Bluffton High School Alumni

Bluffton, Indiana (IN)

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Tom Pease Obituary

Tom Pease attended Bluffton High School in Bluffton, IN. View the obituary, post a memory, or share a photo about Tom Pease.

Graduation Year Class of 1981
Date of Passing Nov 16, 2003
About JUN 22--On Monday June 22, 2004, Dallas Field Division Special Agent in Charge, Gary G. Olenkiewicz, along with past and present members of the North Texas HIDTA, gathered at the Dallas Field Division to present Mrs. Julie Pease and her daughter Ms. Jackie Brown with Task Force Officer Tom Pease’ DEA TFO credentials. TFO Pease died suddenly on November 16, 2003, in Bluffton, Indiana, while attending a family wedding. TFO Pease had been a Carrollton Police Officer since 1985, with previous assignments in Patrol, Tactical and Homicide. In August of 2001, TFO Pease joined the North Texas HIDTA in Dallas, Texas, where he was assigned to DEA HIDTA Group 1. TFO Pease had numerous departmental commendations and while assigned at HIDTA he received the OCDETF Regional Award and INEOA Award for his work on a major DEA case. This case also won the OCDETF National Award to be presented in Washington D.C., in July 2004.
Tom Pease