Katella Grill east of 57 frwy
getting together for breakfast at the Katella Grill. it is just east of the 57 frwy on Katella ant main st. We have had 15 or so youngsters show.l I just need to know the number of folks showing up . We do this maybe once or twice a year. Greg Mattis 951 515 4350
Sunday, October 14th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1968 Reunion: 50 Years!
This notice is exploratory only...no firm plans yet. Need to determine interest level. Also looking for ideas of where...local to GG, like Disney related, Strawberry Festival related, Homecoming??? Vegas? Cruise? Other???
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Keep on Truckin BGHS 1972 40th Reunion
Garden Grove Elks Club - outside park - 11551 Trask Avenue - Garden Grove, CA 92843
It's our 40th Reunion - WOW! Join all your old "Friends" in an old fashioned BBQ. Want to play horseshoes, catch up with friends and listen to some great music ? Sound like fun to you? Come join us on Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 5pm - 11pm at the Garden Grove Elks Club outside park. Bring your lawn or sand chairs to sit on the grass after the BBQ and groove to the sounds and reminisce with your old friends. The tickets are $50.00 per person. Contact Terry Miller for tickets. There will be a no host bar, hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, desserts, and munchies galore. We will be serving iced tea & coffee at no cost. We are looking for your favorite music from 1969 to 1972, please email your music requests to Ray Garcia @ rgarcia132@verizon.net We are also looking for �veterans� in our class. We would like to know of any �deceased� classmates as well. Please email this info to Cary Fukuoka @ fukuoka_cary@allergan.com One more thing we are looking for is �old photos� from high school, please email them to Denise Kozloski Scott @ jdjscott@yahoo.com . Garden Grove Elks Club Address-11551 Trask Avenue Garden Grove, CA 92843 **Contact Debbie Jackson Mahoney @ DebbieLynn5@aol.com for special room rate at Embassy Suites Anaheim South We are really looking forward to hanging out & PARTYING with all of you! Thank you and we hope you can all make it!! Your 40th Reunion Committee~~ *Look for us on Facebook, Classmates and Alumniclass.com
Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
1972 BGHS 40th Reunion
Garden Grove Elks Club outside park
Do not know details yet but will follow up they become known.
Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Combined Reunion for Classes 1974 and 1975
Garden Grove Community Meeting Center - 11300 Stanford Ave. - Garden Grove, CA 92840
The Classes of 1974 and Class of 1975 will be having a Combined Class Reunion. If you have attended any of the All Class Reunions, you will understand how much fun it is to see people outside of your Class. You find people that were in your classes, lived in your neighborhood, or were friends with your brother or sister. It's fun to find these people again, and catch up on their lives since they left Bolsa Grande some 30 odd years ago. We have set the date of Saturday, July 24, 2010 for a fun filled evening of a Casino/Las Vegas theme styled event. This will include a buffet from a wonderful local catering service, Jay's Catering, here in Garden Grove. The event will be held at the Garden Grove Community Meeting Center (across from GG High School), in the big room. We have a gaming company that will supply all the dealers, tables, cards, chips, wheels, etc. for our gaming activities, and a DJ for entertainment and dancing. Now, you don't win money, you'll win tickets; so later on that evening, you have the opportunity to win prizes with the drawing of tickets. So the more tickets you win, the better the chance you have to win. We have some really nice give-ways for the event, and if you or your company would like to donate - we would gladly accept a gift. We are doing this event without a reunion company, to keep our cost way down. So when we send out invitations, please respond with your reservation and money; so we can pay for our event. We will have the cost soon, after we get in the final bids from a few of our vendors we are using. Also, I have made arrangements for a special BGHS Alumni Rate at the Hampton Inn, on Harbor Blvd. @ Chapman Ave., in GG/Anaheim (close to the Community Meeting Center, local restaurants, and Disneyland). The daily rate of $89.00 for a Friday or Saturday night. We are still putting together some details, but Save the Date, Time and Place; and I hope you, your spouse, your friend, and friends from our Class will attend. Spread the word. If you have any questions, please free free to contact me at sandie_reed@hotmail.com or home (714) 539-1228 or cell (714) 858-0596. We will be in touch soon. Just remember, what happens at the "Las Vegas Nite, Stays at the Las Vegas Nite!" Best Regards, Sandie Reed Class of 1974
Saturday, July 24th, 2010
Invited Classes:
1974, 1975
Event Details
30 Year Reunion, Class of 1979
Elk's Lodge #1475 - 211 East Chapman Ave. - Orange California
A Fun but casual evening is planned with , Music, Karaoke and even Guitar Hero! Heavy hors d'oeuve's will assure you don't get too buzzed on the Elk's inexpensive cocktails. Come and have a good time with usI Contact Mindi to pay through Paypal, See you there, Mike
Saturday, August 1st, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details