Bridgeport High School Alumni
Bridgeport, West Virginia (WV)

Recent Members
Antonio Romano | 1990 |
David Echard | 2020 |
Gary L | 1980 |
Haylee Griffith | 2020 |
James Snyder | 1975 |
Morgan Gulley | 2011 |
Paula Wetzel | 1978 |
Terry Harris | 1974 |
Military Alumni
Honoring Our Heroes
This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!
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Honored Military Alumni

Class of 1979
Navy, 5 Years
Class of 1979
Navy, 5 Years

Bob Beerbower
Class of 1968
Air Force, 6 Years
C-141 pilot flying out of Norton AFB CA, mostly to Southeast Asia
Class of 1968
Air Force, 6 Years
C-141 pilot flying out of Norton AFB CA, mostly to Southeast Asia

Bradley C. Palmer
Class of 1987
Army, 17 Years
Served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom in reconnaissance. Currently, active duty with the North Carolina National Guard for mobilization to Iraq in the near future. Serving as senior scout and instructor.
Class of 1987
Army, 17 Years
Served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom in reconnaissance. Currently, active duty with the North Carolina National Guard for mobilization to Iraq in the near future. Serving as senior scout and instructor.

Bruce Hill
Class of 1967
Air Force, 4 Years
Aircraft Mechanic on C-133s and C-130s, one tour in Southeast Asia including Vietnam.
Class of 1967
Air Force, 4 Years
Aircraft Mechanic on C-133s and C-130s, one tour in Southeast Asia including Vietnam.

Charles gumbus
Class of 1996
Air Force, 9 Years
Stationed in Turkey with a follow on of Aviano AB, Italy in 2008. Other previous bases, Langley, VA, Andersen, Guam, Wright Pat, OH, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt.
Class of 1996
Air Force, 9 Years
Stationed in Turkey with a follow on of Aviano AB, Italy in 2008. Other previous bases, Langley, VA, Andersen, Guam, Wright Pat, OH, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt.

Daniel Gray Sr
Class of 1987
Navy, 19 Years
Stationed at NAS Norfolk VA as a SAR instructor. Has served in Operation Desert Storm, Somolia, Kosovo, Operation enduring freedom and Global War on Terroism.
Class of 1987
Navy, 19 Years
Stationed at NAS Norfolk VA as a SAR instructor. Has served in Operation Desert Storm, Somolia, Kosovo, Operation enduring freedom and Global War on Terroism.

Donald Shriver
Class of 1978
Army, 8 Years
US Army ER nurse. Member of a Combat Support Hospital. Completed combat tour in Kosovo as OIC of the ICU
Class of 1978
Army, 8 Years
US Army ER nurse. Member of a Combat Support Hospital. Completed combat tour in Kosovo as OIC of the ICU

Ed Pais
Class of 1966
Navy, 13 Years
Naval Air Intelligence, VFP63 of CVA43 in Tonkin Gulf ‘71-73, Amphibious Officer, NIS, Admiral Staff as LCDR.
Class of 1966
Navy, 13 Years
Naval Air Intelligence, VFP63 of CVA43 in Tonkin Gulf ‘71-73, Amphibious Officer, NIS, Admiral Staff as LCDR.

Gary Ash
Class of 1980
Air Force, 20+ Years
Retired in 2011 (28 Years) after enlisting in 1983. Served at the following locations: Bergstrom AFB, (Austin) TX, Honduras, RAF Chicksands, UK, Zweibruken, GE, Little Rock, AR, France (Operation Joint Forge). Now serving as a DoD civilian at Travis AFB, CA.
Class of 1980
Air Force, 20+ Years
Retired in 2011 (28 Years) after enlisting in 1983. Served at the following locations: Bergstrom AFB, (Austin) TX, Honduras, RAF Chicksands, UK, Zweibruken, GE, Little Rock, AR, France (Operation Joint Forge). Now serving as a DoD civilian at Travis AFB, CA.

Glen Freeman
Class of 1966
Marine Corps, 3 Years
Missing in Action in Vietnam 1968. Loved to wrestle, box, play basketball at Maple Lake court.
Class of 1966
Marine Corps, 3 Years
Missing in Action in Vietnam 1968. Loved to wrestle, box, play basketball at Maple Lake court.

Gregory Brown, MAJ EN USAR (ret.)
Class of 1965
Army Reserves, 20+ Years
1971-2007. Basic Trng FLW MO 62J20 Gen Const Mach Opr Course, WVARNG, OCS NYARNG, Engineer Officer Basic Course (Commandant's Award), Engr Officer Advanced Course, Command & General Staff Officer Course, Company Cdr Combat Engr Bridge Company
Class of 1965
Army Reserves, 20+ Years
1971-2007. Basic Trng FLW MO 62J20 Gen Const Mach Opr Course, WVARNG, OCS NYARNG, Engineer Officer Basic Course (Commandant's Award), Engr Officer Advanced Course, Command & General Staff Officer Course, Company Cdr Combat Engr Bridge Company

jack metheny
Class of 1960
Navy, 12 Years
served in navy, met and worked for jack for two years in japan, wifes name was gayno.
would like to know how he's doing
Class of 1960
Navy, 12 Years
served in navy, met and worked for jack for two years in japan, wifes name was gayno.
would like to know how he's doing

Jerry Brown
Class of 1985
Army, 14 Years
Went in august 1986 to Ft. Dix, N.J., then went to Ft. Belvoir for AIT, Hanau, Germany in 1987-1988, Ft. Benning, Ga. 1989-90. Iraq (Gulf War) aug. 8, 1990-april 1, 1991, Ft. Benning, Ga. 1991-92, Muenster, Germany 1992-1994, Darmstadt, Germany 1995, Ft. Benning, Ga. 1995-1997, worked 1996 Olympic games and para-olynpic games, Camp Casey, Korea 1997-98, WV national guard 1998-2000.
Class of 1985
Army, 14 Years
Went in august 1986 to Ft. Dix, N.J., then went to Ft. Belvoir for AIT, Hanau, Germany in 1987-1988, Ft. Benning, Ga. 1989-90. Iraq (Gulf War) aug. 8, 1990-april 1, 1991, Ft. Benning, Ga. 1991-92, Muenster, Germany 1992-1994, Darmstadt, Germany 1995, Ft. Benning, Ga. 1995-1997, worked 1996 Olympic games and para-olynpic games, Camp Casey, Korea 1997-98, WV national guard 1998-2000.

Jim Baker
Class of 1967
Army, 3 Years
SSG with 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Bn, 28th Bde, Recon platoon based out of Lai Khe Viet Nam.
Class of 1967
Army, 3 Years
SSG with 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Bn, 28th Bde, Recon platoon based out of Lai Khe Viet Nam.

John Clark
Class of 2008
Army, 2 Years
Currently deployed. Undisclosed location in Afghanistan. Served almost two full years in the 300th Chemical Company for the duration of junior and senior years.
Class of 2008
Army, 2 Years
Currently deployed. Undisclosed location in Afghanistan. Served almost two full years in the 300th Chemical Company for the duration of junior and senior years.

John Lough
Class of 1970
Army, 20+ Years
Infantry Officer, Battalion Commander, 2nd Armored Division
Class of 1970
Army, 20+ Years
Infantry Officer, Battalion Commander, 2nd Armored Division

Jonathan Kelchner
Class of 1976
Navy, 20+ Years
NAS Pensacola, USS Coronado (AGF-11), NATTC Memphis, NAS Atlanta, NAS New Orleans, NAR Memphis, Naval Aviation Depot Jacksonville, AIMD Jacksonville, NADEP Orlando, NAR Lubbock, NOSC Orlando
Class of 1976
Navy, 20+ Years
NAS Pensacola, USS Coronado (AGF-11), NATTC Memphis, NAS Atlanta, NAS New Orleans, NAR Memphis, Naval Aviation Depot Jacksonville, AIMD Jacksonville, NADEP Orlando, NAR Lubbock, NOSC Orlando

Larry T. Weesner
Class of 1961
Air Force, 4 Years
Bombing-Navigational Systems Technician on B52's-Amarillo, Texas
Class of 1961
Air Force, 4 Years
Bombing-Navigational Systems Technician on B52's-Amarillo, Texas

Mike Burge
Class of 1982
Army, 10 Years
Been to Ft.McClellan Al., Ft. Gordon Ga., Ft. Bragg N.C., Mojave Desert, Camp Lejuene N.C., Ft. Drum N.Y. and spent 10 months in the sunny sands of the Middle East in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait in support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990 and 1991
Class of 1982
Army, 10 Years
Been to Ft.McClellan Al., Ft. Gordon Ga., Ft. Bragg N.C., Mojave Desert, Camp Lejuene N.C., Ft. Drum N.Y. and spent 10 months in the sunny sands of the Middle East in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait in support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990 and 1991

Richard Kiger II
Class of 1984
Navy, 20+ Years
Joined the Navy on 17 Mar 86 and retired on 31 Mar 06. Served in Operation Desert Storm, Kosovo, and the Gobal War on Terrorism. Currently a Defense Contractor.
Class of 1984
Navy, 20+ Years
Joined the Navy on 17 Mar 86 and retired on 31 Mar 06. Served in Operation Desert Storm, Kosovo, and the Gobal War on Terrorism. Currently a Defense Contractor.

Robert W Moore
Class of 1953
Air Force, 20+ Years
Retired as Chief Master Sergeant w/38 years of service.
Class of 1953
Air Force, 20+ Years
Retired as Chief Master Sergeant w/38 years of service.

Shirley Van Wildman
Class of 1978
Army, 20+ Years
Joined US Army July 1981
Retired October 2001
Class of 1978
Army, 20+ Years
Joined US Army July 1981
Retired October 2001

Thomas Reeder
Class of 1966
Air Force, 10 Years
USN enlisted reserve 1966-1970. USN Medical Corps 1970-1976. USAF flight Surgeon 1989-1998. Served during VN, Desert Storm, and after as USAF Flight Surgeon, Chief of Clinical Services, and Consultant to SGUSAF.
Class of 1966
Air Force, 10 Years
USN enlisted reserve 1966-1970. USN Medical Corps 1970-1976. USAF flight Surgeon 1989-1998. Served during VN, Desert Storm, and after as USAF Flight Surgeon, Chief of Clinical Services, and Consultant to SGUSAF.

Tyler Olson
Class of 2007
Army, 5 Years
5 years as an Engineer. 1 deployment to Iraq
Class of 2007
Army, 5 Years
5 years as an Engineer. 1 deployment to Iraq

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School News
Tim Gocke class of 67
I have written a memoir called--Number Twelve Son: An Outside Shot. There are many stories during my younger years in Br...
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Our Bridgeport High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Bridgeport High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Bridgeport are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!