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Woodrow Wilson Hall Of Fame Dinner - (all Classes)


May 25th, 2014 5:00pm


The Georgetown
4945 South Ave. , Boardman , Ohio , 44512

ticket prices

P/P Ticket - $40.00

Invited Classes

All Classes

About Event

For info E-mail -or- JVFLWRMN@AOL.COM -or- call John @ 330-719-3869. Please put " WW HALL OF FAME DINNER" in the subject line when e-mailing.

Woodrow Wilson Hall of Fame Dinner - (ALL CLASSES)
Reunion Committee

Recent Comments

Joan Minenok '72 said:

To nominate a person to the Hall of Fame for the Woodrow Wilson Hall of Fame Dinner (May 25, 2014 @ the Georgtown -4945 South Ave., Boardman, Ohio ) please e-mail - - OR - JVFLWRMN@AOL.COM - OR - call John @ 330- 719-3869 , Put " WW Hall of Fame Dinner" in the (subject) RESRVATIONS - are $40 P/P - CASH BAR.

Joan Minenok '72 said:

For Hall of Fame Dinner info --Email or or call John @ 330-719-3869 .......please put "WWHS HALL OF FAME " IN THE SUBJECT (for e-mails). Also , there will be info on how to nominate someone for the "WWHS HALL OF FAME".

Joan Minenok '72 said:

More info to be posted.

Reunion Apparel