CHS Class of 1967 45th Reunion
Clearwater Inn at County TK NN, Cedarburg (previously known as-The Country Keg- Kilroys)
Buffet Dinner, Bonfire and lots of fun seeing our classmate/friends. Class Photo will be taken by Jim Schroeder at the reunion and can be purchased: $5 for print-outs OR Available on facebook page-. Cedarburghighclassof67 Update Booklets on our classmates will be provided, included in reunion cost. Invitations will be sent out June 2012. If you do not receive yours, contact Nancy Johnson by email or call 262-375-6356. CEDARBURG HIGH HOMECOMING is October 5th....Reunion Get-together for the homecoming parade at 5pm in front of Tomasco's Pizza in Cedarburg!
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20th Reunion
Cedarburg Cultural Center
All details and registration forms can be found at the class website at www.classcreator.com/Cedarburg-WI-1989/
Saturday, August 8th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
1998 10 Year Reunion
Sprecher Brewery - http://www.sprecherbrewery.com/index.php
this is posted on evite.com I figure someone should post this here in case someone isn't on the main list? Host: Katie (Adgate) Nestler and Katie (Mongoven) Longley Location: Sprecher Brewery When: Saturday, September 13, 8:00PM Ten years have passed and I bet you are wondering what some of your Cedarburg High School classmates have been up to. Time for a party! All CHS 1998 grads are invited to Sprecher Brewery for an evening of fun and memories. WHO: You and a guest- casual dress HOW MUCH: $30 per person- must be paid at the door in cash or check WHAT: Appetizer and Dessert Stations plus full Open Bar Please forward this invitation on to your classmates if you do not see them on the invite list. Also, if for some reason you respond that you can make it and plans change, please change your response or email: cedarburghs.1998@gmail.com so that we can keep an accurate headcount. Hope to see you there!
Saturday, September 13th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details