Central Kitsap High School Alumni

Silverdale, Washington (WA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Brian Fredrick Herricht
Brian Fredrick Herricht
Class of 2000
Army Reserves, 21 Years

MAJ Brian Fredrick Herricht was commissioned in the Washington Army National Guard Combat Engineering Branch in May 2002, where his first assignment was in Bravo Company, 14th Combat Engineering Battalion in Camp Murray, Washington as a Platoon Leader. In 2002, he re-branched Military Intelligence and served in Alpha Company 341st Military Intelligence Battalion – Linguist Battalion. There he was the Tactical Human Intelligence Team (THT) Platoon Leader and Executive Officer. While in the Washington Army National Guard, MAJ Herricht served multiple assignments. In March 2006, MAJ Herricht worked with I-Corp Counter Drug Task Force Joint Language Operation in Joint Base Lewis-McCord, Washington as the Tagalog Analyst. In March 2007, he served as the Assistant Battle Captain during the Reception Station Onward and Integration Exercise for the Ground Component Command – Combined Analysis and Control Center in Camp Humphreys, South Korea.

MAJ Herricht joined the Washington Army National Guard Military Intelligence Readiness Improvement Program from 2006 – 2008 before transitioning to the Army Reserves in 2008 as a Joint/Strategic Targeting Officer/Analyst with the United States Army Reserve (USARE) Element Central Command (CENTCOM) Detachment 3 in San Diego, California. He deployed to Iraq with the 368th Military Intelligence Battalion as an augmentee in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn in 2010. While deployed, he served two positions as the United States Forces – Iraq (USF-I) Joint Intelligence (J2) Intelligence Support Element (ISE) United States Division – North Team Lead and subsequently the USF-I J2 ISE Targeting Officer in Charge (OIC). From 2016 – 2019, MAJ Herricht was one of the pioneering Soldiers to stand-up the 259th Military Intelligence Brigade – Expeditionary (E-MIB) in Tumwater, Washington while serving as the Brigade’s Deputy Operations and Training Officer (AS3). From 2019 – 2022, MAJ Herricht transferred back to USARE CENTCOM Detachment 3 as the Joint/Strategic Human Intelligence and Counterintelligence (J2X) Team Lead Analyst and also held the position of OIC. In 2022, he transferred to his current position as the Operations (J3) Branch Chief with the United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC) Detachment 4 in Phoenix, Arizona.

MAJ Herricht earned an Associates Degree from New Mexico Military Institute, Roswell, NM and a Bachelors Degree from Washington State University, Pullman, WA. He is a graduate of the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course, the Military Intelligence Captains Career Course, Joint Intelligence Combat Training Center, and is currently attending the Command and General Staff Officers Course - Distance Learning Program scheduled to graduate September 2021.

MAJ Herricht’s awards and decorations include the Joint Service Commendation Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Commendation Medal with 2 OLCs, Army Achievement Medal with 1 OLC, Iraq Campaign Medal with 2 CSs, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Army Superior Unit Award, Meritorious Unit Commendation Award, and the civilian National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation.
Cassie Heth Lester
Cassie Heth Lester
Class of 2000
Coast Guard, 8 Years

I was a Yeaman 2nd class when I got out of the Coast Guard and became a stay at home mom.
Charles Cunningham Jr
Charles Cunningham Jr
Class of 1998
Navy, 6 Years

First class FT
Dale B Johnson
Dale B Johnson
Class of 1951
Army, 4 Years

Receipt and ship of Army Officers baggage to and from the states and Korea, after a throughal cusyoms insoection at Camp Drake/Tokyo Japan.
Donald Ray Lee
Donald Ray Lee
Class of 1985
Army, 20+ Years

I have served in both the Army and the Marine Corps. I enlisted into the Washington Army National Guard while still a Senior at CKHS. Then, enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1986 and left for boot camp the following year. During my service in the Marines, I participated in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. I left the Marines in 1992 and rejoined the Army National Guard, this time in Alabama. I went back on Active Duty (with the Guard) in 1998 and remained there until retiring at the end of 2011. I deployed to support numerous Hurricane and Tornado relief efforts, both in Alabama and in other Southern States, and deployed overseas in 2006-2007 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Douglas Trudeau
Douglas Trudeau
Class of 1971
Marine Corps, 2 Years

Two short years barely missing Viet Nam.
Jackie D Childers JR (Jackie Lewis)
Jackie D Childers JR (Jackie Lewis)
Class of 1985
Army, 20+ Years

Joined in 1986 as a mechanic and retired as a Maintenance Supervisor in 2006.
James M. Albertsen
James M. Albertsen
Class of 1975
Coast Guard, 4 Years

Served 4 years 7 months active duty 1977-1981. USCGC Polar Sea WAGB-11, USCGC Midgett WHEC-726, USCG Commsta Boston, USCG Commsta San Francisco
Jason Wakefield
Jason Wakefield
Class of 1992
Army, 6 Years

91Delta Surgical Technologist stationed at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, TX
jerry clark
jerry clark
Class of 1956
Air Force, 20+ Years

Spent some time Iran, 1978-1979, spent 4 ears total in Suadi Arabia, (Iran worked for Boeing, first trip to Saudia was with McDonnell Douglas, sencond time was with boeing again. Germany was with Short Brothers out ofI Irlend.
Jim Torpey
Jim Torpey
Class of 1963
Army, 3 Years

U.S. Army Special Forces (ABN)
Kevin Blackwell
Kevin Blackwell
Class of 1980
Marine Corps, 23 Years

Hollywood Marine (MCRD, San Diego) - September 10th, 1980 - February 25th, 2002.
Phil Church
Phil Church
Class of 1976
Navy, 8 Years

I was in VS-33 a sub hunting squadron out of San Diego and was on 2 west pac's...one on the USS Ranger and one on the USS Kitty Hawk I worked in maintenance control and was a third class petty officer and I filed for VA and have been a 100% disabled veteran with multiple sclerosis since Jan 1997...
Richard Norton
Richard Norton
Class of 1979
Air Force, 20+ Years

22 plus years and got to see most of the world. Some place most do not know exist.
Rusty Richards
Rusty Richards
Class of 1973
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

USCG Chief Boatswains mate, specialty-Aids To Navigation, Search and Rescue, Marittime Law Enforcemement 24 years active duty service
Shannon BROWN
Shannon BROWN
Class of 1979
Army, 6 Years

Schofield barracks Hawaii
Shannon Brown
Shannon Brown
Class of 1979
Army, 6 Years

I was a printer.
Shannon Brown
Shannon Brown
Class of 1979
Army, 6 Years

Schofield Barracks Hawaii Ft Jackson S. C.
Terry Scheschy
Terry Scheschy
Class of 1967
Air Force, 20+ Years

91/2 years enlisted, 15 years officer. Retired Major. Entire career was in aircraft maintenance. Viet Nam 68-69 plus 3 long term overseas assignments in Europe.
Wayne Chapin
Wayne Chapin
Class of 1997
Coast Guard, 4 Years

USCGC MIdgett (WHEC-726)
Rescue Swimmer
Boarding Team
Boatswains Mate

Classmates Spotlight

Central Kitsap High School Classmates

Jef Hamilton
Class of '93

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Our Central Kitsap High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Central Kitsap High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Silverdale are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!