Official and Updated
Tiki Bar, Football Game and Captains Table
Ticket price is per person. For each ticket purchased, you will get a ticket to the football game, parking pass to game, and the dinner (one beverage included) event on Saturday night - plus, a souvenir goody bag! :)
When you have paid for your ticket, you will be contacted to confirm your menu choices. The dinner will be held at the Captain's Table on Saturday night, starting with a cocktail hour at 7:00, food to be served at 8:00. Dress is business casual, but come comfortable. (We all know each other - there is no need to be black tie/formal)
You can also pay cash when you arrive here in town or at the event- but let us know!!!
Please email either Amy or Carson (message me through FB) if alternate payment arrangements are desired or any questions need to be answered.
Friday, October 11th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
CHS Alumni Cruise on RCCL's Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas, Royal Caribbean
BE TRUE TO YOUR SCHOOL and be part of CHS History on this exciting fun filled 5 night spring break cruise through the Western Caribbean. This is a WIN-WIN for you and your school: you have a blast! All classmates from CHS 88 year history are welcome
CHS will receive a donation in your name to help future CHS students. www.airtrek.cc/chs
Monday, March 10th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Class of 74 presents "CHS Cruise Reunion 2014"
Port of Miami Norwegian Cruise Line
Contact person is Ed Stepp of Stepp Into Paradise Travel 941-875-5062. Deposit of $100 per person is due 6/27/13. Prices start at $234.00 per person for an inside cabin, this does NOT include port taxes and fees of $101.07 per person, gratuities, or parking. Single supplement is 200%, so find a roomie if possible. Date balance due will be forthcoming or you may call Ed for more details and to book.
Monday, April 28th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
CHS Class of 83 Reunion
Thurs- Sun 10/10/13-10/13/13
Thurs 10/10/13. Four Points Sheraton 33 Tamiami Trail PG Home coming Parade. We will meet in the Banquet Room (go in front door and turn left) @ 6pm with cash bar.After parade then meet at Four Points Tiki bar.
Fri 10/11/13
6:30 pm near field house on Tarpon Field. Pulled pork, cole slaw, macaroni salad and rolls with water and sodas will be provided. After Homecoming game meet at Wyvern Hotel 101 E Retta Esplande roof top for live music..cash bar
Sat 10/12/13
Portofinos Restaurant 23241 Bayshore Rd Charlotte Harbor. 6pm-??
Dinner, DJ, photo booth, alumni goodie bags,$50. Per person.
Sun 10/13/13
Family BBQ Bayshore Live Oak Park 23157 Bayshore Rd (next to Portofinos) noon-4pm. $10 per adult $5 per child.
Please send checks to Mary Stumpf-Crouch
21567 Bachmann Blvd
Port Charlotte, Fl 33954
Deadline is Oct 1st
We also have hotel rooms blocked at Sheraton Four Points (941-637-6770)and the Wyvern Hotel941-639-7000 (across street from each other) $85per night . Ask for the CHS 30th reunion block..
Thursday, October 10th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
CHS Class of '78 - 35th Reunion
Charlotte High School football stadium
Our 35th Class Reunion will be held the weekend of October 11th & 12th, 2013!
Friday night, 7:30 PM: Please join us at the CHS Homecoming game. (Note: The entry fee into the game is $5.00 and is NOT included in the reunion fee.) We will have a small area roped off for our group. If you can't find us, call Christy's cell (#941-676-0015) and we'll direct you to us.
After the game we'll move over to The Wyvern Roof Top to continue the fun. (FYI if it rains we'll move across the street to The Laishley Crab House.)
Saturday morning, 9:30 AM: Tour of the new & improved CHS campus. Meet in front of the 3-story building. Coach Sansone will be the tour guide. We will be joining the Class of '83 for this.
Saturday evening, 6:30 PM: Cocktail hour (cash bar) followed by dinner & some great late 70's music at the Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club from 6:30 to 10:30.
The cost is $55.00 per attendee. If you plan to attend you need to call Christy TODAY (941-676-0015). We have to give the Yacht Club the food choices & headcount on Wed., Oct. 9th. Please send your payment ASAP.
Make your checks out to CHS Class of 1978 and send it Christy Donovan-Smith, 38331 Washington Loop Road, Punta Gorda, FL 33982. Please make a notation of what meal options you & your guest prefer.
We are looking forward to hanging out with you again on October 11th & October 12th!
Friday, October 11th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
CHS Class of '92 Reunion
The Main Event "CHS Class of 1992 Reunion" Saturday, Oct. 6th: The Main Event “CHS Class of ’92 Reunion” at Trabue Restaurant located in downtown Punta Gorda from 7pm-11pm (Tickets can be purchased online or if at the door an additional fee of $10 will be
NOTE: Tickets can be ordered online ACTIVITIES Dates & Times: Fridays, Oct. 5th: * Golf Scramble @ Punta Gorda Golf Club from 8am-9am. This is outing is open to all CHS alumni. (If your interested in participating, please contact Joel Desquin at jdesquin@yahoo.com. The cost is $25 per person for a round w/ cart.) * Welcome Reception at CHS from 6:30-7:30pm * CHS Homecoming Football Game begins at 7:30pm (Tickets can be purchased online or at the door) Saturday, Oct. 6th: * Private Tour of our New CHS from 11am-11:45pm (FREE) * The Main Event “CHS Class of ’92 Reunion” at Trabue Restaurant located in downtown Punta Gorda from 7pm-11pm (Tickets can be purchased online or if at the door an additional fee of $10 will be applied) * Night Owl Pub Crawl will begin @ 10pm (Optional) (NOTE: A complimentary wrist-bands will be supplied per ticket at the "Main Event" that will allow for drink discounts at selected establishments.) Sunday, Oct. 7th: * Brunch at the Smoke House Grill from 10am-12pm (Optional) cost to individual
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
CHS Class of 1982 30th Reunion
Thursday Oct. 4, 2012 CHS Parade 4 PM 426 Taylor road, followed by a meet and greet at the SlipNOT. Friday Oct.5., CHS football game 7 pm followed by Tiki Bar at Four Points, Sat Oct 6, River City Grill/The Tavern 8 pm, and Sunday starts with a Non Denomi
There will be no cost to attend the event, but food, drinks and admission to the game are your responsibility. Cash Bars will be set at the SlipNot, Tiki Hut and River City. The picnic will be a bring your own food/drinks!
Thursday, October 4th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
CHS 40ish Class Reunion - Fun in the Sun
Saturday Night: 6PM - 11PMPGI Civic Association 2001 Shreve Street, Punta Gorda FL http://www.pgica.org/ Catered by: Big John's BBQ (Class of 72, John Lloyd's business)Entertainment: Disc Jockey Dennis John, music, dancing, karaoke
Friday Morning: Golf Outing Port Charlotte Country Club
Friday Night: 6PM - ???
Meet and Greet night before BIG Event
Laishley Crab House
150 Laishley Court, Punta Gorda http://www.laishleycrabhouse.com/
Saturday, July 7th, 2012
Invited Classes:
1973, 1972, 1971
Event Details
CHS Class of 1962 50th Reunion
Charlotte Park Civic Association - Reunion Headquarters @ Civic Hall - 420 Pompano Dr - Punta Gorda FL
Thursday Oct. 4, Evening—Reunion Headquarters Time TBD: Meet and Greet. Finger food, open bar. BYOB. Mixers provided. Friday Oct. 5, Morning and Afternoon—Reunion Headquarters 9:00 a.m.: Continental Breakfast 1:00 p.m. or 2:00p.m.—4:30p.m.: Picnic. Friday Oct. 5, Evening—CHS Homecoming Football Game 7:30 p.m. MOL. Group seating, if possible. After the game: Hang out together. Saturday Oct. 6, All Day Free Time: Play golf, go shopping, take river cruise, walk downtown, hang out at Reunion Headquarters. Or, do everything. You’re only young once! Saturday Oct. 6, Evening TBD: Formal dinner in a SW Florida informal way. Sunday Oct. 7, Morning TBD: Farewell Brunch at local restaurant
Thursday, October 4th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1981 Thirty-year Reunion
Folks, We have changed our reunion to accomodate everyone's financial concerns. We are no longer charging $50 for the event, but rather there is no cost. Instead you will order your meal and drinks at Portofinos to meet your needs. We will take a small donation Friday night to help pay for Saturday's picnic at Ponce de Leon Park. Those of you who have already sent checks, you are now $100 richer as your checks will be destroyed. I hope this helps in your decision to join us, and Paul and I look forward to seeing everyone this weekend!
Saturday, October 29th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Charlotte High School Class of 1981 Thirty-Year Reunion
After our tour at CHS on Saturday we will meet at Ponce de Leon Park in Punta Gorda fro 11:00 am to 4:00pm. This is planned for you and any family members or friends. Food, brink your own drinks, music, and fun. As far as payment please use the following directions for paypal or mail a check to me. Please follow these steps to reserve your place for Saturday night’s dinner: 1. Please logon to paypal and click the Send Money tab. 2. Once you are there, click the Personal tab. 3. Select the Payment owed option. 4. Put the paypal id drileyteach@hotmail.com in the To field, and $100 for you and your guest or just $50 for yourself in the Amount field, and click Continue. 5. On the next panel verify all the information is correct and click Send Money If you do not want to use paypal send a check to me David Riley at 25600 Heritage Lake Blvd, Punta Gorda, FL 33983.See More
Saturday, October 29th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Charlotte High Class of 1981 30 Year Reunion
Portofiino's Waterfront Dining - 23247 Bayshore Road - Port Charlotte, Florida
Enjoy the sunset over beautiful Charlotte Harbor with old friends as we celebrate and reflect our times together. Buffet dinner, cash bar, live entertainment- $45 per person. Contact people David Riley (941) 916-1702 or Paul Kiersnowski (407) 276-7626. Special rates at The Wyvern Hotel in Punta Gorda from $89.00 to $101.00. Rates and rooms available Thursday(10/27) through Monday(10/31). Call (941) 639-7700 and state Grou...p Name- Charlotte High School Reunion 1981 and Group Code- CHS1981. More information to follow. This is Charlotte High School's Homecoming weekend. Can't wait to see eveyone! Spread the word! Miss Denise Jordan and Coach George Sansone (CHS) as well as Coach Jim Thomas ( PCJHS) want to see as many of you as possible! We will kick off the CHS Class of 1981 Thirty-Year Reunion at the Wyvern Hotel in Punta Gorda on Friday October 28th. Join us on the roof-top bar, with the most beautiful view of Punta Gorda and Charlotte Harbor from 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm for pre-game drinks and fun. From there we will head to Charlotte High for the Homecoming football game. While at the game we will gather in a designated area around the new Wallace Keller Field House. After the game we will hit the town- maybe even a Punta Gorda pub crawl! Saturday morning we will meet at Charlotte High at 10:00 am for a guided tour of the new, spectacular campus. Coach George Sansone we lead us on the tour. Details still coming about Saturday afternoon as we are planning a family gathering. We also have a trolley option Saturday night from the Wyvern to Portofino's and back to Punta Gorda to avoid drinking and driving, but this is an added cost and we will only do this if are numbers increase. Finally, Paul and I are working out the payment plans. We are thinking of charging $50 per person to offset any additional costs we incur. So please plan on joining us for a weekend of fun!!!
Saturday, October 29th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
1971 40th Class Reunion
We begin the weekend at Beef O'bradys on Friday night, then move on to the Homecoming game at Tarpon Stadium at 7pm. - Down load the reunion registration form for all the details, register for the reunion, prepay for Saturday's dinner............
Friday, October 28th, 2011
Invited Classes:
1971, 1972
Event Details
Reunion Planning Meeting
Meeting Aug.29th 6:30 Laishley Crab House.. Don't forget!!! - We will be working on plans for our Oct 28th reunion. Time to start setting up committees, etc. - The food at the Crab House is good, and the company will be great. Come join us and help make t
Monday, August 29th, 2011
Invited Classes:
1971, 1972
Event Details
CHS Class of '78 Mini Reunion
Laishley Crab House, Punta Gorda
CHS Class of '78 classmates Brian Krohn & Mere Jane Sutherland have recently reconnected and have fallen in love! (They went to prom together!) They will be getting married in the near future so Mere Jane will be leaving Charlotte County to move north with Brian. He will be in Punta Gorda at the end of August to help Mere Jane with the move and would love to see any CHS alumni while he's here. They will be hanging out at Laishley Crab House on Sat., August 27th, 2011, after 7 PM. Please join them to say Hello, Goodbye, and Congratulations! See our class facebook page for more information: Charlotte High School Class of 1978
Saturday, August 27th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Reunion Class of 1971
This is homecoming weekend, starting out Friday night meeting at Beef O Bradys at appox. 5:00 p.m. (Taylor Road) before the game Friday evening at 7:00.. Saturday 10:00 a.m. meet at CHS for a tour of the school.. Saturday evening dinner 6:00 pm at Woman's
Friday, October 28th, 2011
Invited Classes:
1971, 1972
Event Details
40 year class reunion
Charlotte High School
This information is tentative - Dates, etc will be confirmed in the next couple of weeks. But please start helping us find our missing classmates/
Friday, October 28th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Holiday Happening for All CHS Tarpon Alumni
Laishley Crab House (in downtown Punta Gorda at the foot of the 41 northbound bridge on the Peace River)
The cookies have been eaten, the halls decked, packages opened and gifts returned. Now, come and relax with fellow CHS Tarpons and haved a jolly time! Nothing fancy. Just a gathering of old (literally, for those of us who have recently turned 50!) and new friends. Norman Selley, class of '78, will be introducing his new bride of 16 days, Stacy, to the gang. e-mail the info to invite Tarpon alumni and friends who will be in Charlotte County for the Christmas. It'll be a Holiday happening you won't want to miss!
Sunday, December 26th, 2010
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
CHS Class of '78 Mini Reunion
Laishley Crab House - Punta Gorda, FL
A few of our out-of-town CHS classmates will be visiting the area and want to catch up. Please join us for this (unofficial & barely organized!) gathering at 8:00 PM at the Truck Bar out on the back deck for drinks & laughter.
Saturday, December 4th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Yearly Reunion
Charlotte High Football Game
Meet at game and go out afterwards for drinks and conversation.
Friday, October 22nd, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 Year Reunion
Starting Location Friday night.....Chubbyz2 - Port Charolotte Fl...
Reunion is being planned for the 4th of July weekend.....July 2 - July 4 This will be a casual reunion and we welcome friends of classmates... Friday Night will be a cocktail party at Chubbyz in Pt Charlotte. (Owned and operated by classmate Danny Lutinski) Event starts at 8:00...there will be a DJ and Karaoke. (Cash bar and menu available). Saturday afternoon "Tour the new Charlotte High School" at 1:00 Saturday evening will be a buffet style reunion dinner at Chubbyz with live entertainment provided by "Backlash" (classmate Karen Quint Kalvin's band). Dinner will begin at 7:00 and music will start at 8:30. (suggested donation of $25 will be collected at the door for food and expenses and it will be a cash bar) Payment in the form of cash or check made payable to: "CHS class of 1980 Reunion" Sunday night "4th of July" we will have a reunion tent (provided by classmate Robert Gomes) set up at Laishley Park to watch the fireworks. Tent opens to classmates at 5:00 (food and drink will be available). Check out this website for park events: www.puntagordafireworks.com Memory books and event video will be available for order. Order information will be available at reunion and will be posted on this site soon. Chubbyz address: 4109 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 33952-9212 Phone: (941) 613-0002 www.info@chubbyz2tavern.com Special pricing and shuttle service for classmates will be available at the Microtel Inn across the street from Chubbyz. 4056 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Phone: (941) 624-6339 $59.00 Double $79.00 Suite 86 Rooms available For additional information contact Karen Quint Kalvin
Friday, July 2nd, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
The Big Chill Holiday All Class Reunion
Laishley Crab House at the Laishley Marina under the pavilion.
D.J., Cash Bar and food available. Dressy/Holiday attire. Tell your fellow CHS alumni to come. The $10.00 entry fee will benefit CHS's Relay for Life team for the American Cancer Society.
Saturday, December 19th, 2009
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
25 year Class Reunion
Homecoming Game Friday night - Class Party Saturday night @ PGI Civic Assoc. - Family Picnic Sunday - TBA
check out our website, www.charlottetarpons84.com ,even if you don't plan to attend the reunion. Sign in and catch up with other classmates.
Friday, October 2nd, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1999 10 Year Reunion!
During homecoming weekend the class of 1999 will be celebrating our 10 year reunion! For more information please email classof99reunion@hotmail.com! The committee is working hard to plan a great event! We hope to see you all there!
Friday, October 2nd, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25 Year Class Reunion
We are currently planning events for the week-end of October 2, 2009, which is Homecoming. We'll keep everyone posted.
Friday, October 2nd, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Best Western Benedetto's Restaurant (US 41) at Charlotte Harbor bridge, Punta Gorda
There will be a donation taken at the door to benefit CHS Interact "Relay for Life team." Dress is semi-formal and a great chance to dress up. There will be a cash bar and appetizers and food can be ordered. Come reunite with your fellow CHS alumni the day after Christmas! Spread the word via email, face book, etc. See you there!
Friday, December 26th, 2008
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
CHS Class of 1983, 25th Year Reunion
Friday,25 OCT 2008, S.County Parks and Rec Center, Homecoming Kickoff Tail Gate Party. 7:00, Move to CHS,for Homecoming game VS Venice High. Saturday 7:00PM till11:00PM Cocktails, Music and Dancing at St Andrew South Golf and Country Club, PGI.
Friday, October 24th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details