Agua Fria High School Alumni

Avondale, Arizona (AZ)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Albert Craven
Albert Craven
Class of 1998
National Guard, 9 Years

Fire protection specialist.
Bernard Bechtel
Bernard Bechtel
Class of 1966
Army, 20+ Years

Served with Army Security Agency and Signal corps.
Served one year in Viet Nam
Billy McBroom
Billy McBroom
Class of 1957
Army, 20+ Years

Served 26 years in the US Army. Retired as a Colonel in 1987. Served in Vietnam, Korea, Europe and several stations in US. Currently living in Florida
Carl Barbee
Carl Barbee
Class of 1982
Navy, 4 Years

Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez
Class of 1998
Marine Corps, 11 Years

Communication Chief. 3 tours over seas. Based in 29palms, Camp Pendleton, and Mt. Fuji Japan
Chris Scharven
Chris Scharven
Class of 1983
Air Force, 20+ Years

Served in Military Airlift Command/Air Mobility Command - 50+ countries served in - Desert Shield/Storm, all sorts of operations between 1992 and 2003 - Operation Iraqi Freedom / Enduring Freedom - priviledged to have 2 commands.
Chrish Lettieri MD
Chrish Lettieri MD
Class of 1990
Army, 15 Years

Walter Reed Medical Center, VA
Tripler Medical Center, HI
Cruz Becerra Cervantez
Cruz Becerra Cervantez
Class of 1991
Army, 5 Years

US Army Signal Corps May 5 1994 - October 2000
A-4/13 INF - Fort Jackson, SC
B-447 Sig Bn - Fort Gordon, GA
333rd Sig Co - Fort Buckner, Okinawa
11th Sig Bde - Fort Huachuca, AZ
2nd Sig Bde - Darmstadt - Dagger Complex - Germany

Currently Space Force Civilian (GS12) @ Vandenberg AFB, 21st Space Ops Squadron - Delta 6.
David Mittendorf
David Mittendorf
Class of 1978
Army, 4 Years

Served in Wurzburg Germany and Desert Storm
Dick Moyer
Dick Moyer
Class of 1964
Air Force, 20+ Years

I joined the Air Force in 1965 thru 1969 and was trained as an Aircraft Weapons technician on several types of fighters from F-100's, F-105's & F-4's in Korea, Okinawa and eventually Kansas. After a break in service I rejoined the Air National Guard in 1976 and worked back into aircraft weapons again. I also worked in other career fields including Quality Assurance, Explosive safety, Chemical warefare and finally I retired after 30 years service as the Command Chief Master Sergeant for the State of Kansas in 1999.
Earl Osborn
Earl Osborn
Class of 1973
Navy, 20+ Years

Surveilance systems/R&D
Earl Osborn
Earl Osborn
Class of 1973
Navy, 20+ Years

Stationed in U.K. , Guam, West&East coast U.S.
Surveilance systems / R&D
Ernie Rides
Ernie Rides
Class of 1980
National Guard, 38 Years

Agua Fria ROTC, 1977-1980
- 4 years of service
Arizona Army National Guard, 1983-2021
- 38 years of service
AZNG (Arizona National Guard),
Units Served:
*153rd Field Artillery - Communications, Radio Operator
*422 Signal Battalion - Communications, Wire Operator
*1120th Transportation Battalion - Movement Coordinator
*Deployment: 2011-2012, 422 Signal Battalion, Bagram Air Force Base, Afghanistan
*Retired in 2021 with the AZNG, Staff Sergeant, 38 years of service and USPFO of AZ, Technician - 17 years
George Martinez
George Martinez
Class of 1995
Army, 14 Years

12 years Army Tanker, currently an Army Recruiter, 2 tours Iraq
George Martinez
George Martinez
Class of 1995
Army, 11 Years

Fort Lewis, Wa.. Fort Carson, Co.. Fort Riley, Ks.. Fort Bliss, Tx.. 2 tours in Iraq
Class of 1983
Army, 10 Years

James Bussa
James Bussa
Class of 1988
Air Force, 18 Years

Served 15 years in Japan.
James Bussa
James Bussa
Class of 1988
Air Force, 18 Years

Serving overseas since 1993
James Cameron
James Cameron
Class of 1989
Army, 9 Years

Topographic Surveyor attached to the 82nd Airborne Division, Gulf War Vet.
James Stephen Reynolds
James Stephen Reynolds
Class of 1967
Marine Corps, 1 Years

James Stephen Reynolds
Class of 1967
Passed Feb 23, 1969

In Quan Nam, South Vietnam
Hostile ground casualty. Small arms fire.
6 other Marines died with him on that day.
Jason Zuress
Jason Zuress
Class of 2000
Air Force, 20 Years

- Computer, Networking and Switching
- Cyber
- Knowledge Ops
- First Sergeant
- Cyber Operations Superintendent

Met my wife on Active Duty as she was my Flight Commander... Yeah, no surprise for people who know me.

Retired in 2021... I'm not old, you're old.
John K Marshall
John K Marshall
Class of 1983
Air Force, 20 Years

Retired after 20, almost 20 years ago!
Josh Maish
Josh Maish
Class of 1998
Army, 3 Years

Infantry, Airborne, Ranger
Kameron (Easler) Rota
Kameron (Easler) Rota
Class of 1992
Air Force, 7 Years

USAF (Germany and Colorado)
Computer Operations
Kathy Naifeh
Kathy Naifeh
Class of 1974
Army, 4 Years

Years of service 1985-89. Basic training-Ft Jackson, SC. AIT-DLI-Monterey, CA; Goodfellow AFB-San Angelo, TX; Ft Devens, MA. Stationed at Ft Bragg-Fayetteville, NC. 82nd Airborne
Keith Bearup
Keith Bearup
Class of 1977
Air Force, 13 Years

Air Force Special Operations - Electronic Warfare Officer (AC-130H Spectre Gunship, MC-130E Combat Talon)
Kenneth Arthur Patton
Kenneth Arthur Patton
Class of 1976
Army, 7 Years

Combat Photographer, Audio Specialist, Audio/Television Production Coordinator.
Lisa J Lachance-Skier
Lisa J Lachance-Skier
Class of 1975
Air Force, 13 Years

6 years as a Weather Equipment Technician and 7 years as an Administrative Office.
Lorenzo Trotter
Lorenzo Trotter
Class of 1983
Air Force, 20+ Years

Go Air Force!!
Matthew Lettieri
Matthew Lettieri
Class of 1997
Army, 7 Years

LSA Anaconda, Balad, Iraq
Ft. Lewis, WA
Ft Jackson, SC
Matthew Lettieri
Matthew Lettieri
Class of 1997
Army, 8 Years

Tank Commander
FOB Kalsu, Irag, LSA Anaconda, Balad, Iraq Camp Casey, Korea Ft. Hood, TX Ft. Lewis, WA
*Please delete other profile
melissa ponticelli
melissa ponticelli
Class of 1995
Army, 3 Years

91 bravo field medic. worked at walter reed amc
Norman Byasse
Norman Byasse
Class of 1966
Navy, 2 Years

Died when chopper was shot down in Viet nam
Paul Batts
Paul Batts
Class of 1979
Army, 6 Years

Hawk missile fire control mechanic (Specialist IV)
Paul V Sausedo
Paul V Sausedo
Class of 1965
Army, 2 Years

Viet-Nam Infantry Veteran 1966-1967
Rebecca Harrison
Rebecca Harrison
Class of 1999
Air Force, 6 Years

Eglin AFB, Fort Walton Beach, FL-Command Post Controller. Beale AFB, Sacramento, CA- Wing SORTS Manager.
Rebecca West (Williams)
Rebecca West (Williams)
Class of 1992
Army, 8 Years

US Army Military Police
Richard J. Rush
Richard J. Rush
Class of 1978
Navy, 2 Years

U. S. Navy USS Benjamin Franklin SSBN640 Blue Crew
RoseMary Morales
RoseMary Morales
Class of 1979
Army, 3 Years

I worked as a transportation coordinator. I mostly worked on the flight line.
Scott Harger
Scott Harger
Class of 1972
Air Force, 17 Years

USAF Systems Command, working in the Space Defense Program Office and Defense Support Program Office in Los Angeles; the Data Systems Modernization Program Office at the Air Force Satellite Control Facility, Sunnyvale CA; the Satellite Control Network and the Consolidated Space Test Center, in Sunnyvale.

Classmates Spotlight

Agua Fria High School Classmates

Paul Munoz
Class of '83

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For the 6th consecutive year, the Agua Fria Boys Track Team won the West Valley Regional title. This year the team won ...
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Our Agua Fria High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Agua Fria High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Avondale are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!