Borger High School Alumni
Borger, Texas (TX)

Recent Members
Clarissa Charlton | 2002 |
Debra Brown | 1972 |
Gary Crittenden | 1967 |
John Hll | 1958 |
Justin Looney | 2014 |
Mary Adams | 1968 |
Robert Callaham Robert Callaham | 1982 |
Roy A Burton | 1950 |
Military Alumni
Honoring Our Heroes
This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!
Lost Class Rings
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Honored Military Alumni

Bill "Digger" O'Dell
Class of 1958
Marine Corps, 20+ Years
Vietnam, Laos, Grenada, Beirut. Recon and special operations. Parachutist and diver.
Class of 1958
Marine Corps, 20+ Years
Vietnam, Laos, Grenada, Beirut. Recon and special operations. Parachutist and diver.

Billy Harris
Class of 1964
Army, 23 Years
1966-1969 active E-5
1969-1971 inactive
1974-1991 active retired as Major
Class of 1964
Army, 23 Years
1966-1969 active E-5
1969-1971 inactive
1974-1991 active retired as Major

Bobbye Mitchell Gagnon
Class of 1965
Navy, 20+ Years
Bobbye joined the Navy out of high school, then served and retired from the Air National Guard in Oklahoma City until her death on December 19, 2000. Bobbye had retired from the Naval Air Guard only 2 months prior. Bobbye was employed by the FAA in Oklahoma City. Thanks Bobbye.
Class of 1965
Navy, 20+ Years
Bobbye joined the Navy out of high school, then served and retired from the Air National Guard in Oklahoma City until her death on December 19, 2000. Bobbye had retired from the Naval Air Guard only 2 months prior. Bobbye was employed by the FAA in Oklahoma City. Thanks Bobbye.

Ellis "Ed" Edwards
Class of 1967
Air Force, 20+ Years
Air Force Military Policeman; Administration Superintendent; Records Management Officer, Publication/Distribution Officer,
First Sergeant, Administration Squadron Commander. Vietnam 1970, Clark Air Base,
Philippines 1970- 81...Retired Air Force-Still Serving...
Class of 1967
Air Force, 20+ Years
Air Force Military Policeman; Administration Superintendent; Records Management Officer, Publication/Distribution Officer,
First Sergeant, Administration Squadron Commander. Vietnam 1970, Clark Air Base,
Philippines 1970- 81...Retired Air Force-Still Serving...

G. E. McCown(George Mulligan)
Class of 1962
Army, 15 Years
Batallion Staff NCO
Served in: Batallion Staff, Armor, and Infantry Divisions
Class of 1962
Army, 15 Years
Batallion Staff NCO
Served in: Batallion Staff, Armor, and Infantry Divisions

Gary Crittenden
Class of 1967
Marine Corps, 4 Years
Entered Boot camp in San Diego April 3,1968 communications school in San Diego, military intellegnce school Lowry AFB Denver, CO. Viet Nam October 1969--September 1970
Class of 1967
Marine Corps, 4 Years
Entered Boot camp in San Diego April 3,1968 communications school in San Diego, military intellegnce school Lowry AFB Denver, CO. Viet Nam October 1969--September 1970

Gerald E. Turner
Class of 1967
Navy, 20+ Years
Joined 12/03/1967. Served on USS Essex, USS Randolph, USS Yorktown, Weather Facility, Keflavik, Iceland, Weather Detachment, NAS Albany, GA., Weather Central, Guam, Commander 7TH Fleet Staff onboard USS Oklahoma City, Weather Detachment, Key West, FL, Commander US Forces Caribbean, Weather Detachment, Souda Bay, Crete, Weather Detachment, Weather Detachment, NAS Cecil Field, FL, Command Submarine Squadron 16, Kings Bay, Ga., USS Inchon. Retired 09/30/1993
Class of 1967
Navy, 20+ Years
Joined 12/03/1967. Served on USS Essex, USS Randolph, USS Yorktown, Weather Facility, Keflavik, Iceland, Weather Detachment, NAS Albany, GA., Weather Central, Guam, Commander 7TH Fleet Staff onboard USS Oklahoma City, Weather Detachment, Key West, FL, Commander US Forces Caribbean, Weather Detachment, Souda Bay, Crete, Weather Detachment, Weather Detachment, NAS Cecil Field, FL, Command Submarine Squadron 16, Kings Bay, Ga., USS Inchon. Retired 09/30/1993

Harvey Davis
Class of 1967
Army, 3 Years
Basic training Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. AIT Fort Devens Ma. Served in Republic of Korea on the DMZ til Jan.. 1973, ETS Oakland, Ca.
Served in ASA, MOS 33D20.
Class of 1967
Army, 3 Years
Basic training Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. AIT Fort Devens Ma. Served in Republic of Korea on the DMZ til Jan.. 1973, ETS Oakland, Ca.
Served in ASA, MOS 33D20.

Jackie Woods
Class of 1969
Army, 4 Years
Was in the 4th inf div was with the 1/12 Bravo co as a raido opperator mos was 11b-10 suffer from PTSD now take med. would do it all over agin god bless the USA
Class of 1969
Army, 4 Years
Was in the 4th inf div was with the 1/12 Bravo co as a raido opperator mos was 11b-10 suffer from PTSD now take med. would do it all over agin god bless the USA

Johnny Mac Anderson
Class of 1967
Marine Corps, 1 Years
Johnny Mac entered immediately during Junior year and was killed early in the Viet Nam war. He had the biggest and brightest smile in the world and was eager to serve our country.
Class of 1967
Marine Corps, 1 Years
Johnny Mac entered immediately during Junior year and was killed early in the Viet Nam war. He had the biggest and brightest smile in the world and was eager to serve our country.

Ken Foster
Class of 1967
Navy, 20+ Years
Ken entered the US Army three weeks after graduation and was in Vietnam from October 1969 - January 1971. - entered the US Navy April 1972 and retired September 1988.
US Army - Morse Intercept Operator Army Security Agency
US Navy - Morse Ingercept Operator Naval Security Group
US Navy - Training Deviceman - Operated and Maintained Navy Flight Simulators
Class of 1967
Navy, 20+ Years
Ken entered the US Army three weeks after graduation and was in Vietnam from October 1969 - January 1971. - entered the US Navy April 1972 and retired September 1988.
US Army - Morse Intercept Operator Army Security Agency
US Navy - Morse Ingercept Operator Naval Security Group
US Navy - Training Deviceman - Operated and Maintained Navy Flight Simulators

Mykel Litterell
Class of 1986
Navy, 8 Years
Quartermaster (Navigator/meteorologist) stationed in San Diego, CA, and Portland, OR. Went around the world once and served in Desert Storm.
Class of 1986
Navy, 8 Years
Quartermaster (Navigator/meteorologist) stationed in San Diego, CA, and Portland, OR. Went around the world once and served in Desert Storm.

Ralph Henson
Class of 1955
Navy, 20+ Years
22+ years active. TRADEVMAN (No longer rate). retired 31 Dec 79 Had great job, orders to Viet Nam cancelled, recruited and taught flight procedures, damage control, and lots of bits and pieces; seems like that is enough.
Class of 1955
Navy, 20+ Years
22+ years active. TRADEVMAN (No longer rate). retired 31 Dec 79 Had great job, orders to Viet Nam cancelled, recruited and taught flight procedures, damage control, and lots of bits and pieces; seems like that is enough.

William LeRoy Burkhalter
Class of 1967
Navy, 4 Years
Boot Camp/Drum and Bugle Corp San Diego, Calif.
Engineering A School Great Lakes, Ill
Naval Inshore Operatioons Training School Vallejo, Calif.
Weapons training and survival school
Black Beret Riverine Force Republic of Viet Nam
Chief Engineer USS Etawina YTM-543 Key West, Fla.
Honorable Discharge
Class of 1967
Navy, 4 Years
Boot Camp/Drum and Bugle Corp San Diego, Calif.
Engineering A School Great Lakes, Ill
Naval Inshore Operatioons Training School Vallejo, Calif.
Weapons training and survival school
Black Beret Riverine Force Republic of Viet Nam
Chief Engineer USS Etawina YTM-543 Key West, Fla.
Honorable Discharge
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Our Borger High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Borger High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Borger are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!